Chapter 21

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Author'd POV

Lisa sat by the side of the bed as she was staring at Jennie, who was sleeping peacefully. Lisa held her palm, and kissed the back of it.

"I'm sorry that you suffered so much because of my mistake. I promise, I will make up for everything. I will always make sure to put a smile on your face, I will never let anyone or anything harm you in a slightest way." she thought in her mind, resting her forehead on the hand she held together.

She then looked at the time, it was already an evening. She remembered that the guests might be leaving now. It was her engagement today, she didn't want the guests to have bad impressions on her absence. So she covered jennie in comforts and left after pecking her forehead.

She spotted her parents, they were discussing about something with jennie's parents. She walked towards them.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asked

"Oh Lisa, we were discussing about the marriage date of yours and jennie. We think that we can have a wedding after you guys graduate, as this is your final year. We can set any specific auspicious date for the wedding." It was Lisa's mother who said this.

"It's fine with me. You guys can do as you see it fit, but make sure to ask Jennie about this first." Lisa replied.

"You guys just got engaged and you are already giving importance to your fiance's opinion. Not bad not bad, seems like we made a right decision." Jennie's father said

Lisa just smiled slightly as she looked towards Ruby who seemed very irritated at this topic then she looked away. Ruby turned towards her parents, "Mom, Dad, I will leave early, I have something's to take care of."

"No problem, but make sure to get home on time and be safe." Mrs Kim said, Ruby nodded and left quickly after she said bye to everyone.

"Lisa come, let me introduce to some business partner, so that you will be familiar with them. Mr Kim, you can come along." It was Lisa's father who said this, Mr Kim nodded and followed them leaving the mothers behind.

"Geeze, our husbands would never stop talking about business. I'm afraid they might make lisa workaholic like them and that would make her neglect our daughter, Jennie." Said Mrs Kim

"Don't worry Joone, (joone is jennie's mother's name) my Lisa is won't be like that. Her wife would be her first priority." Lisa's mother smiled as she said this.

"How are you so sure about it?"

"I have seen her grown up, I know her heart, I know her very well." Said Lisa's mother

Sigh, "I hope so. Anyway, let's have sometime for us womens too." They both decided and went to the other married womens who were their guest. So that they can gossip about something. I mean, they are mothers. You know they love to gossip.

It was already night time, and almost all the guests left the party. Lisa went to Jennie's parents to request, "Ah mom, Can you let Jennie stay here for a while? You guys would be leaving for some business matters too, and jennie needs someone to take care of her as she is injured. I will take care of her while she is here."

"But you guys aren't married-" Mrs Kim was going to say, but Mr Kim beat her into it. "It's fine Lisa, she can stay here. I hope you will take care of her while we are not here."

"Don't worry dad. I promise, she will be safe with me here." Lisa replied gently, with sincerity in her tone.

"Good, I trust my daughter with you." He patted her shoulder, then turned towards his wife. "Honey, let's go. It's getting late." Mrs Kim nodded and left with her husband as they bid goodbye to the Manoban family.


Hello Shinese! How are you guys doing?
Please wait until my exams are over and until I buy new device, because the current one is not working. :(

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