KND Numbuh 274 x reader: Operation E.N.D

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Numbuh (favorite number) walks in her boyfriend's office after doing some errands he asked her to do. She sees what can only be described as a standoff. Numbuh 86 and her Decommissioning crew are pointing weapons at Sector V, who appear to have dropped in in a Decommissioning Chamber, in front of Numbuh 274's desk.

Numbuh (favorite number): Uh... What's going on?

Numbuh 274 gives her a panicked look and Numbuh 1 looks at her, then turns his attention back to Numbuh 274.

Numbuh 1: Do you want to tell you girlfriend what you did, or should I?

Numbuh 274: I... I don't know what you're talking about!

Numbuh 1: Oh, really? I wondered why someone would go through the trouble of wrongfully Decommission all the Kids Next Door in my sector. I was stumped until I looked at my mail!

He holds up an unopened letter then hands it to Numbuh (favorite number) with a sympathetic look on his face.

Numbuh 1: If anyone deserves to know the truth first, it's you.

Numbuh (favorite number) opens the letter and reads it, her eyes fill with tears.

Numbuh (favorite number): *staring tearfully at Chad, who looks guilty* This is an invitation to Numbuh 274's 13th birthday party...


Numbuh 1: Of course, you didn't. Numbuh 274 knew he would be Decommissioned if anyone found out about his 13th birthday. He hacked into the mainframe and falsifyed his birth information months ago. *Chad puts his head on his desk, shamefully, unable to look the girl he loved in the eye* But, forgot his parents planned to throw a party until after they'd mailed the invitations. The only way to ensure no one learned the truth was to erase the memory of everyone on the mailing list. And, the only way to do that was by Decommissioning them.

Numbuh 4: What is he talking about!?

Numbuh 2: Shh, this is getting good.

Numbuh 1: It was just a simple matter of using the computer to up our ages and then let 86's troops do the dirty work for him. *Numbuh 86 looks shocked for a second, then she glares at Chad*

Numbuh 274: You don't understand! An organization this big doesn't run by itself, you know! I've been running this show for five years! Five. Years! I'm not going to let all my hard work, all I've accomplished be ruined by a bunch of snot-nosed brats!

Numbuh 1: Listen to yourself! You sound just like a teenager.

86's troops aim their weapons at Chad, Numbuh (favorite number) sinks to the floor with her hand over her mouth and tears running down her cheeks. Even though Numbuh 3 doesn't remember her, she goes over to comfort her. Numbuh (favorite number) is hyperventilating, everything is a blur. She hears something about the sun, but just can't focus enough to realize what was said. Chad takes Tommy, Hogie's little brother, and leaves. Numbuh 1 takes Numbuh 3 and the rest of Sector V, leaving Numbuh (favorite number) alone, lost in thought and despair. Why would Chad do this? Why now? Did their relationship mean nothing to him? After Sector V stop Chad from escaping and bring the Moonbase back, they put Chad in a holding cell. Chad hangs his head, thinking of how much this hurt (Y/n), the look on her face when she discovered what he did was heartbreaking and almost made him stop.

Chad: Do it for her... You're doing this for her. To protect her.

He's taken out of his thoughts by something crashing into his cell. It's a Trash Bin, and Cree jumps out.

Cree: Finally, the Kids Next Door Moonbase. Now, I can detach it from the moon, and send it into the sun! Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!

Chad: I already tried that. It didn't work.

Cree: Crud. Time for Plan B.

Chad: Thought you could use some help?

Cree: Sure, kid. Come on.

Chad: I'm not a kid! I'm a teenager.

He pauses for a moment and looks back at the Moonbase with a sad look.

Chad: *thinking* I'm sorry, (n/n). I'm doing this to protect you, I just wish there was a way to do it without hurting you.

He jumps in the Trash Bin with Cree and she takes off.

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