BTS meets The Gang

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 —-Mae's point of view—-

I knocked on the door and rang the doorbell. Moos was back hugging me again with his head rested on my shoulder while Jimin and Lee were holding my hands. Jota was standing to the side making funny faces at me to get me to laugh. Me and him have a strong and strange bond, okay. The door opened and revealed Jin who looked like he has been worried. "There you two are! I was worried! Oh, you brought people. Come on in." Jin opened the door more so we could all walk in. We walked to the living room where all the others were. Moos had his hands on my waist while he was behind me, Jota was walking infront of us, and the other two were still holding my hands. I let go of Lee and Jimin the patted Moos' hands to tell him to let go. Jota moved so he was next to Lee, and Moos stood in-between Lee and me. "Um, guys these boys are my friends. Moose, Lee, Jota, and....hey were is H.O?" Right as I asked I heard a scream....Jin. It came from the..Kitchen?

I ran to the kitchen and saw H.O eating something while Jin looked at him in horror. "Jin! What's wrong??" He looked at me and pointed to H.O. "HE'S EATING THE COOKIES I BAKED!!" I started to giggle but I held them back some. "Jin. He is the second youngest who acts like the youngest. Just, bear with him. Now, H.O come with me. We are doing introductions. Two people here are your age line." With that he jumped up and ran to the living room. He likes people his age okay. "Come on Jin. You need to know these people." I said it quiet sternly, so Jin just nodded in response. We walked to the living room and I stood next to the boys again. "Okay, lets try this again. These are my friends; Moos, Lee, Jota, and H.O. They are quite important to me so treat them nicely. They wanted to meet you guys." They nodded then looked back at the boys.

Jin: How long have you known Mae?

Moos: A week give or take.

Jota: But it seems like we have known her for our whole life.

Rap-monster: How did you guys meet her?

Me: School of course.

Lee: Not true. She works for our boss.

Me: *reaches behind Moos and smacks Lee in the back of the head *

Suga: Boss? What boss? What work do you guys do?

H.O: We are the gang Madtown. We work for Mr. Pain. Mae is our newest member! She goes by Scarlet and/or Smoke at gang events.

Moos: She's the best fighter we have. We have three others but none of us fight well. Mae came along needing money, so Mr. Pain had her do a fight. She beat the person with no problem. He liked her so much, he had her join us. She is the only female.

Jota: She had a job today. In fact, she just dropped the money off to us earlier.

Jimin: She came back without a single scratch. She said the person didn't even get a hit in, if they even swung that is.

V: That's why you look so sexy! It's your gang outfit! I like it! Very sexy and probably distracting! Scarlet came from the lipstick and Smoke from your eye makeup, right?

Me: Yeah. It wasn't hard to think of....

Jungkook: I don't like it. It's too tight and revealing for YOU to wear in public. I am the only person who will get to see your body like that, and that isn't for a while.

Lee: You must be our Juliet's little Romeo. * walks toward Jungkook* Can you take off your shirt and flex for us real fast?

J-hope: Why are you asking him to do that? Isn't that a little...odd?

H.O: Lee is just protective over Mae. He wants to see if that guy is good enough for her like Jimin is.

V: You think Jimin is good for her?

Lee: Yeah. He isn't bad looking and has a nice build. In fact none of you are bad looking but some of you seem weak. This boy doesn't look that bad, however, looks can be deceiving.

Jungkook: Okay. * takes off shirt and flexes* Well?

Lee: I think he is good contender for Mae. What's your name pretty boy?

Jungkook: Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook.

Jota: Oh! What's the rest of your names?

Rap-monster: What up. I'm Rap-monster, the leader of our band.

J-hope: I'm J-hope.

Jin: I'm the eldest, Jin.

Suga: Yo, I'm Suga.

V: Hi, I'm Taehyung but you can call me V.

Me: Um. Jungkook. May speak with you in my room?

Jungkook: Sure.

Ugh! How am I going to say what I wanna say? He makes me so nervous!! Aish! Can I really do this??

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