Archie Comics Jinx Malloy x reader: Friday the 13th

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It was Friday the 13th in Riverdale and Jinx Malloy's usual bad luck whammy was reversed, so instead of making bad things happen to people around him, he made good things happen. Unknown to the walking Bad Luck charm, there were two new girls in town and one of them happened to be a walking Good Luck charm. Unfortunately, on Friday the 13th, her Good Luck whammy works in reverse. Jinx was hanging out with Archie Andrews and Jughead Jones when he heard a startled scream. The boys looked and saw two girls with Dilton Doily, one had Brunette hair and the other had (h/c) hair. The (h/c) was soaking wet, so it was easy to guess that she was the one who screamed. Jinx immediately took off his jacket and walked over to her.

Jinx: Here, I don't want you to get sick.

(Y/n): *wrapping the jacket around herself* Thanks, you're so sweet. I'm (y/n). *Points to her brunette friend* This is my friend, Autumn.

Jinx: Jinx Malloy. Nice to meet you. You and Autumn are new in town, right?

(Y/n): Yeah, Dilton was showing us around.

Jinx: Welcome to Riverdale.

(Y/n): Again, thanks.

(Y/n), Autumn, and Dilton hangout with Jinx, Archie, and Jughead for the rest of the day. Autumn and Dilton obviously like each other and (y/n) and Jinx are making goo goo eyes at each other. At one point, during the day, (y/n) is given a new dress to replace her soaking wet clothes. The day for (y/n) has turned from a bad day to a good day. When Jinx asked them what they wanted to do tomorrow Archie and Jughead hesitate to answer.

Jinx: Nevermind, I get it! You were just hanging around me for the luck thing! I shoulda known it wasn't because you wanted to be my friend.

This comment gets a look of sympathy from (y/n), Autumn, and even Dilton, who knew about Jinx being a walking Bad Luck charm under normal circumstances. As Jinx walks off glumly, (y/n) and Autumn take off after him. They find him sitting glumly on a bench.

(Y/n): Hey, are you ok?

Jinx: Life sure is tough when you're a Jinx.

(Y/n): *exchanges confused with Autumn* What do you mean, Jinx?

Jinx: Under normal circumstances, I'm a walking Bad Luck charm and no one ever wants to be around me because I make bad stuff happen around me.

(Y/n): *lets out a soft laugh* I don't believe it. I'm a walking Good Luck charm! Under normal circumstances, I bring good luck to everyone around me. Autumn is the only one who ever hangs around me for me, everyone else just takes advantage of my good luck aura.

Jinx: *blushing* I like you. You're really nice.

(Y/n) blushes and shyly tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

(Y/n): Dilton told us about a shop called Pop's, we could hang out there tomorrow.

They hang out a lot after that. It turns out that (y/n)'s Good Luck aura countered Jinx's bad luck whammy. It didn't cancel it out completely, but it did soften it so no one got hurt.

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