Lets Do This

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            ---Mae's point of view---

"Mae. Get up, you need toeat breakfast." Huh? Morning already? I rose slowly from the bedand looked toward the voice... Jimin, and Jungkook wasn't in bedanymore. Aish! I laid back down and looked the opposite way, "Leave.Just get out." The bed sank, once again, and he sighed loudly. "Yaknow...if you keep being mad at us, we are going to keep annoyingyou." I nodded and he continued, "I understand why you are soupset...Madtown has grown on you, a lot. However, you shouldn't putyour life in danger Mae. You are loved by many people, so just thinkof how many would be upset if you died. Think about it li-- Why isyour wall dented over there?" I sprung up and looked toward mywall...SHIT! It's noticable!! What to do...what to do.. "I-I don'tk-know what y-you're t-talking about..." He looked at me, dead inthe eye. "Did you do that last night?" I shook my headvigorously...bet that didn't look suspicious..not at all. He grabbedmy hands, knuckled facing up....his eyes widened as he saw my rightone. "Mae...you actually...I mean, you shouldn't...I don't knowwhat to say." I looked away from him and faced the window. "I'mtelling Jungkook....he needs to know." I grabbed his hand before hecould get up.

"Don't. Please Jimin, don'ttell him. He doesn't need to worry. He doesn't need the stress." Heshook his head and gently pushed me to lay back on the bed. "Stayhere. Someone will be up soon." The door squeaked shut and I jumpedup. I need to go wash my hand, maybe it will be harder to noticeafter. I tried to open my door, but....locked. "Hey, can I use thebathroom? It's been a while." The door opened and J-Hope stoodthere with a smile..I stared at him with a straight face. "Can I?"He nodded and moved over so I could walk to the bathroom. Once I wasin, I jumped in the shower...I need to shower too, might as well killtwo birds with one stone. I rubbed my hand furiously, making sure thescabs come off but weren't bleeding. I got out and wrapped a towelaround my body...crap! No clothes! Barely cracking the door, Iquietly spoke to J-Hope, "Hey, I forgot my clothes...so stand onthe stairs and look down them." He nodded and did as told, I ran tomy room and quickly closed the door. "I'm an idiot." I chuckled.I put on a pair of yoga shorts, my parental advisory sweater, and (ofcourse) undergarments...they are also black, just so ya know.

As soon as I sat on my bed,the door slammed open, "J-Jungkook." He stared at me beforetackling me on the bed, holding my arms down with his legs. "Showme your hands. Now." This is scary...his voice so stern, eyesburning, and face so serious. I pulled my arms out from under him andshowed him my hands...he grabbed my right on and pulled it closer tohis eyes, my knuckles in clear view. "It's true. You punched thewall. Are you crazy?" I shook my head and looked at the dent in thewall. "I'm mad, stressed, worried, and depressed. I couldn't takeit at that time...why else do you think my room looks like a tornadowent through it...I wrecked it. But, I'm not crazy." He scoffed andlet go of my hand. "Mae. Stay here and be quiet. No yelling. Nocrying. No loud banging. Nothing. Just stay still and silent." Withthat, he left. Like, really? You act sweet then rude...this isexactly why I joined the ga-- Oh yeah...I won't be for long....Aish!

I grabbed my pillow andstarted punching it, imagining it was all their faces. "Love isn'tbossing the other one around...treating them as if they're yourprisoner...."I mumbled super quiet, not wanting Jungkook to comeand yell at me..or anything worse. I heard the squeak of my doorright when I sent a very powerful punch to the pillow, causing myhead to snap toward...Jimin. I grunted and rolled my eyes, "May Ihelp you, stranger?" He scoffed and walked in, closing the doorbehind him. "Yes, you can. First, you can tell me what that pillowdid to you. Then you can tell me what Jungkook said." His voice wasplayful, something I wasn't, and didn't need, at the moment. "First,I was imagining all of your faces on that pillow. Secondly, I don'twant to talk to you about Jungkook, nor do I actually want to talk toyou one bit. Thirdly, you can leave now...obviously I'm not harmingmyself, so leave." I was sure to make my voice stern and serious,not a pinch of sarcasm or cheerfulness. He stared at me sadly, almostapologetically. "Listen, Mae...I know Jungkook wasn't very nicewith you just a little bit ago...I heard the bed slam, as if someonejumped on it, and then quiet yet stern voices....Just, tell me."

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