Impossibles/Beatles Cartoon crossover

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The 4 Impossibles were getting ready for their concert with the Beatles. The younger teens were exited to play with the English Band. Flo warmed up her voice, by vocalizing, while the boys tuned their guitars in preparation. Fluey kept stealing glances at his sweet natured girlfriend. It was hard for him not to, for he loved her very much. The feeling was mutual, as Flo kept shyly glancing at him. The 4 teens were unaware of the danger lurking nearby. Spraysol watched the singing teens, ready to spring his trap. He pressed a button on the control panel on his chest and the 4 Impossibles were covered in a cloud of spray. Once the cloud disappeared, there were 4 babies in the teens place. Spraysol approaches the teens turned infants to taunt them. Baby Fluey crawls as quickly as he can in front of Baby Flo, intending on protecting her. After taunting the babified teens, he goes off to cause trouble. Shortly after, Bid D called them.

Big D: Impossibles, Spraysol is-

He stops when he realizes he's looking at 4 babies instead of 4 teens. He hangs up and quickly calls the Beatles to get them to the babies as quickly as possible. The Lads arrive expecting 4 teens, but find 4 babies, the black haired boy and blonde girl cuddling, on the verge of sleep.

John: What in blue blazes...

Paul: Where are the Impossibles?

George: *looking really hard at the babies* Lads, I think these ARE the Impossibles. *Points to the redhead with his bangs covering his eyes* I reckon that's Multi. *Points to the chubby blonde boy* That must be Coil. *Points to the two cuddling* That makes those two Fluid and Flo.

John: *picking up baby Flo* I suppose we should look after them until they get to their proper age again. *Baby Flo suddenly starts to get fussy, stretching her tiny arms out for Baby Fluey, who has just realized that she's been taken from his side and started to get fussy too* Oh dear, best keep these two together. *He gently scoops baby Fluey up and to two start cuddling again.* There we are, little ones.

Paul: *picking up baby Multi* I've got Multi.

George: *picking up baby Coil* I'll take Coil.

Ringo: Shouldn't be hard to look after them, right?

John: Let's hope their as well behaved as they are as teenagers.

The babies had gotten comfortable and John started pulling faces at them to entertain them, it worked and the Lads got the kids to their hotel room without incident. By then, the baby Impossibles were asleep, so the Lads put them to bed and took turns keeping an eye on them. Meanwhile, Big D had called Professor Conroy about Spraysol and the Impossibles situation, Frankenstein jr was handling Spraysol. The Beatles figured the baby Impossibles would need some food, so Paul went out to get some. Baby Flo was the first to awaken. She looked around for a moment, then found what she was looking for, Baby Fluey, still fast asleep. She happily cuddles him, he instinctively wrapped his arms around her. John noticed this and cracked a soft smile at them. Ringo takes a picture of the baby Impossibles.

George: Well, they act a bit like their older selves.

John: I want copies of those.

Ringo: Sure, John. I'm gonna give them some too.

The next few days, the Beatles took care of the baby Impossibles. As they had hoped, The Impossibles were well behaved, the only problems were if Fluey and Flo got separated, even then, they only got fussy. The Beatles kept them together as much as possible. After about a week, the Impossibles returned to their regular age. After getting dressed in their normal clothes and the Beatles explained what happened to them, the younger teens thanked the Beatles for taking care of them. Ringo happily gave them copies of the pictures he took. Flo and Fluey blush, but kindly thank him. When they're back in the Impossi-car, they call Big D about Spraysol, their chief tells them he's been apprehended by Frankenstein jr. The Impossibles and the Beatles still do the consert they were planning.

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