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Classified... full stop

Alex stood to attention "Sir!"

The sergeant turned to look at him and then the clock "At ease soldier. Where are your unit?"

"I don't know where they are sir. I was in the woods sir." He replied.

He raised an eyebrow "Why's that?" but he got no reply and decided to drop the subject.

A sleek white car sped through the gates and slowed to a stop. A driver, dressed in pure white apart from a gold outline, stepped out. He walked around the car and opened a door. A young girl with blonde hair and blue eyes slowly got out, she was slim and well-shaped yet strangely familiar to Alex. She walked up to them making a show of all the mud. When she reached them she spoke it a soft posh voice.

"Good to meet you." She says to the sergeant "And, I've already met you." she points a finger at Alex "I'm Fiona Friend daughter of-"

But she was cut off "Yeah, yeah, blaa, blaa. Stand quiet and wait for the rest to arrive." Sergeant instructed Fiona, who looked taken aback.

"How dare you! My father will hear about this!" she remarked.

Alex smirked "Careful there. You don't want to turn into draco malfoy." Fiona pouted her lips and crossed her arms.

A few minutes later at 6:01 the rest of K-unit turned up. "One minute late K-Unit. Take an example from Cub, he was early." Sergeant tutted. Really one minute late wasn't that bad, if anything they could have just been on the dot of one minute late or nearing two minutes late. plus it really wouldn't be their problem if the clock was one minute behind. Still, the sergeant only accepts on time or early, though not too early.

By now some more rich children had appeared and wouldn't stop complaining about the wet mud or the cold, but if it wasn't one of those it would be: the wait, the rain, smudging makeup, drenched clothes, honestly the list could go on for maybe even miles.

The last car pulled up and eagerly, out hopped Paul Drevin. He carried a camo bag and ran up to the group with a big smile. He spotted Alex and tilted his head in question.

"Now we are all here." the sergeant began, sighs were made by the comment "We can begin. This is K-unit, the best unit we have. They will be leading you." A groan slipped the kid's lips.

"But one of them looks our age!" A boy names Harrison Hilmsby called out, his mum owned many newspaper companies. He had brown hair, brown eyes and was slightly on the plump side, also clearly making it known he didn't want to be where he currently was.

Alex spoke up before the sergeant could so much as get a syllable in "My age does not concern you!"

"K-Unit will train you in defensive combat, you will also train on assault courses, camping and whatever they decide. For your purpose I have asked them to play simple games with you like hide and seek to test your hiding skills, paintballing to test hiding and reaction skills and so on. But on top of this you will also have to do school work. K-Unit can help you with your work but only a limited amount." the children started to whisper halfway through the speech but got louder when they heard the words 'school work' "SILENCE! K-Unit, good luck." He turned and left, shaking his head and tutting, also muttering words under his breath.

Wolf grunted and stepped forward. "We go as code names here. I'm Wolf the team leader."

Next was X-Ray "Explosives and language expert, I'm X-Ray."

Next was the medic "I'm Snake, team medic."

Then it was Eagle's turn, he bounced forward "Hi, Eagle here! I'm the sharpshooter!" he bounced back into position of the straight line.

After pondering for a moment on what to say, Ben produced a sentence "I'm Fox. Secret services." He got a few whispers and giggles.

There was one person who was not in the line but standing behind Fox, he stepped out and some of the girls started drooling, their faces turning red. Like Fox, Alex took his time before saying "I'm Cub and I guess I'm the groups mystery member."

Wolf spoke again "Any questions?"

A girl with jet black hair and light blue eyes, called Stephanie Martly put her hand up but straight away spoke "Is Cub single?" Some members of K-Unit hid a laugh. However, Cub looked down before answering.

"I keep my distance from many people as they generally end up six feet below." he didn't mean to sound so negative but after Sabina died he thought that's it never getting close to anyone again. Fox gave him a sympathetic look. No one spoke until another hand shot up.

Another girl had a question, named Bethany Brooks she had chestnut hair, deep hazel irises with a flicker of blue. Some freckles dotted over her cheeks and nose and an innocent face. Her parents owned a really long chain of garden centres. "Who's the youngest at the camp?"

Wolf was about to answer when Cub held out a hand motioning him to not to "No wolfie, I'll say." He turned to the crowd "Me."

"How old are you?" Harrison questioned.

"Well that would be classified so I can't tell you but what I can say is... to young to legally be a soldier." he answered.

"Then why are you here?" Stephanie blurted out.

"Classified!" Alex answered and gave them a small smirk "Don't ask questions on me."

Fiona put her hand up "But A-"

"Don't call me by my name!" Alex snapped.

Someone else called out before anything could go any further "What's your name?"

"Classified, well it's not but I wont tell you."

"Cub!" Paul walked through the crowd. "Why didn't you visit me in hospital? I thought we were friends." He looked downhearted.

"For you, Paul I'll answer... simply though as most is classified." Alex started and everyone eagerly leaned in "I was a little busy in a combat battle whilst floating around in a spaceship that was about to blow up." Gasps spread around. Another hand shot up, it was again, Fiona's.

"Before or after you met me?"


She pouted again "Oh come on, at least tell me why you shot me with a dart."

"Classified." He shot a smirk.

"Why did you pretend to be my family to get into a school?" she questioned.

"Classified and SHUT UP!" everyone turned silent.

Author's End Note:

Any questions you can ask, feel free to do so as I will not answer with 'Classified' unlike Alex.

Word count: 1219

Reminder: be the best

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