Chapter 13.2

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This is what Lisa is wearing for the engagement

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This is what Lisa is wearing for the engagement. It is specially designed by the top clothing design artist in Paris.


As they went down, they saw the guests were still entering in the hall. Lisa eagerly look towards the entrance waiting for the particular person to come in her sight. Mrs Manoban noticed the look and smiled softly.

"I will go and greet the guests with your dad. You go and chat with your friends." She said

"Okay." Lisa said as she nodded and went to her friends after Mrs Manoban left.

"Dan! Look at her, she's all ready in Engagement. I bet all the girls will be affected by her charms but too bad, she's already going to be someone else's." Bobby said and laughed with his friends once he noticed Lisa walking towards them.

"What are you guys laughing at?" Lisa asks when she arrived in front of them and raised her brow at them

"Nothing we just pity those girls who wished to be with you but you belong to  someone else's already." Mark said and laughed with others again while Lisa had a blank face, not finding it any funny that much to laugh on like this. They stopped laughing when they saw her looking at them blankly and cleared their throat composing themselves.

"Come on bro, it's your engagement today. Smile for once, will you?" One of them said

"By the way, where's your women? She hasn't arrived yet?" Ten asked her curiously

Lisa frowned because Jennie hasn't arrived yet and she don't know why, she was so eager to see her right now.

"No. She's on the way maybe." She said calmly

"Chill up bro, don't be sad. Your women will be here soon." Bambam said

Lisa said nothing and grabbed the drink from beside the table and took a sip. Just then she heard commotion behind her. She turned around and saw  people discussing themselves while looking at the entrance. Specially, boys. They were getting excited. Squinting her eyes, she looked towards the entrance and saw that the Kim family has arrived. She got her attention on the women who was in a beautiful gown, showing her flawless skin. Her skin so fair, making her look like an angel. Lisa felt a lump on her throat, even hard for her to take her eyes off of the woman who's going to be her's, soon, for the rest of the life. She felt her heartbeat increasing with each step she takes unconsciously towards the brunette. Jennie was also looking at her with love in her eyes.

"Jennie-you... look beautiful." Lisa said subconsciously, her eyes shining so bright.

Jennie flushed red with her compliment and under her burning gaze. Mr Kim coughed as he smiled secretly.

"Shouldn't you greet your in laws first?" He said raising his eye brows at Lisa.

Lisa rubbed her nape in embrassement and said, "I'm sorry Mr and Mrs kim. Please come, mom and dad are waiting."

Mrs kim smiled and said, " please call us mom and dad too. We're going to be family soon. You don't have to be polite to us."

Lisa smiled brightly and said, "I get it. Mom and dad."

Mrs kim nods her head in satisfaction and they all went to the hall. Lisa followed them from behind. She wants to say something to Jennie but stopped herself because they still had to get engaged today and she will have a lot to say to jennie after that.

"Since you all are here, let's start the engagement soon." Mr Manoban said when the Kim family arrived.

"Yes, I can't wait any longer. The sooner the better!" Mrs manoban said happily

The kim family chuckled and agreed with her. They all happily settle down themselves. Jennie's friends all greeted her. They were all happy for Lisa and Jennie but there's was one person who was not happy with them, Ruby. She was burning inside in anger. She can't bear to see them together, so she went in the corner and drink wine to calm her anger. Lisa and Jennie sat on the seat, which is made for the couples to sit.
All the people gathered together, praising the couple on how good they look with each other. Some were sad and jealous because the person they admire is going to be engaged soon. The Guests were all socialites and business partners of Kim and Manoban Family.

Half an hour later.

Everything was ready, they just had to wear the ring on each other's finger. Lisa grabbed the finger from her Mrs Manoban and look at Jennie who was looking down shyly. Lisa smiled and held jennies right hand and wear the engagement ring on her ring finger. Jennie looked at the ring on her finger, she held back the tears of joy. She grabbed the ring too from her mother and did the same as Lisa. Both were were occupied with thoughts in thier mind as their parents and guests applauds happily wished them. They both went together and thanked the guests. Lisa holds Jennie's hand and went to the table where thier friends were seated. Lisa pulls a chair for Jennie. Jennie thanked her as she sat beside nayeon. Lisa smiled and sat on the chair beside Jennie.

"Jennie! Congratulations!" Nayeon beamed excitedly. She was really happy for Jennie. She was glad to see that Jennie was really happy today.

"Thank you Nayeon." Jennie said.

Lisa looked at Jennie, smiling and laughing with her friends. Seeing her happy, lisa was happy too. Bobby noticed her look and whispered to her.

"Bro." He called her.

"Hmm?" Lisa asked, still looking at Jennie.

Bobby smiled, "Are you happy?"

Lisa was dumbstruck on the question for a moment then she looked down, giving it a thought for a while. Then she looked up at Bobby and said, "Yes I am. I'm happy today."

"Have you moved on?" He asked another question.

"I...i-i don't know. But I feel like I'm in peace and I'm quite happy when Jennie is with me. But thinking of that betrayal still makes me sad." Lisa said

"Bro, it will take time for you to heal completely, I know that. But remember to never hurt Jennie because of that. Try to give her a chance to make you forget your past love and betrayal and to make you happy. I guarantee that, with Jennie as your wife. You won't regret your choice." Bobby said softly.

Lisa looked at Jennie again as she smiled lightly. "I get it bro. Thanks for it."

"No thanks no sorry, You're my buddy. I'm always here to support you, alright?" He said Lisa chucked and nodded in response to him.

She looked at Jennie again. Her lips curve in a handsome smile.

"I know I won't regret marrying her."


Yo! Hello, shinees! My mind is messed up right now and I couldn't come up with good scenes in this chapter, I just updated this somehow. Anyways, next chapter will be exciting. Bye byeee! See you soon.

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