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They stomped their way to the mess hall with a bunch of idiots tailing behind them. The 'idiots' were still carrying, or the more realistic version, dragging their bags after K-Unit. Originally they thought they would be staying the mansion outside Brecon Breacons but that thought turned out wrong.

K-Unit took them to breakfast, and they complained so much that the other soldiers that were still in the mess hall, dumped their food and stomped out, shortly followed by most of K-Unit, Wolf and Cub stayed behind. The complaints were loud and whiney.

"Spoilt brats." Wolf muttered with crossed arms.

After 10 minutes Wolf was fed up with the complaining and so far only 2 people had managed to eat the breakfast, the others just sat, poking it. He clapped his hands "Breakfast is over, come." But no one reacted "BREAKFAST IS OVER!" There were a few jumps and everyone turned to face him making Wolf grin Wolfishly. "Right, come on." They stood up and began yo follow when Wolf started off again "DUMP YOUR FOOD IN THE BIN!"

They groaned and turned back to grab their trays. Once the food was dumped and the trays on a rack, Wolf lead them out of the mess hall and across a particularly muddy area, gaining more complaints he threatened them to stop.

Soon enough some huts were right in front of them. Huts 124 and 125, were the closest to K-Unit's, hut 11, (the huts were spread randomly to give tge soldiers a challenge and remembering course) so thats where the kids were staying.

"This is where you will be staying. No complaining, boys in hut 124 and girls in 125." After a few seconds... "SCATTER!" They ran up to the huts and as soon as everyone was inside and the door closed you could hear loud whiney complaining that didn't seem to stop.

Snake rolled his eyes, walked up to the girl's hut whilst Eagle went to the boy's. At once they shouted "CHOOSE A BED AND GET CHANGED INTO UNIFORM!"

Silence rained in the huts as people scavenged for a bed and quietly asked their friends if they could switch beds.

After around half an hour of 'pat a cake pan' from Eagle alternating around Snake's, Wolf's and Cub's backs (they didn't mind, it was like a massage) they had enough of waiting

"YOU BLOODY CHANGED YET?!" Wolf shouted at them. One by one they filed out in scruffy, slightly over sized, clothes (camouflaged pants, khaki green top and a camouflage jacket with they're own brand new trainers that, as soon as they stepped out, got mud on and complaining started again) "Right, follow." He turned around, they unit following behind him, followed by the kids (let's avoid calling Alex a kid)

Along the way the kids whispered and asked for each other's names as they really just met each other. There were 11 children in total, including Alex

"I'm Louis Harmin." He had dark skin, dyed blonde hair and dark eyes.

The girl next to him had frizzy red hair that was wildly tied back but badly, her eyes were grey but pretty and her face was oval shaped. "Thats cool, I'm Louisa Stanbook!"

"Umm, im bethany brooks."

"Paul Drevin."

A boy turned to Fiona and stuck out a hand "Harrison Hilmsby ."

"Fiona Friend." She ignored the hand. Harrison turned around to someone else who shook his hand

"Stephanie Martly and this is Poppy Roslyn, she's shy." Poppy had one green and one blue eye. The blue eye had a green contact in though as her parents didn't like the different eyes. She was pale and looked slightly cold because of rosy cheeks. Her hair was very straight and blonde, it was back in a single french plait.

A boy next to Paul spoke up, blue eyes, blonde hair and freckles. "Paul Roscoe."

Alex turned around. The new paul winked at Alex and mouthed "thank you for saving me."

"Andrew Blitz, son of Jamie Blitz." Alex looked back again. Come to think of it that kid did look like that tennis player before my mission in Skeleton Key. He thought. He had dark brown hair, beginnings of a moustache and thin lips on a sharp face. "Does anyone know why we're here?"

Stephanie and Poppy shrugged and looked around.

Fiona stood up all tall, hands clasped in front of her (trying to look sophisticated but sort of failing) "I know."

Everyone looked at her, "Well, go on then. tell us." Louis edged her on.

"Protection, I am not sure if I heard correctly but apparently it's from an organisation called Scorpion or something like that." They came to a halt as Alex froze in walk.

Paul Drevin walked up to him, "you okay?" Alex hesitatingly nodded. "You sure?" Another nod. "K."

After another few minutes of walking they came to a proper halt at a lake.

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