Chapter 15

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Author's POV

"What are you doing here Rubyjane?"

"We need to talk Jennie." She said as she went forward in front of Jennie

"I don't think that there should be something to talk about, RubyJane."

As she was done washing her hands, she cleans her hands by the tissue. Then turn to Ruby, as she tossed the used tissue into the dustbin.

"There is." Ruby said through as she clenched her fists

"No, there's not." As she said that, Jennie walked passed her.

"Jennie, don't you think it's wrong for you to marry your sister's ex?"

"Wrong?" Jennie chuckled in amusement

"Why is it wrong? She's your ex, not your lover. I love her, and it won't take much time for her to love me too." Jennie said as she smirked

"She won't do that!" Ruby said whole gritting her teeth.

"Of course, just watch me marrying her and watch how she cares for me and Love me."

"You can't do this to me Jennie!" Ruby yelled in anger.

"I can! And I will do this! Just watch me! I let her go just for you, for your happiness, for her happiness! But you just have ruin to it! I never thought you could do something like this to her! You don't deserve her!" Jennie said in anger as she lost her patience.

"I don't deserve her? Then who deserves her? You?" Ruby asked sarcastically

"Well, I do deserve her. And she deserves me, someone who will love her unconditionally despite her flaws and be by her side at every step she takes. Most importantly, who can cherish her loyal, honest and pure heart. Not someone like you who played with her, just to get revenge by playing with her heart just because of your shitty ass boyfriend?! That dog!? Just because of that damn small issue you went this far? Even if you You knew that she was at right on what she did? You were toying with her all these years?! Seriously Ruby? How do you have the guts to even do this? I'm seriously very upset with you and I won't, I would never forgive you! So just stay the fuck away from me and lisa. You did what you have to, and let us do what we want to. You're happy now, so let us be happy too!" She panted as she said out loud in rush.

She then decided to leave, as she turned around and grabbed onto the door handle, she was suddenly yanked away from behind, making her fall back on the floor as she slipped because she was wearing high heels.



Outside of Washroom

As Lisa was done with talking on her phone, she went back to washroom and stood there waiting for Jennie. She used phone while waiting but then she heard a scream.

"Jennie?! Jennie!"

She went to open the door of washroom but it was lock. She panicked then stepped back and kicked the door. The door opens after 3 kicks and lisa immediately went inside.

As she went inside she saw Jennie on the floor while clutching on her ankle as she clenched her eyes tightly in pain.

"Jennie! What's wrong?! Are you okay?!" She quickly rushed to Jennie in panick and check her out.

"I think I can't walk. My ankle, it hurts!" Jennie said to lisa trying not to tear up.

"How did this happen?!"

"I-i twisted and fell down..." She lied

"Can't you be more careful? It looks so badly bruised. I think your ankle is twisted badly." Lisa said in worry.

Lisa then decided to carry her.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Carrying you, what else? Do you plan to walk on your own with injured ankle?"

"I-i guess...?" Jennie said as she blushed

"No, You can't. I won't let you. How can I let my soon to be bride to walk with that injured foot?" She seriously said with no expression on her face.

Did she just said these cheesy words with no expression on her face? Jennie thought.

But, that's... hot and cute.

Lisa left with Jennie as she took her in bridal style, Ruby Jane steps out from behind of the shower curtain.

"This is not good! I must stop their wedding at all cost!" She said as she kicked on the wall in anger. But in return, she hurted her foot.

"Fucking shit!" She hissed in pain.


"What's wrong? What happened to Jennie?!" Jennie's father came rushing to them when he saw lisa carrying Jennie.

"She has twisted her ankle and fell in the washroom. She couldn't walk so I'm taking her to my room. Is that okay for you dad? I don't think she will be able to stay here like this." Lisa said to them.

"Honey, it's fine, we can take care of the guests here. You must take her to your room and take care of her. Right, Mrs kim?" Mrs Manoban said

"You're right, Mrs Manoban. Lisa, don't worry. You take Jennie to your room. We will handle everything here."

"Thank You, mom." Lisa said then went upstairs to her room with Jennie.

Lisa placed Jennie on her bed then went to her bathroom for the first aid kit. She sat down at the side of her bed, beside Jennie and took out an ointment from the kit box. She applied it on her ankle carefully, and stopped when Jennie hissed in pain.

"Why are You so careless, you should take care of yourself. What if I'm not there with you and you hurt your self like this, who will take care of you?"

Lisa said seriously as she wrapped the cotton cloth on her ankle after applying the ointment carefully.

"If Ruby has ever enjoyed this treatment from lisa then she was really lucky to have her. She is really dumb to throw a gem and embrace a rock. But I would never let this gem go from me ever again. " Jennie thought as she stared at Lisa while smiling

"Why? Is there something on my face? Why are you staring at me like that?" Lisa asked when she noticed Jennie staring at her.

"No, nothing. I just... like to stare at you." Jennie said as she grinned.

"Oh kim, since when did you start to being cheesy with your words?" Lisa asked as she chuckled.

"Since I met you, I learned it from you." Jennie said and winked at her playfully

"I guess that's true." Then they both laughed together as they joked with eachother.

After a while, lisa told Jennie to rest for a while and she will get back in a moment. Agreeing to lisa, Jennie slept for a while as Lisa went out of her bedroom. Lisa's face immediately changed after she closed the door before taking a last look at Jennie.

"I don't think that Jennie twisted her foot and tripped on the floor all by herself. That shoes behind the curtain, I'm sure there was someone else present inside. And Jennie isn't out to tell me the truth. I must find out without Jennie knowing." She thought seriously and immediately left from there.


Hey, shinnies! What's up?! Doing good? Sorry, I'm really busy with the things going on in my life but still trying to update this story for you. I hope you like this chapter.

Oh, and yeah. Don't forget to follow me on insta. My insta Id: chocco.ninie

Follow me to be in contact with me. Bye bye, until I meet you all next time. Take care ツ

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