Pool Accident

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                                                        ---Mae's point of view---

        Ugh! School! I hate it!! I slowly walked in the side entrance since it is the fastest way to the band room. This hallway way is also known as make-out hall in the mornings...even the teachers avoid this hall in the mornings. I ran to the band door and jumped in, it's better than looking at couples eating each others faces! However...I guys me and Jungkook did that, also me and Calvin. God, life is cruel!! “MAE!!!” I jumped in when I heard my name, was I thinking that hard?? “You okay? You seem way out of it today.” Aish! Why does she know me so well? “Hey Em! I'm fine, no worries.” She looked at me with a look saying 'I know you are lying' but nodded nonetheless. “Oh! Colton is looking for you chick!” “Okay, where is he?” Once again, she gave me a look but this one said 'you know where'. Well, looks like I am going to the ROTC room this morning.

        I walk into the ROTC room only to be picked up from behind. “PUT ME DOWN!!” I heard a laugh. “No can do Mae! I will hold you up until you answer all my questions this morning.” ALWAYS WITH THE QUESTIONS!! I SWEAR HE WILL BE KILLED DUE TO HIS CURIOSITY! “Start asking!! I don't like being picked up!”

Colton: Where are your boyfriends?

Me: One, they aren't my boyfriends. Two, they left the other night while we were sleeping.

Colton: So that's why you look so glum! Okay, what are you doing later?

Me: I don't look glum!! And what do you think?

Colton: So, will you swim with me later? Please!

Me: If I say yes will you let me down?

Colton: Only if you say yes and smile all day especially when you see this guy!!!

Me: Ugh! Okay okay!! Now let me down! Please!!

        He put me down gently and I sun around as soon as my feet touched the ground so I could hit him some for picking me up. However he grabbed my wrist before I could do anything. “Don't you dare hit me Mae. Now, smile loser.” I pouted because he called me loser...WHAT, I like to play around it's fun! “Yah! I said smile! Come on! Show me that pretty smile that makes all the boys fall for you! Come on!” Nope, I won't budge! I want to see how anger he will get! “Mae! Ugh! I am gonna go tell Em you didn't keep your word!!” “HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!” OMG!! When he went to tell Em, he ran straight into the wall! He thought it was the door!! “Are you okay Col?” He glared at me for a second then smiled. “I'm fine. Only because you are smiling! Now, I don't want to see that smile not on your face for the whole day!! Got it?” This idiot! He ran into a wall and he is just smiling like nothing happened.

        “Okay okay. Now, go get some ice from the nurse. Oh, and watch out for other walls. They're everywhere.” I laughed at my comment...I thought it was kinda funny. “Shut up M! You should be worried” Ha! “Oh., I am. BUT it was really funny. Now, go! Bye!” I walked back to the band room and the bell immediately rang. Dang, good timing. Wait, it's Wednesday so that means RTI!! Yes! FREE PERIOD!!! Maybe I could swim..

                                                ~~~Fast-forward (RTI)~~~

        “Hey Em! I'm gonna go swim. See you at lunch.” See just nodded, not looking up from her phone...she was in Wattpad. We both LOVE that app. ANYWAY!!! I went to the pool and saw it was deserted! YAY!!! I ran to the locker room and changed into my school swim suit, then ran back out to the pool only to see Colton in his dive position. “ARCH YOUR BACK MORE!” He jumped and fell in. Hahahahaha!!! “YAH!! Why do you always do that to me? Do you hate me??” I just shook my head then dove in. “You should get your posture right next time. Maybe then I won't have to yell at you.” I stuck my tongue out at him then swam straight to the far side of the pool. I won our little race and had time to float while he swam. “That wasn't fair! You went with out telling me!” This kid! Jeez!! “Okay, how about this. I will set an alarm and when it goes off we will go to the other side and back twice. Deal?” He raised an eyebrow at me. “What's the catch?” I smiled innocently at him. “Well, I was thinking that whomever loses has to do what the other says for a month.” he smirked at me. “Deal!”

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