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PurePreet     -     your character is going to appear in the infirmary, sorry 'bout that. 


you asked this to be continued so i will, and i promise to try and not leave it this time.

Attempt 3.0:


The teens took one look at the lake before questioning it out loud, this continued until Wolf got angry "WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP?!" they hushed themselves and waited "We are on the grand-" he smirked at his team and they smirked back, it was well known that all tours ended up 10 metres to the left of where they started (also known as in the lake) "tour and you shall pay attention and not speak up unless your weak little arm is in the air."

someone put their hand up "Sir, I don't want a tour of this dump!" The soldiers knew that they had to agree with that this was a dump, but it was their dump.

"We are not to be treated as a lazy teachers that doesn't demand respect. We are here to be treated like the ones who help protect you, as that's what we are doing." it was said quietly, you know, in that calm voice that is always worse than an angry voice. "come along."

They continued walking for a while, deliberately though the muddiest of patches, in attempt to make one of the kiddos trip and face plant in the sticky stuff but that ended so well. Eagle fell right into some mud and the teens had to try all their might not to at least snigger.

(AN: I was once reading a fanfic where they needed sticky notes with timetables written on them, someone said the comments 'put it on their forehead' i was kind of in a weird mood and responded somewhere along the lines of 'and it rains so the sticky notes slips into their eyes whilst on a hike and they trip over into some mud. Their mouth was open from panting so the mud goes in their mouth. Anything could have decomposed there or an animal pooed or weed in that spot. They could have landed on a rock and died from the impact to head.' Don't stick sticky notes to your head)

Eagle was covered in mud. He lifted up 2 fingers from each hand and swiped the mud away from his eyes and tried to get it off his fingers by shaking them. He then tried his sleeve and it was more successful, if it had not been also covered in mud. Alex chuckled quietly to himself 'good camouflage though' he thought.

The mud-covered adult huffed and stomped off ahead in a strop.

"Anyways." Snake smiled. "Lets continue."

They started walking again and in the distance Eagle turned around and held up his hand. It created an 'L' shape above his head. They laughed and turned a slow right to east and towards the infirmary.

One minute later and they could see it. "Ahead is the infirmary. Sick, injured, suffering mentally and physically or just think they are." Wolf commented.

They came closer and saw a huddle of soldiers carrying a boy laid out on a stretcher. Alex and Snake sprinted forwards. Pushing the small crowd out of the way, Snake reached the front. The boy had bandages around his stomach that had a growing area of red. Blood. His name was Kaeda Kaoru or nicknamed KK

(AN: PurePreet its your character !!! I was going to name him KKarime I can change it if you like. And maybe tell me a sexuality)

with longish brown hair, light hazel eyes, Mongolian (Asian)and short and slim with the age of around Alex's own. He was bullied at school but too kind to notice and his father owned a rich company to which he never paid attention in, being the second son he wasn't to get the company so never really bothered learning much about it, but he did concentrate hard in school.

The boy was rushed into the infirmary and doctors swarmed him.

Turns out that there was an attack on his home. His brother died from a shot to the neck and his father died from a car crash, leaving Kaeda and his step mother alone (his mother died when he was 4). Kaeda's step mother sprinted to the back of the house to escape and it blew up. She died in the explosion but Kaeda survived with a shot to the stomach and breathing problems from the smoke from the explosions fire.

In fact he was recommended to come here by MI6 after they found out that scorpia were after the offspring of important people. His father denied the offer and these are the consequences.


J-J-Jingles has written the backstory of Kaeda's life if you would want to read that, please feel free check their story out. It is AMAZING!! In their Story Kaeda's last name is Karime instead of Kaoru. The reason is Kaeda decided to go by his mothers last name (Kaoru) after that traumatic experience. So in J-J-Jingles 's story Kaeda is going by his father's last name. 

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