Bus Ride pt.2

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---Jungkook's point of view---

When Jin said we were going to just talk to our seat mates...i threw a party! Talking to Mae the WHOLE TIME!!! YES!!! Know I can learn more about her and not be interrupted, hahaha *laughs evilly *

---a few moments later---

I had no idea she had moved so much! All the friends she had to leave behind and the back story of her and Calvin is heart breaking. She has been through so much. I can tell she missed her dad a lot when this happened because when she said she was a NAVY brat her smile dropped some. She is so young and she went through so much without her dad, almost as if he wasn't there at all...poor her!!! I will make her smile a lot today!

I grabbed her and pulled her close, I got butterflies at my own action? The he-- nevermind... When I asked her about Calvin she seemed happy to talk about him, man I did not like that! OH OH OH! I HAVE I PLAN SO SHE IS MINE TODAY!! "I told you to only look at me, can you do that the rest of the day? Text him and tell that you will be doing that, Please Mae. I want to make today extra special for you!"I put on my pout and big puppy eyes again. SHE FELL AGAIN! Yes! I heard her murmur "Fine...why do you have to be so cute?" Did she call me cute??? Okay I accept that compliment with honor :)!

Her phone must have been in her back pocket because she leaned forward while her hand seemed to be digging in her pocket. 'ALERT ALERT!1 MAE IS VERY CLOSE TO YOUR FACE!! ALERT ALERT!!' that is all my mind was saying while my heart couldn't stop pounding as if it was going to jump out of my chest. Oh no! I was looking in her violet eyes and she was looking in my dark brown ones. It was like the world had disappeared and it was just us. Next thing I know, the bus hit a bump in the road. I felt something warm on my lips, it tasted so sweet. I look to find it was Mae's lips..my hormones are kicking in now...GREAT!!

She starts to pull away, what do I do??? I really don't want this to end yet! I grab her waist with one hand and creased her head with the other one. This feels great! My hormones took over causing me to bit her bottom lip for entrance, she gasped allowing me enough time to slip my tongue in her mouth. I didn't want this to end but she hit my shoulder lightly telling me to stop nicely. All I did was separate our lips, I didn't want to let go of her, not yet. I couldn't hid my happiness and one of the biggest smiles found its way on my face which she returned with a simple, shy smile. My heart was racing at the speed of light and I was going to kiss her again, but the buzz kills behind us ruined it.

V, J-hope, and Em sat behind us, mainly because Em wanted to be near Mae. Em gave me a thumbs up when Mae hid her face in my chest from embarrassment then mouthed 'Good Luck'. She really cares about Mae and so do I, I think I do. V and J-hope gave me winks then they all went back to talking among-st themselves. I slouched down some and she feel asleep on my chest. Looking at her all I see is innocence and cuteness...i wonder if she isn't as innocent as I think because I think she has some rebel in her. I will find out myself I suppose.

---Em's point of view---

When I heard I was going to sit with J-hope and V I felt really awkward. I mean, I know nothing about them! Mae knows about them and how they act or at least when they are behind the stage in the changing room. Ugh! This isn't fair! Clara got to sit with Tyler, they already knew each other! I will get back at Mae for this, haha she will hate me but she loves me. :)

V: Where do you wanna sit Emmalise?

Me: Behind Mae and Jungkook. Oh and call me Em, Emmalise is too long. * smiles*

V: Awwww!! SO ADORABLE!! * pinches Em's cheeks* You are gonna be my little sis now! I am your big brother now so call me oppa or V oppa! Pleeease!

J-Hope: * hits V in the back of the head* Sorry about him Em! He is really weird.

Em: It's okay! Clara and Mae are both weird to. Don't tell Jungkook that! I want them to fall in love!! or at least like each other. J-hope knows why. I know Clara told you what she has seen, I have seen it too. So help me?? Pleeease!!

J-Hope: I don't Em. That isn't our place to medal.

Em: V Oppa? Will you help me? Pleease! * pouts*

V: Aww!!! Hyung!! We have to help her!!!

J-Hope: Aish!! Why do you have to have those ice blue eyes that make him melt huh? * looks at Em who is still pouting* Aw! * hugs Em* fine we will help you okay!

These two are so adorable! I wish they were my real brothers! They can be now, V called me his sis already so I have two more older brothers! Yay!!

We were playing a naming game and if you named something wrong you had to do a dare. It was J-Hopes turn to give something for me to name. "Name four of our songs." He smiled like he won the lottery. Guess he knows I don't listen to them. What are some songs Mae has said before. "'No More Dream', 'Boy In Luv', 'Danger', and um...'Wolf'?" I knew that the first three were right at least. J-Hope high-fived V, I guess the last one was wrong. "So close Em! Sadly 'Wolf' isn't our song. It is EXO's song. Now for your punishment...Take something pink from Jin's bag and keep it all day. If he realizes it is gone and finds that you have it you will lose to the dare and have to do another." He smiles and V starts laughing his head off. I don't get it.

"Um, okay. Hey Jin! Can I see your bag for a second I need to hide something in it from these two idiots!" I called Jin from across the bus. "Huh? Oh...sure. Here ya go." He gave me his bag and held a confused look while handing it to me. I put the bag in my lap and quickly put something from my bag in while taking a pink pin from inside. "Thanks Jin! Oh, and don't look at what I put in there! It is for my eyes only!" I gave him a wide smile which he returned, took the bag, and faced back to Jimin to continue their conversation.

"Wow, you actually did it! I am proud of you Em!!" V praised me while hugging me and patting me on the head. We hit a bump in the road causing my head and V's to collide. "Ow! My head!" I was going to hit him but I heard some shuffling in Mae's seat. "Guys lets check on our two 'love birds' to-be." I sat up some to look over the seat. I couldn't believe what I saw...Mae and Jungkook kissing! YES!! I quickly pulled out my phone and captured the moment, I couldn't help it! They looked so relaxed and comfortable!

As soon as Jungkook pulled out of the kiss he smiled and so did Mae. YES!! I am having a party in my mind right now! V ruined the moment though. "That was a good one Jungkook. I thought you liked her but I see you will make her fall for you like you have her huh?" V said cheekily. Mae's face went bright red and Jungkook looked irritated. I couldn't hold it in anymore. "I am proud of you girly!!" I sounded like a girl who is super happy for her friend because she was just proposed to. Mae hid in Jungkook's chest making him smile from her cute action. I gave him a thumbs up and the boys winked.

Jungkook acted tough so we just hid back in our seats high-fiving each other like little kids. Well, the three of us act like we are three years old anyways. Now, I just have to keep Calvin busy somehow...How though...

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