Impossibles x Sirens: A Bug's Life bloopers

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Director: Speed, Marker, action.

Music Miester: Are you saying I'm stupid?

Water Witch: *fearfully* No!

Music Miester: Do I look stupid. To. You?

Water Witch: *burst out laughing and Music Miester rolls his eyes* I'm sorry!

*New take*

Music Miester: Are you saying I'm stupid? *Water Witch bursts out laughing again and Music Miester rolls his eyes and groans in annoyance*

Water Witch: *still laughing, but trying to get it under control* I'm sorry! I got it. No-no. Just do it again, I'm fine.

*Take 15*

Music Miester: Are you saying I'm stupid?

Water Witch: *pointing at him, hysterically* Yes! *She falls to the ground, laughing hysterically*

Music Miester: *almost in tears* This is the fifteenth take. I cannot work like this. I will be in my trailer. He walks off*

Water Witch: *picking herself up and calming down, she sighs* I need a break.


Director: marker.

Sonic Boom: Woah, Fluid, honey. We are not about to... *Loud hammering off-screen* Is someone hammering. Can we hold the work, please? People!

Multi Man: *standing beside her, he's so tall, his head's off-screen* Am I in this shot? You can- you can see me, right?


Director: and action.

Fluid Man: *raising his fist in the air* To infinity and beyond! *Everyone bursts out laughing* I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. Really, can- can you blame me? Ok, let's- let's go for real this time.

Director: Okay, cut!

Fluid Man: Sorry.


Flexi Girl: So, is there a Mrs you have to go home to? *The standee she's talking to falls over* Oh! I'm sorry! I thought he was real. *Jokingly* Oh, dear, put that thing in my car.


Director: Marker.

Water Witch: *getting up to her podium* Fluid, after much deliberation- *she cries out as she loses her balance and everyone laughs as Fluid Man goes to see if she's alright*


Eda: *laughing as King screws up his face in concentration, Eda and Fluid Man hear him peeing and look* Uh-oh. *She picks the little demon up, he has a satisfied look on his face* Towel! I need a towel! *Fluid Man laughs as King let's out a fart*

Director: Cut!


Director: Action!

Mas and Menos: *they say "Hesta" over and over as Mas flips Menos up, he lands on Mas's head, but he loses his balance and they both fall, then laugh about it*

*New take*

Mas and Menos: *they try again, and Menos lands on his head*

*New take*

Mas and Menos: *Mas flips Menos up again and waits for him to come down to catch him, but he never does*


Director: and, action!

Fluid Man: *handing her a rock* Pretend- pretend that that's a seed.

Kylietello: *looks around* uh... What was my line, again?

Director: *as Fluid Man laughs* "It's a rock"

Kylietello: *as she hands Fluid Man the rock back and is giggling* I'm sorry, I just keep forgetting.


Coil Man: *screaming as an animatronic T-rex goes to bite down on him, but it shorts out and breaks down, he looks around in confusion* Does this mean we get to break for lunch?


Mas and Menos: *start having a burping content while Sonic Boom watches them, suddenly, Menos farts on Sonic Boom*

Sonic Boom: *stares in horrified shock for a second* Ok, can we stop? *To someone off-screen* Get me Cindy on the phone, will ya?

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