Pep Rally

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                                                                ---Mae's point of view---

        After helping Fall Out Boy which was AMAZING, the girls and I had to bolt back to the room and join the rest of the band. We were all giver a glow neclace and bracelet to wear or put on our horn, then we walked to our seats...we had to wait because of the stages being rolled in which made every wait, hence why we had time to help out FOB....

        Patrick was super nice and kept talking to me about music...this day is truly the best day ever!!!

                                                            ---Emmalise's point of view---

        Mae looked so happy when she was with Fall Out Boy...I can't wait to see her reaction to our big surprise...hehehe... I was jolted out of my Evil Daydreaming when Mae nudged me hard enough to make me stumble some, the heck? “You okay Em? You seem out of it.” her face was filled with worry while Clara, who was behind her, was trying so hard not to burst out laughing. “Yeah, I am just tired...stayed up to late reading again!” I flash my cheekiest smile and she just returned it.

        While we were walking I saw hair colors that I had seen earlier..the whitish-blonde gave them away..idiots!! Luckily Mae didn't see them, but I could see that they were following where Jungkook was pointing...Mae. Is he already falling for her?? Yay!! Maybe now Calvin will be out of the picture.


        “Haha, why thank you gorgeous!” That voice sounds so way. “But it's true! You are so handsome! Break up with her! I can give you everything you could ever want and more”...that was NOT MAE!!! I poked my head around the corner to see Calvin facing the wall with his hands on it for support..but when I poked my head out further I saw a slutty girl standing inbetween his hands... I gasped from shock..he heard me and turned his head in my direction..I ran as fast as I could to find Mae.

        I almost fell when a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me backwards. I looked up and saw Calvin with both fear and fire in his eyes.

Calvin:Hey Em! Why did you run away from me? So unlike you to run away from someone so close with one of your friends.

 Me: Don't call me Em! Only my friends can call me that and you are now offically OFF that list! Wait til I te--

 Calvin: Is telling her the smartest thing to do Em? Think really hard about this, break your trust or wait for her to find out herself and still be strong..your choice

 Me: How can you do this to her?? She has had her eyes on you and only you since fourth grade!!!! Yes she dated but she would mention when I talked to her! Don't you feel the slightest bit guilty! She helped you when you liked someone in Connecticut, and all that time she liked you! You should be ashamed of yourself!! Go back to Japan if you are to do nothing but break her! Now let go Play boy!

 Calvin: Listen her missy! I did like her but it's been a few weeks... thats long enough, right? Trust me I don't feel ashamed nor did I know about her liking me that long, but I don't care enough! You tell her and I will hurt all of your friends and loved ones!

                                                                ---End of Flashback---

        This is why I hate that boy! He disgust me, but when it comes to Mae I will do anything to keep her happy..when she is sad it is not good at all!! Jungkook can fix her! Ever since she found BTS she has been more herself and talks about them a lot especially Jungkook, and judging by the way he keeps looking at her..he likes her!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!

                                                                ---Mae's point of view---

        Mr. Pricler just said that the guest will be performing soon! I am so excited!!! All I know is FOB is here and that is a great start!! The lights go off and the stage lights go on, everyone was expecting Luke Bryan, but Hunter Hayes came out and filled in for him since he was sick. I saw him look up at the band a few times, past me...Em??? OMG!! Cool!! But she would never leave Blake. Next, FOB came out and announced our names (Clara, Em, and I) to say thanks and that we are awesome...thanks FOB!!

        I was expecting another country person but when Paul Stanley came out on the stage followed by Gene, Tommy, and Eric..Lets just say that I was the loudest kid in there and I was practically dead after their performance. “We have on last group to perform! Now, they are not from America and sing foreign songs, but this is so you can see how music is music. Language and the type doesn't change the fact that it is music.” With that, Mr. Pricler ran off the stage allowing the group to come out...wait I know them..

        “NO WAY! IT'S BTS!!! AHHHHH!!” I screamed but only loud enough for my section to hear..Liz and Nat giggled for they knew who I was talking about. “Hello! We are BTS and we are very excited to be here and very honored to be able to perform at an American high school.” Rapmonster spoke in his amazing English, shocking some people. They did two songs from each album, and surprisingly the whole student body rose from their seats and cheered, some girls were screaming out their lungs! I shook my head in approval and smiled the biggest smile ever while jumping like a three year old.

        When everyone was cleared out and the band could get to the band room quickly we got to leave. Every band kid was sweating some and panting a little due to how often we play during the end of each pep rally. “Mae! Come here! We have to take another way to class today! There is something going down in our original path. You know what I mean?”

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