First Day Back and It is Loaded Pt. 3

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                                                                ---Mae's point of view---

        “Mae Mae!!” Only one person calls me that..”Nat!!!” Nat is short for Nataly, yeah spelled weird but that is what makes our bond so strong; both of us have names that spelled in a way no one else we know has or has seen. Both of us play saxophone and can be super loud..also we don't care what other people think about us, hence why we yell at each other when we are in the same room only a few feet away from each other.

Me: Nat, do you know the music the accidentals in our Alma Matar?

Nat: Yeah, why did you forget your music in your room again and now can't remember the notes??

Me: Maybe...

Nat: don't worry about it! Just do as we always do..don't play what you don't know. You remember Liz telling us that..right?

Me: Of course I do , I just wanted to not act for once...oh well!

Nat: I can see if I ha--

Em: Hey Nataly! Mind if we steal the stunning women in front of you?

Nat: Be my guest, but you only have a few before you have to return her to the saxes.

        I was dragged away from Nat, into the hallway, and towards the BOYS locker room...why would they bring me here?? I saw something white on the read 'Fall Out Boy'..WHAT???

        “No way...why am I standing here? Is there something we have to help them with??” I was wide eyed and probably looked high do to the excitement felt at that moment..but I felt watched...whatever, Calvin is in class and that is the only person who would look at me. NOW, back to FOB!!!!


                                                        ---Jungkook's point of View---

        As soon as the girls left we started to plan something special just for the girl they are bringing back...i don't know why but I followed them instead of staying. They won't notice my absence. “Mae!” “Nat!”, I (and everyone else) can hear two girls scream at each other like two best-friends who haven't seen each other in years. Call me nosy but I wanted to see what they looked like, so I walked in the direction of the voices/screams.

        “Nat, do you..”, a girls voice was speaking softer but loud enough to be heard over everyone playing on their instruments... “yeah. Why..” I see a two girls that look like freshman, or at least young like them, talking. My guess is the one talking is Nat and the one listening is Mae...Mae is kinda cute but seems kinda bad...

        I feel a tap on my shoulder and immediately swing around to find one of the girls from earlier..Em was it?? “What are you doing in here??? If Mae sees you the surprise is ruined!! Quick go back to your dressing room before she recognizes you!” Slowly I start to walk by her, but I look back at her, Mae, and study her face from afar until I was interrupted..again. “Yah! Did you hear me? Where are you-- Oh! You are staring at Mae? No one has ever done that..well except Calvin.” Crap! I was caught! Wait..”Calvin?? Who is that?” I meant to say that in my head..I didn't..

        “I probably shouldn't tell you, but you seem chill so I will. Mae had a friend named Calvin who lived in Japan due to the Navy, however he moved here just a few weeks ago.. He searched for Mae like crazy! When he found her he made her his...long story short, her boyfriend..but I don't like him!” Huh? Friend doesn't trust her friends Boyfriend...strange..”Howcome?” Why am I so curious... “ He is a player.. I have caught him a couple of times, but I won't tell Mae because she would be so broken..she has liked him since fourth grade..crazy huh? I think you suit her more then that all I can say is go for it and if you her who Calvin really is.”

        Em left me after that. I walked back to the boys and tell them the evil plan I have just thought of that is truly brilliant !!

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