Mae's new job?

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 —-Jungkook's point of view—-

"I'm nervous Hyung! What if she doesn't want us there? What if she kicks us out? What if she yells at us?" I was freaking out in the van that was pulling into Mae's subdivision. "Yeah Hyung. What if she beats us up?" My eyes widened as V said that. Suga noticed and smacked V in the back of the head. "Idiot! Now, Jungkook, you love her and promised to prove that you loved her so this is your chance. So, do you have a pair or do you need to grow them?" I rolled my eyes at his stupid joke. "Funny Hyung..." My palms were clammy, I was sweating, and I couldn't stop blinking. "We're here." Jimin said sing-song like. We walked to the door with me leading. I saw two figures and saw one pin the other to the wall. "Want me to show you that I am NOT gay? Show you how MANLY I am?" I heard one figure speak...wait. I have met this voice before. "Jay. Let go." Mae's voice was full of fear.

I put my hand on the door handle and opened the door without making any noise. I looked at the figures and saw Mae pinned to the wall and Jay infront of her, getting closer. HE AINT GONNA KISS MY GIRL!!! I ran toward them, pulled him off her, and punched him to the ground. He said something that pissed me off more so I punched him again. Mae stopped me and got Em to take him home and stay with him. She walked to the kitchen and the rest of the guys walked in and got comfy in the living room, but I followed after Mae. I could see steam and smell something delicious. I snaked my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder. "What ya cooking there?" She reached down and threw my arms off her then continued cooking, ignoring me. I got back to my previous position but she did the same thing but spoke this time.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" She yelled while turning around, facing me with tears. I reached out for her cheek but she walked away, heading for the stairs. Jimin popped up and blocked her way. "Hello again." She huffed, turned around, pushed me out of her way, and started to go the other way to the stairs. V popped out infront of her and blocked her way this time. "Hiya!" I could hear her sigh before she turned around and repeated what she did last time, but going through the kitchen to go the long way to the stairs. However, J-Hope blocked her way. "Hi." She stomped her foot which caused me to jump. "J-HOPE! You better get out of my way, RIGHT NOW." I could tell she was pissed beyond any extent but we all needed to talk. "No Mae, not until you talk with us and let us explain. Also, you need to make up with lover boy. He was a mess without you." I could hear her click her tongue in her mouth. "I'm not stupid. I'm a toy and a good time. I get it! Now MOVE!"

I back-hugged her to keep her arms down. I felt her tense up and her breathe hitch, I didn't know I had this effect on her. "Let. Go. Of. Me." I shook my head and rested my head in the crook of her head. "Not until you forgive us. I promised you we would come for you. I kept it." All of a sudden, my gut hurt causing me to let her go. I realized she had elbowed me after she moved her arm back to her side. She turned and looked at me with fire in her eyes. "What do you know? It was a dream! You shouldn't know about it! Now, forget me! I am a distraction! * turns to J-hope* MOVE." She spoke to J-hope sternly and he moved. She went upstairs quickly. I sighed and dropped my head in defeat, a few tears falling. "I ruined it. I left her after she had such a terrible day. Finding out her boyfriend was a player, having friends get hurt because of your past, and almost getting raped. GOD! I'm an idiot! Pathetic!" I was starting to punch the wall closet to me.

Jin grabbed my arm and pulled it back so I wouldn't punch the wall. I glared at him hoping he could see my anger. "This is all your fault!" I spat at him not using formality. He just looked back at me with a worried look. "I know. I get it okay. I screwed up, but don't hurt yourself. She doesn't want this, she is doing what she thinks is best. Now, are you going to mope or go after her?" Everyone was silent, either taken back at the fact that Jin admitted that he messed up or not knowing what to say. I looked around to see if anyone else had an idea but when I looked up, Jimin was no longer with us. "Wait. Where's Jimin?" Everyone looked around and couldn't see the shortie in sight. He wouldn't go after her, right? They barely know each other...right?

  —-Jimin's point of view—-

When I stepped out infront of her I could see all her emotions in her eyes. Anger, pain, sadness, but the one that caught my eye was fear. She is scared of something, but what? I wanted to ask but she ran the other way. I heard yelling then her footsteps going up the stairs. I immediately went up the stairs after her. Her door was still closing so I stopped it to see if she was going to say anything but all I heard was a muffled scream. I opened the door more and saw Mae laying face down on her bed, face buried in her pillow. Her shoulders were moving some so I guess she was crying. I was about to speak when her phone rang so I closed the door til it was barely opened. I wanted to hear the phone call.

Mae: Hello? Hang on, I am going to put you on speaker while I change.

???: Fine by me doll. Now, I have a mission for you. It involves going to a club in Nashville.

Mae: Which one? Why?

???: Well, I need you to do a fight there. You can keep the money just beat the person.

Mae: Alright. So black leather?

???: Sounds perfect. Now, hurry doll. Don't keep the man waiting. He deserves your strongest you can give.

Mae: Yes sir. Well, I will let you go. I will inform you when I am finished.

What the heck was that about? Hmmm. "Aish! Why does this have to tie in the back!" Haha! My cue I suppose. I knocked on her door. "Ugh. Which one of you are you?" I chuckled at her question. So wordy. "The attractive and hot one. Can I come in, sounded like you were having some trouble just now." The door opened and revealed her in black, skin tight leather pants and a tight, black leather corset like top. "Actually yeah. Can you tie this?" She turned around and I saw the complicated back. I tied it then pushed her in her room, closing the door behind me. "What was that phone call? Who was that guy? And what is this about a fight? They will freak if they find out." She covered my mouth and looked straight into my eyes, hers pleading me. "Please Jimin, don't tell them. I need the money okay. Also, I need a way to vent. Oh, and why do you care? Just leave again, but after I do." She started to leave but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"You are really stupid. Of course I care, we all do. If you leave without being nice to me or talking to us in the future, I will tell them. So, be nice to us, talk to us, talk to Kookie. What are you afraid of? I saw the fear in your eyes earlier so spill." Her sigh was loud and clear as she walked over to her bed and sat down. She patted the spot next to her so I sat there. "Listen well because I will not repeat myself. This started when I went to save Colton from Deshawn. When Calvin ran off with me on his shoulder....he tried to rape me. I decided to toughen up. Around my friends I am happy, funny, me. When I'm not...I am working for a gang leader privately. He gives me money when I do his missions. He says I can leave when I please but I tell him I don't think that will be anytime soon. I am his best fighter out of his whole MALE gang, so he brought me into the group. They are all nice to me and look out for me. I did it to get my mind off you guys. Off Colton who has no memories. Off Calvin. Off everything..."

She was being so sincere, so honest that I could feel her pain. I can tell that what we did is something she will remember. This gang sounds much better than Deshawn's. "Take me to meet your gang later. When you get back. Do that ,plus talk to me, and I won't tell them." She hugged me then jumped up. "Promise. Now gotta run." She grabbed some bag and threw on some killer black heels. I just noticed her smokey eyes and red lips. She looks super sexy. She ran down the stairs and out the door. I walked down calmly and joined the guys. "Why does she look like that? Why were you up there? Did she talk to you?" They bombarded me with questions. "Of course she did. I know what's with her and I don't blame her. She will be back later so I suggest we rest some."

 With that we all chose a spot to nap. I hope she will be okay.

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