chapter 3 / Part 1

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Jennie's p.o.v

I'm in the class right now and i can't stop thinking about Lisa. I'm so worried about her. She didn't attend the classes today. I wonder what she's doing right now. I'm so mad at my sister for what she did to Lisa. How can she do that? I thought she loved her so much but I was wrong. I let her go so that she could be happy but what you did to her is unforgiveable, Ruby. It realy broke my heart seeing her broken. I never imagined that you could do this to her. First time in my life i saw her in that situation. It breaks my heart when i remember about yesterday.

*Flash back*

"Lisa! What happened? Why are you crying? And why your hands are bleeding?" She didn't said anything but she hugged me instead. I don't know what to do but i hug her back.
She cried hard on my shoulder and i let her. Few minutes later she stopped crying.

"Now tell me what happened?" I asked while comforting her. She kept quiet for a minute then broke the silence.

"I-i... I broke up with her" She said and looked down.

"What?! Why?! Why you broke up with her? You love her right?" I can't believe they broke up with each other. They were so in love.

"Yeah, right i loved her so much but she didn't" She said with cracked voice.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked confusedly.

"S-she just played with my feelings. She didn't loved me. She just wanted to take revenge with me and nothing more" She said and cried and again.

"Revenge? What revenge?" I asked cause damn this is confusing the hell out of me.

Then she explained everything to me. And i was so mad at my sister. I was also crying seeing her like that.

*End of flash back*

She even hurt herself because of that damn bitch. I know she's my sister but after what all she did I'm hating her. I thought she will take a good care of lisa but no she did the opposite. Where's that damn sister of mine? Argh!!

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