Jungkook and Mae make up

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           ---Mae's point of view---

I walked ahead of Jungkookand went into my room. I sat on my bed while I waited for him to comein. My door opened fast and Jungkook came at me hurriedly. Next thingI know, Jungkook's lips are on mine. I look at him and his eyes areclosed so I close mine too and kiss him back. Our lips started tomove in time with each other, and he licked my bottom lip asking foraccess but I tease him by not opening. He put his hand on my thighand squeezed it, making me gasp which he then darted his tongue intomy mouth. I caught his tongue and sucked on it some earning a groanfrom him. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine whilelooking into my eyes. "You wanted to talk?" I chuckled at howcute he looked trying to catch his breathe. "Here, sit with me.Actually close the door first. It is private talk." He nodded,closed the door, and ran back to the bed practically jumping on it.

"I missed this bed. It wasreally comfy. You know Mae...I begged them to wait to leave the nextday, but Jin insisted we leave. Said he didn't want the manager tokill us. Jimin had to help me out because 1. I didn't want to leaveyou since I was warm and comfy 2. you were hugging me tightly as ifyou knew I had to leave. I was miserable without you." He said allof that with a smile and while looking me in the eyes. I smiled athim and motioned him to lean forward, which he did. I pulled him intoa hug and put my face in the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry I'vebeen acting so mean toward you. I am scared to fall in love with you.I am afraid to get hurt. I am afraid I will bring you down. You'veworked so hard to get where you are now...I feel like I am taking itfrom you and will distract you." I had some tears escape but I justburied my face further into his neck, breathing in his addictingscent. "Mae, you keep me going but distract me when I think you'remad at me."

I smirked at him. "Then Iguess I will just have to love you." I could heard him chuckle andcould feel him vibrate with his laugh. "I would love if you didthat Mae. Will you?" He pulled me out from his neck to look at me,he wiped the dry tears and I smiled at him. I put my arms around hisneck and he put his around my waist. He pulled me closer to him."Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" I shook my head noand chuckled. I leaned up and kissed him passionately on the lips,and swear I could see fireworks. I pulled away and smiled at him, mymost sincere smile. "If you're happy, I'm happy." I said with awide smile on my face. Jungkook's smile was a million times widerthough. "Mae, I know you have been through some major stuffbut...be mine. Be my girlfriend. Please!!!!" He held my hands withone hand and creased my cheek with the other. I kissed him quickly,just a peck. "Is that a yes or were you shutting me up?" Ilaughed at his question. "What if I say yes? How will you react?"I asked while raising an eyebrow earning a chuckle from him. "Onlyone way to find out."

"Aish. No fun.....but yes.I guess I can be your girlfriend.." His eyes widen, I couldn't tellif it was shock or happiness though. "R-Really??" I noddedinnocently. He pulled me close, wrapping his arms around me and fellback onto the bed. I was pulled with him. He rolled so he was aboveme, looking at me with a wide smile and shinning eyes. "I love youMae!" He crashed his lips onto mine before I could reply. Our lipsdanced together yet again with him biting and licking my bottom lip,begging to be let in but I wouldn't let him. He groaned and pulledback looking at me with a different look in his eyes. "Let me inMae. Please." I lightly pushed him so I could sit up. "Jungkook.Do you know the look in your eyes right now? They are loving andinviting, but I also see lust. I know if I let you in than this willgo a lot further. We aren't alone ya know. There are others here."He groaned again and looked at me with puppy eyes...what does he wantnow? "I won't let it go any further. I promise. Just...please!!It's just a french kiss. I will go to the bathroom and fix myselfafter, I won't do this with you yet. Please Mae!" Ugh. Why is he socute?? Oh...what the hell. "Fine. Just don't give me that lookagain."

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