Chapter 17

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Standing by the window, Lisa drew a long breathe. Looking at the sky, she closed her eyes as the events of earlier flashed into her mind. Jennie, who just woke up from her sleep, saw Lisa by the window as she rubbed her eyes.

"Lisa?.." she called out to her.

Snapping out from her thoughts, she smiled naturally, turning her back, as she walked towards her and sat on the bed beside her."

"You okay? Need anything?" Lisa asked in concern.

"I feel a bit thirsty." She said with dry throats.

"Wait a minute." Lisa poured a glass of water and handed it to her. She helped her drink water. She waited for Jennie to finish it as she stared at her.

"What wrong? Something's on my face?" Jennie asked her when she noticed her stare.

"How did you injured your ankle Jennie?"  Lisa questions with no emotions. It suddenly caught Jennie off guard.

"I-i told you that I slipped and fell inside the restroom." Jennie was nervous but she tried to lie professionally. She got more nervous when Lisa didn't said anything but just stared at her.

"Okay, forget it. You're not going college until u r healed completely." Lisa informed her as she helped her lay down.

"But I have to attend classes. It's important as we're going to have our exams to begin soon." Jennie said anxiously.

"We can borrow notes from our friends." Lisa said

"We? What do you mean we? Are you not gonna attend the classes too?"

"No, I'm gonna take care of you until you're healed. " Lisa said as she stoop up after helping her lay down.

"Lisa, i can take care of my self. You don't need to do this. My parents are there with  me and also Ruby Jane."

Lisa forrowed her brows when she mentioned Ruby Jane. Jennie also noticed it. She thought Lisa is didn't like it when she mentioned Ruby Jane because she's still not over it.

"I-im sorry, you're still not over her and I'm making you upset by mentioning her."
Jennie said as she sat up again and play with her fingers.

Lisa's eyes softened when she saw that Jennie has misunderstood it. She sat beside her and cupped her cheeks, making her to look her in the eyes.

"Jennie, I'm getting over her. And you're helping me with that. It doesn't hurt that much anymore. You're my Fiance, my soon to be wife. I'm supposed to take care of you, it is my duty to do that. Besides, i have some work in company. So, it's reasonable that I don't attend it with you." Lisa said

"I'm sorry, i will do as you say."

"Good, now rest for a while i will be back." Lisa again helped her lay down and covered her by blanket.

"Where are you going? You look tired. Why don't you just rest with me." Jennie said, as she stopped Lisa by holding her hand.

Lisa unconsciously stares at Jennie's arm that held her hand. She noticed some red marks, like bruies. There was a glint in her eyes which passed by quickly, before even Jennie can see it.

"I will be back, right way, then i will rest with you okay?" Lisa smiled as Jennie nodded in response. She kissed her forehead and left, after making sure that Jennie had fallen asleep.

Lisa's face went from soft to blank in a second when she closed the door after coming out.


Good day, shinies!
What do you think Lisa is gonna do?


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