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        ---Jungkook's point of view---

Ever since I found out Maepunched a wall and destroyed her room...I've been worried sick. Iknow I was a little mean to her when I found out instead of being aworried, caring guy...I just freaked okay. Madtown dropped by andtalked to us for a while, but one was missing. "Hey, where's Jota?"All of them seemed to tense up, some had big owl eyes. Lee spoke up,"He went ahead of us. Ya know, gotta scope out the area before youbreach. Don't want to go in without knowing the threats waitingoutside that day." I nodded but didn't quite believe him. I lookedat Suga and nodded my head toward Mae's room, receiving a nod inresponse. I walked upstairs and opened her door....empty. She wasn'tin there, but her window was open. Out her window, a van and twopeople were visible....Jota and Mae. They got her. I ran downstairs,but Madtown had already left. "Guys, Mae ran off with Jota. She'sgoing." Suga slammed his fist on the table and Rapmonster rubbedhis temples. Suga stood up and grabbed his keys, "I'm going to makesure she gets out. Anyone coming with." Jimin nodded and gotup....but I couldn't move. They left and I sat with the rest of theguys... "Guys....I'm worried." They all nodded inagreement....This is going to be a long day.

         ---Mae's point of view---

We decided that I will go infirst, as if I am a person looking for a job. Here goes nothing.Knock Knock Knock Sherrie opened the door and smirked asshe saw me. "What a lovely surprise! How can I help you Miss?" Ichuckled, "Can I have a word with Deshawn? It won't take long, justa little chat." She nodded and dragged me to his room. What, was henot awake yet? "He said he wanted a lazy day, go in whenever andleave when you want." I nodded and went into his room. "Lets havea little chat Deshawn." He jumped off his bed and stared at me wideeyed, "W-Who are you?" I chuckled and shook my head. This idiot."I said, lets have a chat not get acquainted." He eyed me head totoe...EW!!! Smirking, he patted his bed, "Please, sit." I rolledmy eyes and pulled my pistols out of my holder hidden by my hair."You kidnapped Daewon, tortured him, then left him to die. Youhave two options; one: you can come with me peacefully and tell yourpeople to stand down or two: the rest of my gang comes in, kills allor most of your people, then blow up the place. Your choice sweets."

His face was full of fear andconfusion. "Who are you?" I smiled, seductively, and walked alittle closer to him, "Come with me, and I'll tell. Also, you havea better chance of survival if you come with me, just saying." Hesighed and nodded, "I'll go peacefully. Any precautions you want totake before taking me?" I smirked and nodded. This is going to begood. "Face your bed and lean onto it. Also, if you dare go back onthis....* click of handcuffs since he already leaned onto the bed* Iwon't hesitate to kill you." I pull him back up by his handcuffsand put one gun back into my holder, while holding the other to hishead. "Lead us to the exit, and don't try to walk somewhere else. Iknow this place inside out." He nodded and started to his door. Iopened his door and walked with him, going for the door. Halfwaythere, some of his men came out with guns pointed at us, but weretold to stand down. We got to the door and Sherrie looked at us inshock. "Sherrie, open the door." She looked at him surprised,"B-But sir-" "Open the door Sherrie and let us out." Sheopened the door and we walked out.

We walked down the street anddown an alley, only to meet Madtown at the end of the alley. Daewonwalked forward and smirked at Deshawn, "Hello again. I told you Iwould see you again." We all chuckled (except Deshawn) and walkedto the cars. "Jota, you, Deshawn and I will be taking the Van."He nodded and unlocked the back while smiling at me. We got in andstarted to our hangout. Jota chuckled randomly and looked at methrough the mirror, "Don't you also have a bad reputation withhim?" I nodded and looked at Deshawn, "He doesn't even now who Iam." We both laughed while Deshawn looked at us like we wereinsane. "I know you?" I nodded and smirked. "You know me. Infact, you made me your slave once, but I got out." His eyes widenedwhile Jota chuckled. Jota threw me a water, "Think he might needthat now. He seems a little...oh how do you put it.." I chuckledand nodded. I opened the water and held it above Deshawn, "Leanyour head back and open your mouth." He nodded and did so, allowingme to pour the water into his mouth. The car stopped after about tenminutes and we all got out, Deshawn still cuffed and being dragged byme.

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