Red Son x Mewni Princess reader: part 3

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MK and (y/n) head back to the shores and looks at the Flaming Mountains.

MK: How are we supposed to get back? *They look behind and see some monkeys with the crate that fell off of Sandy's boat. The monkeys then open the crate, revealing the Cloud Jet* Hoooo! Yeah!

(Y/n): *rewarding the monkeys with head scratches* Thank you, my little friends.

MK *After he and (y/n) get in, he looks at all the controls* Ummm? Can't be to hard to fly. It's for ages 8 and up! *He than presses a button, which sends him and (y/n) flying back to Megapolis* Wooohooo! Hahahah!

Demon Bull King is wrecking havoc on the city. During the takeover, Pigsy's Food Truck ran into the Bull Clones.

Pigsy, Mei, Tang, Sandy, and Mo: Ahhh!

A Bull Clone laughs as they target the food truck.

Tang: Oh, no. Their secret weapon: barrels!

The food truck gets destroyed and all of them leap out of the truck, sending the Bull Clone running away.

Red Son: *fireports in front of them with the Power Glove on his hand* So you wanna be heroes, huh? *His eyes glow yellow, than spark with fire as he ignites* Let me show you what happens to heroes!

Pigsy: I've had it up to here what these demon punk- *Mei puts her hand out in front of him*

Mei: I'll handle this one.

Mei proceeds to use her powers, but MK and (y/n) come in on the Cloud Jet.

MK and (y/n): Ahhhhh!

Mei: MK? (Y,/n)?

They Proceed to crush Red Son with the jet. They come out of the jet bruised.

(Y/n): Next time, I'm driving.

Pigsy: Kids!

Sandy: *He sighs in relief*

Mei: MK! Sis! Oh my goodness! We saw you guys blast into the fire. I thought you were all like "phew, ahhh" but your not. *Tang pokes Red Son with a stick, (y/n) flinches sympathetically* Where'd you get a jet? Way to trash it already. Wait! Monkey King did you find him?

Mk: Yeah, we did!

Pigsy: So, where is he?

Mk: He said it up to me, to us.

Mei: That's anticlimactic.

They all look up at the Demon Bull King.

Tang: And how are we meant to fight that?

Mk: We believe in ourselves. You clean the streets. I'll stop the Demon Bull King. Somehow.

(Y/n) hasn't stopped staring at the severally injured and unconscious Red Son, she feels horrible for hurting him so bad.

Mei: *she looks at the jet* Yeah this jet probably would have been really useful, hey? *she kicks it revealing the speed bike*

Mk: *he gasps* That'll work!

Mei Go get'em buddy!

He drives off and (y/n) goes to patch Red Son up.

Pigsy: You're not really going to help him, are you?

(Y/n): I HAVE to, I'd never be able to live with myself if I just... Leave him there. He literally got hit with a Cloud Jet, he's hurt pretty bad. You trust me, right, Pigsy?

Pigsy: of course I trust you, it's him I don't trust.

(Y/n):Well, I trust him.

Demon Bull King: The little thief returns.

He tries to blast MK, with him dodging the shots. He drives onto the cannon he than uses his Golden Eyes of Truth

MK: Uh what? Why is everything gold again? *He sees where the staff is* The staff! *He drives himself into the hole of Demon Bull King's armor*  Ahh!

Sandy runs over to cover the others and (y/n) puts another Indestructible Forcefield around her and Red Son, who, at this point, is starting to come to.

Demon Bull King: *he laughs* Now this world is truly mine! *He then stumbles back losing his power* What is this? *A stone pops out of the hole in the armor. It opens revealing MK with the staff in hand* Monkey King?

MK punches the Demon Bull King. The Demon Bull King attempts to blast MK.

MK: *he laughs* Missed me! Nope! Over here! *He pushed Demon Bull King down with his staff. He then grabs the top half of a building with the staff* Ok, here we go!

Demon Bull King: No! *MK then tries to push the building down on him* Not again! Enough! *He blasts MK then knocks him into a building, injuring him* You thought you could stand against me. I am the Demon Bull King I will not let a little thief take victory from my grasp!

MK looks up and sees the Monkey Mech arcade machine.

Past Monkey King: Just believe in yourself. Even a smidge makes all the difference.

Demon Bull King: *he laughs* You might have that old fool's staff, but you are not the Monkey King.

Mk: Your right. I'm the Monkie Kid! *He plunges the staff into the ground, creating the Monkey King Warrior Mech* It's time for you and your family to be bought to justice. Here comes Monkie Kid!

Demon Bull King: Im…possible.

MK': Nothing is impossible if you just believe in yourself. Make no mistake, you just got MKO'd!

Red Son: *still very injured and barely standing*  You think this is over? It isn't over, bozo. Why don't you just get out of that dorky mech and fight me, you coward! *he groans as he rolls on the ground, whimpering*

(Y/n): *sigh* I told him not to get up on his own yet. He's still too hurt to so much as talk let alone stand.

She slides down the incline after him and starts to check for new injuries. MK tries to pick him up but is stopped by a big wind tornado.

Princess Iron Fan: We know when we've been bested. But this won't be the last you see of us, Noodle Boy. *Watches (y/n) fuss over her unconscious son, to the Mewni Princess* You're coming with us, my dear. You need to tend to my son while I tend to my husband.

(Y/n): *clearly confused* I... um... ok.

Princess Iron Fan laughs and disappears with her family and (y/n)

MK: What? No! No fair! Come on, you can't just run away when I'm right about to win.

Mei: MK! You totally kick DBK's butt. Without us, the city'd be toast!

MK: *He laughs awkwardly coming out of the mech* Yeah. But you know, I couldn't have done it on my own. I hope they don't hurt (y/n).

Sandy: *He hugs MK and Mei* You did, little man.

Mei: Your basically the new Monkey King now.

Tang: Haha! Monkie Kid, didn't you say?

Pigsy: You did good, kid. You did real good.

Sandy: But, er... what now?

Mei: Isn't it obvious?

MK: Yeah! Bust up more bad guys!

Tang: Or we could go eat some noodles?

MK and Mei: Yeah! Noodles, noodles, noodles!

On top of the Monkey King Warrior Mech, Monkey King sits watching the gang. He frowns in worry thinking about (y/n) being taken with the Demon Bull Family, but he had seen Red Son's interactions with her so far, the demon prince hadn't hostile towards her. He then transforms into a bird and flies away.

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