Impossibles and Sirens in the True Lab

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The Impossibles and The Sirens meet up with Skyes' brother, Victor, in a place called the True Lab. They all had  colored SOULs based on their dominant traits. Water Witch and Sonic Boom had the same color, green which was Kindness. Flexi Girl had purple, which was Perseverance. Victor had yellow, which was Justice. Fluid Man had orange, which was Bravery. Multi Man had light blue, which was Patience. And Coil Man had blue, which was Integrity. Victor knew who the two hero teams really were. The first Amalgamate they came across was Endogeny, a creature that was a large mass shaped like a dog. Sonic Boom took care of him, she befriended him, he acted like a normal dog. The next one was a monsterous looking thing called Lemon Bread, Water Witch raises her green heart shaped shield, ready to protect her boyfriend and friends when Endogeny skids protectively in front of his new friends. He intemadates Lemon Bread so much that he backs down without a fight. Endogeny turns to the group for a petting, which Water Witch was more than happy to comply. After he goes back to the room they met him in, the group found the saddest encounter, Snowdrake's Mother.

Water Witch: This one's all you, Fluey. You need to tell her snow and ice puns.

Fluid Man: Ok, Water Witch.

He starts the encounter, his orange SOUL appearing.

Fluid Man: Why is Winter the worst time for a wedding? Because the groom always gets cold feet.

Snowdrake's Mother laughs weakly and attacks, but she can only manage a couple of bullets and they're so far left that Fluey doesn't have to move.

Fluid Man:  *watching the bullets pass him with look of sympathy* That's just sad.

He keeps going until he can Spare her, she never once comes close to hitting him. They keep going deeper until they get the electricity back on and get the elevator running again. They discover that these Amalgamates were once Monsters that Fell Down and got injected with Determination, but it turns out that a Monster's body couldn't handle it and they melted together.

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