Joke gone too far?

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                                                ---Em's point of view---

        It's been a week or so since BTS disappeared and Mae hasn't been as down as she was at first, and she has been taking care of Jacob while he still can barely remember anything. Blake left to go shoot a movie in Florida and the rest of her family are out of the country and will be, for a while. I feel bad for her, she isn't having it completely easy. I saw her and Jacob walking into the mall so I ran to them. “Mae! Jacob! What's up?” Mae smiled, “I came to see if he could remember any times we all spent here. Care to join?” She is totally planning something but whatever. “Sure!” I linked arms with Mae, she went to link arms with Jacob but he grabbed her hand. Weird. “Why are you holding her hand?” Jacob seemed taken back by the question but found himself quickly, “I like to hold hands with people. Plus, I feel protective over her.”

        “Of course you do. You always thought of her as your little sister. If she liked a guy, you would say 'I have to meet him' or 'What's he like'!! It was funny.” We all laughed and walked to the food court. Mae told me to take Jacob to get some food and that she wants Japanese. She went somewhere after she said that. “Come on Jacob. We are gonna go get some food.”

                                                ---Mae's point of view---

        I went to the bathroom leaving Jacob to Em, she can surely handle him. As I was walking someone bumped into me causing me to fall. “Ow.” I whimpered quietly hoping that the person who bumped me would keep walking. “Oh! Are you okay? I am—oh. Hey Mae!” I looked up and saw Jay. “Where's the fire Jay?” He chuckled at my smart question. “Nothing just saw a familiar face. What are you doing?” Really? Is he an idiot? “Um. Bathroom??” I chuckled as I said it making him realize how stupid that question was. “Oh, right! Um, well I think there is a couple doing something in the female bathroom...but the other one may be fine. I will take you, come on.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. I guess it won't take too long. After a little while I realized that we were going toward one of the exits. “Hey hey hey. Why are we going this way? The bathrooms are that way.” I was trying to stop him and stand still but he just kept dragging me to the exit.

        He opened the passenger door to his Camry, “Get in.” I shook my head and stood still, which must have aggravated him because he ended up pushing me into the seat. He got in and started to drive away. “Yah! What are you doing?!? Have you lost it? Kidnapping people??” I half yelled half spoke normally. He just shook his head at me and continued to look forward. “Listen. They are there. Deshawn and one of his henchmen were in the bathroom talking about how they can get you to come back. It was luck I found you before them. If there is anyone they know that is close to you there call them right now and tell them to get the hell out of there.” I pulled my phone out and called Em as fast as I could.

Em: Hey! Where are you?

Me: Em. Listen. You two need to leave now. Deshawn and some of his guys are there. Leave and take your car so that they won't leave when they see mine still there. Hurry and be careful.

Em: You are joking right cause thi--


Em: Alright bye. Be safe.

Me: No worries I was saved. Now go.

        I sighed and rested my head on the window. “Thanks Jay. I don't think I could have dealt with them right now.” He pulled into a deserted parking lot and stopped the car. “Listen. If this is about that group that left, you will live. You made a while so keep it up. Now, we need a plan to keep you in safety. I say you come live with me for a while.” My mouth dropped open, I mean like it is nice of him but I can handle a house. “I will be fine. Now, can you take me to my place. You can come in for a while. Please Jay.” I heard him sigh then start the engine. We got to my house and I ran in. I was engulfed in a hug by Em as soon as I stepped in. “You gave me a heart attack!!! Colton has been asking 'what's going on' forever!!” I laughed at Em and her hinted annoyance. Jay walked in and was greeted by EM walking to the living room. “Hey! I am here too ya know! Her savior! Don't I get a hug or a hello?” He sounded desperate for attention.

        “Hey.” Em said very nonchalant ticking Jay off more. He can act like the gayest man on earth when he is ticked, which is why we do it. We like entertainment. “Oh no you didn't girl! Give me some attention! I am precious!!” He snapped his fingers at first then stomped his feet in place like a little kid. “Calm down princess. We all see you.” Em hissed at him while hiding her smirk by turning around. Yeah, that's right, I saw it. God I love her. HAHAHA!! “Listen here girl. You owe me attention tonight and multiple hugs or you gonna get it boo boo.” He clapped his hands twice while saying boo boo. See, GAY!! “Jay, you are acting more gay than Tyler!” I scolded him. I saw his cheek grow red, probably with even more anger. He walked toward me and slammed me onto the closet wall and pinned my arms by my head. “Want me to show you that I am NOT gay? Show you how MANLY I am?” He started to lean toward me. “Jay. Let go!” He smirked, “No sexy.” He continued to lean in. Oh no! This is it! Em can't see us as she went into the kitchen and Jacob is in my brothers room.

        He put his lips by my ear, “Nervous yet?” I shivered at how low his voice sounded and nodded in reply. “I-I get it J-Jay. You're n-not g-gay. N-Now l-let go.” Damn. Why do I have to stutter when I get nervous??? I could hear him chuckle quietly and feel his breathe on my neck. He pulled back some so he was looking at my eyes. “Mae. Should I continue?” I shook my head vigorously. He then smirked and chuckled again, “I think I should. I feel so powerful.” He started to lean in, looking at my lips. He was about to kiss me when he was suddenly pulled off me and punched causing him to fall onto the floor. All I could see of the person was his black hair and ear piercings. “Don't lay a finger on her?” That can't be. “Oh, if it isn't Mr. I-love-you-then-disappears. Why are you here? Having second thoughts?” Jay got punched again, but he smirked. “JAY! I think you are sick. Go home.”

        Em ended up taking Jay home and staying with him for me. I on the other hand was left with Jacob and familiar faces.

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