chapter 12

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Author's POV

They were in the parking lot, "will you both be okay?" Jeongyeon ask the both.

"Yeah, i will take her home today. Please inform the principal that we're taking a leave right now." Said lisa as she helped jennie to sit in front seat of the car.

"Okay, take care on your way. We will visit you guys after the class over."

Lisa nodded and went inside her car after bidding her good bye to them.

Jennie has been silent  throughout the drive, lisa turn to jennie and saw her looking out the window.

"Jennie, what's wrong?" She asked her worriedly

She stopped the car at the side road, cupped jennies face on her palm. She look at the hand print on her face, she clenched her teeth. Jennie noticed that and looked down, avoiding to look up. But lisa lifted her chin up, and locked their eyes.

"Tell me.. what's wrong?"

"Are you mad at me?" Jennie asks trying to control her tears.

"Mad? Why would i be?"

"Because i... i slapped Ruby Jane because she claimed you as her's"

Lisa's eyes softened and smile at her, "silly, I'm not mad. You're my soon to be wife, i belong to you and you belong to me. Even though my heart isn't fully yours but you'll make your place in my heart I'm sure of it. You have every right to fight who disrespect you or makes you angry, I won't be mad."

Jennie bursts out crying and hugged her. Lisa caressed her back, comforting her. After crying jennie pulls out from her and wiped her tears.

"Now, shall we go home my wife?"

"Yeah" Jennie said as she blushed at endearment and lisa chuckled lightly and start on the car.

On the other hand, Ruby was fuming in anger, pacing back and forth insid her room with Irene sitting on her bed.

"I can't believe it! She snatched lisa from me!! How dare her?! Lisa is mine, only mine! I won't let them be together! Will never!" She yelled angrily.

"Ruby, are you thinking straight right now?! What's wrong with you? You were one to break up with her, you were the who hurted her. And now when she's trying to move on with your twin, you want to snatch her from your sister?" Irene said disappointed

Ruby went quiet hearing that and turn her back.

"Ruby, tell me honestly. You love Lisa or Kai?" Irene asked her seriously

"Of course I love Kai!" Ruby shouted in obvious

"Then what you did today and what you're saying right now, doesn't make any sense here. Look, you love kai then why do you want Lisa now? Or if you love Lisa then why did you betrayed her? Are you being serious right now?"

"I don't know! I don't know why I'm doing this but I know for sure that I don't want to see her with Jennie or any other girl!!" Ruby said furiously. Irene rubbed her face in frustration and look at her in disbelief.

"Ruby Jane! You aren't thinking straight right now! Are you jealous of your sister?!"

"Why heck would be I be jealous!" Ruby said

"Then what is this? please enlighten me!" Irene yelled

"I just don't like her near my sister!" Ruby said. Irene sigh frustratingly and said

"Ruby, you're lying I know. Please make up your mind either you love kai or lisa or if you don't love her then why are you being like this. And if you say that you don't like her for your twin then, please leave her alone. It's her happiness, her choice. When she's getting her long back love then why are you thinking to ruin it for her? And I think you're too late to get her back if you want her. Either way, don't act recklessly. It's getting late, I will go now. Just don't fight with your twin again and think of your parents. Bye." Irene grabs her backpack and left her alone in her room.

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