Chapter 18

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Author's POV

As Lisa went downstairs to the party hall. She looked around for Ruby Jane. She walked towards her once she spotted Ruby Jane.

"I want to talk to you." She said to Ruby Jane as she got closer with blank expression but with a hint of coldness in her eyes.

"Do we even have something to talk about?" Said Ruby Jane.

"Yes." Lisa left from there as Ruby Jane followed behind.

Lisa's friends notice thier interaction and looked at eachother in worry.


They went to the backyard. Lisa stood in silence as she faced her back to Ruby Jane. Ruby Jane somehow felt suffocated because of the silence between them... and awkward?

"Can I ask you something?" Lisa started

"What is it?" 

"Do you love me?" Lisa asked, Ruby Jane was startled with question thrown at her in sudden.

"I-i don't..."

"Then why the hell are you coming in between us?" Lisa went forward with her question.

"What do you mean?" Ruby Jane replied, Lisa turned around swiftly getting closer to Ruby Jane her expression clearly shows how mad she is.

"You know too well what I am talking about."

"It's about Jennie?" She asked blankly.

"I know it was because of you Jennie is injured, right?" Lisa asked

"I-i don't understand what you are talking about." Ruby replied

"Don't play dumb with me! I know you were with her inside the restroom I have even look thorugh the footage. I thought you both are sisters a very close one. Neither of you would like to see each other in pain or any trouble. I do not understand when and why you have changed so much, as to going far to hurt your own sister? And for what reason?" Lisa asked her madly

"From now on, If I see one single scratch on her because of you, I won't let you slight away then. Mark my words, do not as in never ever do something to her or you will see the worst side of me that you have never seen."

Lisa said this all in one breathe clearly losing her cool. Ruby Jane was shocked to her core because she has never seen her like this and she never imagined that Lisa could go against her like this.

"Y-you will go against me this far j-just for her? Really Lisa? then about the love you had for me? You gotta be kidding me?" Ruby Jane Shouted

"Love you? *laugh in anger* that was before I don't love anymore after what all you did to me! So don't be delusional that I will still love you!" Lisa pressed each words

"I don't believe you! You can't be like this! You loved me so much! how could you not love me anymore! You loved me so much that you could do anything for me! You even dreamed of marrying me! Was that all fake then!! huh!"

Ruby Jane said as kept pushing Lisa with each sentence as a result in lisa walking backwards with Ruby pushing her.

Reaching the dead end, Lisa said, "My love for you was never fake. I never faked anything like you did in our relationship,You faked everything. My love was pure, my feeling were sincere. But what I got in the end? betrayal? Don't be in fantasy that i still love you!"

Ruby Jane got all mad that she slapped Lisa, "Then who do you love? Jennie? That bitch!? she's such vixen! she got the chance to hold your thigh just after we broke up!! Fucking slu-- "

She couldn't continue when she felt her cheeks stinging in pain, she looked at Lisa in surprise realising that Lisa had Just slapped her as she held her cheeks wide eyed.

"Are you even hearing yourself? What has gotten into you?! She's your sister for god sake! How can you think so cheap of her?! Ruby Jane I knew was never like this before, I don't recognize you anymore! Stay away from Jennie, do not harm her in any way, it's a warnig to you." Lisa said calmly and shoved her away to the side and left.

Ruby Jane was left alone in the yard, she stood there motionless, it even started to rain that didn't effect her as she looked into distance without batting an eye.


Heyyow, Shinese! How are you guys? Next chapter will be on Lisa's POV. And jeez, can someone motivate me to write these stories because I'm not getting any motivation to write and it's been hard on me.

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