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errr i never expected the story to get this far and i will be making a better version of this book when i have finished so that means no author notes and edited. but i doubt it will be finished for a while :D

If any of you have any questions about anything in this chapter, feel free to ask. I will help you as much as i can. 

I do not tolerate any transphobia!


The helicopter arrived at an airport and everyone was rushed onto a private plane to take them to Australia... 2 stops later and they were where they needed to be. In a truck to a solider camp far away from civilisation. 

And soon enough (3 hours later) they hopped out of the truck and lugged themselves 1 mile to the sergeant's cabin. 

Soldiers stopped and stared at the new group with a bunch of teens and wearing different uniform, some approached them but Wolf glared and growled (ironic... i know)

Wolf knocked on the sergeants door and a voice called them to enter and so they did. 

The room was not messy like their sergeant's was and also had a ceiling fan, mosquito nets at the windows and a glass cage with a tarantula in sat in the corner of the room.

"I see you've taken interest in my Selenocosmia crassipes." The soliders and agents jumped to attention. "No need for that here, you just have to pay attention."

They nodded. "Excuse me sir but what do you mean by Selenocosmia crassipes?" Fox asked.

"It's the type of tarantula, but i call her Selen for short." The sergeant seemed quite young, maybe the same age as Fox and their eyes lit up as they talked about his pet tarantula. Their hair was messy and long and if it wasn't for the huge muscles, from behind they might have looked like a girl. "Moving on, you'll be staying in 3 cabins, one for the kids, the other 2 are for you to fight out who stays in which but be warned, some soldiers will be staying with you." 

Everyone nodded "Do we need different uniforms, sir?"

"Oh yes, go to the next cabin along and you'll be given uniforms, we have made smaller versions for the kiddos." The sergeant slid some papers across the desk, "don't loose them, they're your timetables and maps."

The group were wondering if they should move out of the door when the sergeant spoke again. "Not yet! You need to sign this, it wont take that long."

More papers were slid across the desk as well as pens and they picked them up to fill out whatever this was...

Pronoun sheets.

The sheets were small and only looked like this

Codename/name: ______________

Pronouns: _____________

Alex grinned to himself, finally! He wrote down 'cub' and 'he/they'. Alex started using 'they' as a pronoun when doing MI6 work, if he went just by a masculine pronouns then organisations and people will be able to half the possibilities of who Alex was so by going by a neutral pronoun, it would be harder for enemies to identify who he was by doubling the possibilities of what Alex could look like and be.

Alex found that he liked the pronoun and uses it to refer to them self quite a lot.

The sergeant spoke nervously "So err.. i go by they/them and would be grateful if you accepted that..."

A teen rolled their eyes, he slammed his sheet onto the table codename/name: Enzo Bennet pronouns: attack helicopter

The sergeant glared and ripped up the paper, the harshly shoved a new one into the boy's arms.

Alex shuffled forwards and quietly placed theirs on the table face down, he didn't want to have people bullying him the whole time. The sergeant smiled and picked it up, nodded and gave Alex a mint without anyone but 1person noticing.

"OI! Why does he get a mint and I get my paper ripped up!" Enzo whined.

"Well maybe if you respect people then you will be rewarded."

James Spritz handed over their own paper 'codename/name: James Spritz' 'pronouns:  they/them/xem'

The sergeant grinned and another mint was passed over.

Fox handed his in with Wolf, snake and Eagle not far behind. Wolf didn't seem particularly happy with this new thing but after seeing what happened to someone who wasn't  a solider... he didn't want to find out what would happen to himself.

The other teens handed their own in with no problem.

"Right'o, off you pop. I hope none of my soldiers cause you any trouble and please be respectful towards them."

"Thank you, Sir" they all called out and headed next door.

K-unit minus Alex got their kit very easily, they just grabbed their size and BOOM! They didn't need to do no more. The teens had a different kit, it was easier to put on, was smaller and had a patch on that told everyone they weren't soliders. 

This is where it got frustrating for Alex and their short self and the fact that he was the same age and in some cases, younger than the non-soliders. A lady picked a kit out for him and Alex said "err excuse me Ms but I am part of the Unit..."

"Nonsense, you are so small and I doubt you could lift a gun."

Alex gave a gentle glare and waved Fox over.

Ben, who had been watching from 7meters away, was laughing. "I can verify that this shorty is a unit member and not a useless teen."

"He looks awfully young!" The lady said.

"Old enough to be part of the unit, he needs the proper kit!" Ben got impatient.

"Oh well i suppose we do have a kit for people on the smaller size that isn't non-soldier uniform." The lady then went to find it.

Alex felt slightly uncomfortable about the one set of pronouns ben and the lady used and started to question himself again. Nope he said to them self 'i am who i am and who i am is me, i don't need to certify who i am'

Ben nudged Alex, "Al, your uniform"

Alex took it from the lady and smiled "Thanks Ms."

AN: aaaaand that's the chapter, 1k words is an accomplishment for me 😊

I actually had to do quite a bit of research for this chapter so i would appreciate a lil vote but wouldn't mind if you don't :) 

Also, i go by any pronouns ^-^

Again, if you have any questions.. feel free to ask 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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