Jungkook Breaks

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                                                   ---Mae's point of view still---

        I ran back into his room and saw his mom crying, her husband holding onto her, and Colton crying while hiding in his blanket. I walked to his bed and tapped his shoulder that was covered with the blanket. He poked his head out from the blanket, “Mae!!” he engulfed me into a hug, “I was so scared!” I pat his back to calm him down, once he has calmed down I look at his parents and decide that I should explain. “The doctors said he has Amnesia, however, with time he will remember everything or well most at least. So that is why he freaked. I was the last person he saw before he passed back out after I got him to breathe so he remembers me. If you allow, I would like him to stay at my house until he feels a little better or at least remembers you guys some.” His mom just kept crying but his dad looked at me, smiled weakly, and nodded. I cleared my throat after some silence. “Well, I will go ask if he is well to go home, can you guys provide us a ride?” His mom looked at me for the first time and nodded. “Of course honey.” She weakly smiled and tried to not look devastated.

        “Doc! I was wondering when Colton can go home?” The doctor turned when he heard me and smiled while waling toward me. “First miss Mae, you should use the button in the room instead of your voice, and he may go home whenever. Would you like to check him out already?” I nodded and he ushered me back to the room. He gave his parents a clipboard and asked for their approval, which they gave by signing. The doctor turned to me and smiled, “Take good care of him miss Mae. And please, try and stay out of the hospital. I will remember you. Bye, have a wonderful night everyone.” Colton's parents went to pull the car around while I helped Colton finish getting ready and walk to the car. The ride was deathly silent but I let it be.

        “Thank you for the ride! I will let you know when something happens! Bye.” I wave at his parents as they pull out of the driveway. I turn to Colton and smile. “Come on, let's go in and hang for a while. We can play GTA or battle it out in Mortal Kombat or Injustice!” He nodded but stood still, so I grabbed his hand and gently pulled him with me as I went to the door. With my free hand, I knocked on the door and rang the doorbell multiple times. “MAE! I SWEAR! ONE OF THESE TIMES I WON'T COME DOWN FOR YOU!” Blake screamed as he came downstairs, when he opened the door he seemed a little shocked at the sight in front of him. “Blake! We are just holding hands! He seemed scared and nervous so I helped him. Also, it's just Colton, you know how close we are. Oh and he is staying here for a while. He has Amnesia so be extra nice or well like you were to him before.”

        Blake looked very confused I just gave him the 'later' look and he nodded. “What's up Colton! I heard about what happened, you feeling okay?” I felt my hand being squeezed so I squeezed back. Colton cleared his throat. “Who are you? How do you know Mae? Are you two dating?” Me and Blake shared a look at each other then broke into laughter. “Ha! Good one dude! But, no. I'm her older brother, Blake.” Colton nodded then squeezed my hand again. “We are going to go listen to music and chill in my room for a while then maybe go play Xbox, kay?” Blake nodded and I pulled Colton up the stairs with me. When we got in my room I released his hand but he only tightened his grip. “It's okay Colton, you are safe here. You were friends with my brother so you will probably remember him soon. Now go sit on my bed, I will play our Jam List from my computer. Okay?” He nodded and let go of my hand, making his way toward my bed. I started our Jam List and 'Moves Like Jagger' came on. I looked at Colton and smirked, “Ya know, this was one of our favorite songs to jam out to. Remember it?” I heard him laugh some. “I would never forget this song!”

        Sitting on my bed, Colton was talking about how he doesn't want to go to school because of how scary it will be. He was starting to freak out some so I know I needed to do something to calm him down. “Hey, let's go play some video games! It will be fun! Come on!” I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bonus room (theater room). We played for a few hours til he was tired. “Mae, I wanna sleep in your room, can I?” He had such an innocent look that I just gave in. “On the floor. I will go get the sleeping bag and blankets you like. Go to my room and wait for me.” I waved him off as I started to gather the things he needed. “Need help?” Blake was leaning on the door frame looking at me with an eyebrow raised. “He said he wanted to sleep in my room. No worries, he will be on the floor. Not like we would do anything anyway. And yes, help would be nice.” I threw some blankets at him and he just laughed some while picking up the ones that fell.

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