Chapter 20

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Jennie informed her parents of the situation that night. As Lisa's condition didn't seem to be improving, her parents helped her get admitted to the hospital. As soon as Lisa's parents heard the news, they rushed to the hospital. Concerned about Lisa, they enquired about her health with her doctor.

Her condition has stabilized now, which relieved them. They met Jennie's parents and thanked them for the help, especially to Jennie who helped Lisa.

After that incident, both the family got close and became very friendly, especially their kids were good friends with each other.

After a few days, Lisa was feeling better and she was discharged. They got to know that Lisa and the Kim daughters go to the same school. Lisa started to grow feelings for Jennie, but she was unaware of the fact that she was approaching the wrong person to confess her feelings, which turned out to be Ruby Jane.

Lisa called Ruby Jane on the rooftop of the school, and she decided to confess her feelings.

Lisa took a deep breath as she made her way up to the school rooftop. The warm sun painted everything with a golden glow, but her thoughts were centered solely on the confession she was about to make. She scanned the rooftop, her eyes searching for Ruby Jane.

As Lisa spotted Ruby Jane, her heart skipped a beat. She mustered up the courage and walked over, hoping to find the right words to express her feelings. "Hey, Ruby Jane," she greeted nervously.

Ruby Jane turned, a puzzled expression on her face. "Lisa? What are you doing up here?" she asked, confusion evident in her voice.

Lisa cleared her throat, trying to steady her racing heart. "Listen, Ruby Jane, there's something I need to tell you," she began. "I... I've been feeling these emotions lately, and they're directed towards you."

Ruby Jane's eyes widened, realization slowly dawning on her. "Wait, so... you have feelings for me?" she asked, her tone a mix of surprise and disbelief.

Lisa's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she nodded. "Yes, I'm sorry. I've developed feelings for you, Ruby Jane," she confessed, her voice filled with sincerity.

Ruby Jane stared at Lisa for a moment, her expression unreadable. Finally, she let out a small chuckle, her eyes softening. "You know what, Lisa? That's actually really sweet of you to say," she replied, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Lisa's confusion grew. "You're not mad? You don't feel awkward?"

Ruby Jane shook her head, a warm smile spreading across her face. "I'm accepting your feelings for me."

Them being unaware, there was shadow peeking out from behind the wall.

The chilled breeze, as it passed through the fragments. The shattered figure stood still, a mere silhouette against the setting sun. The air around her seemed heavy with sorrow, as if every shard contained a story of pain and loss.

The breeze gently caressed the fragments, causing them to quiver and tremble. It whispered in hushed tones, trying to soothe the inconsolable pain that emanated from this fractured being. But even the wind's best efforts seemed fruitless against the overwhelming gloom that enveloped her.


Few days before Lisa's and Ruby breakup:-

Lisa was going through the corridor, on her way to the maths class when she spotted Jennie near the locker. She walked towards her to greet her.

"Hey, Jen. Good morning."

Jennie turned around and saw Lisa behind her. She closed the locker and greeted her back.

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