Chapter 14

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In the background an Romantic music played, the atmosphere was very lovely with those shining and colourful lights making it all lively.
Lisa stepped forward in front of Jennie and reached out her palm to her bowing like a Prince in front of the beauty princess.

"May I have this dance with beauty princess in front of me?" She asks as she grin cheekily making Jennie chuckle while blushing and put her hand on Lisa's palm.

"Of course yes, I wouldn't miss the chance to dance with this handsome prince in front of me" she said as she copied Lisa. Lisa smiled softly and take her to the stage while everyone's gaze was struck upon them, praising them, gushing over how cute and good looking they were both when together.

There's only the sound of music and nothing else. Taking the chance of this moment, lisa leans her face close to jennie's making her heart beat increase.

"Why didn't I knew that you were this beautiful?" Lisa whispered in husky voice making her shiver by the sensation.

"How would you know when you were in love with her." Jennie replied smiling lightly making Lisa speechless. Jennie realised her words and apologised immediately.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't meant to say that. I was just-i -i don't know what's wrong with me-i I'm sorry--"

"One more word and I will kiss you right here." Lisa said stunning the girl in front of her who went red and unable to say anything. Lisa smiled softly, shaking her head at how cute she looked right now.

"Jennie, you don't have to always say sorry for loving or for what you feel. I don't mind you say anything,  you can say anything that's in your heart. I'm more of happy to know what's running in your mind and what you have kept in your heart. I'm trying my best to love you and move on. Remember, I will be loyal to you for forever. We're already engaged and will be married in no time. Nothing can change the fact that I'm yours. Maybe my heart isn't yours now but I know you will make your place in my heart  so I'm not worried neither you should be."

Lisa pour out all out of her heart in front of Jennie sincerely. Jennie was in tears by her confession. She hugged Lisa and buried her face on her chest. Lisa patted her back in order to comfort her. She looked towards their parents and saw them worriedly looking towards them and gave them a comfort smile meaning to say that everything's fine she's just overwhelmed. Thier parents sigh in relief as they look at each other and smiled.

Jennie then pulled herself after she calmed down. Then she looked up to Lisa and said,

"I just feel wrong because I'm marrying my twins ex, not always but sometimes I do. What if she says that she still loves you and wants you back and what if you go back to her? I don't want to lose you and at the same time I don't want to hurt her and come in between you two." Jennie said as the tears slide down her face once again. Lisa was speechless by that, there was a glint in her eyes which disappeared quickly.  She kissed Jennie's forehead and said,

"When will you stop being selfless? Just be selfish for once. Don't feel wrong to do what you wish for. I'm here and I won't leave you. Even if she comes back to me. It would be too late. I would never go back to her again. I'm already tied to you and I won't break it. I know you won't let me go too. Would you?" She asked softly as she wiped Jennie's tears. And Jennie nodded in response.

"There then, it's settled. I belong to you and you belong to me. No one can come in between us. Never say something like that again okay?" Lisa said sternly but gently.

"Okay" Jennie replied. Lisa smiled and put her arms on Jennie's back.

"Now, let's go. Our friends won't stop whining because we abandoned them." She said chuckling.

"Right, let's go." Jennie said as she chuckled too.


As the couple were talking and laughing with thier friends, Jennie had to go to the washroom.

"Excuse me guys I will go to washroom." Jennie said as she stood up.

"I can take you there." Lisa said as she stood up too making their friends laugh at her

"Bro, are you serious?? She's not a child she can go by her self. Why would you go to washroom with her?"

"I get it, you want to spent alone time with her in washroom.  Right?"

"Oh my god! Jennie, I didn't knew you were this type of girl!" Nayeon said

"W-what are you saying?! It's not like that what the heck you all are so... so dirty!" Jennie said while blushing as she get angry with their stupidity and thier dirty thoughts. Lisa coldly look at them making them shiver as the imaginary sweat appeared on their forehead.

"B-bro.. we just kidding don't mind us... y-you can go with her.. we won't say anything." Songyung said stuttering.

"Jennie hasn't been here in our mansion. She might not know the direction that's why I said that. In future, I won't let her hangout with you guys. With your mind like this,  you're a bad influence to her." She said and takes Jennie as she left, leaving thier friends speechless.

"What was that? What the fuck!!"

"Yah! She's my best friend! Lisa can't be serious with her words. This is no big deal! She didn'thave to say that!" Nayeon said in annoyance. Others look at her with blank expression.

"What?!" Nayeon said and they ignore her.


"There it is. I will be waiting here for you, take your time." Lisa said

"You don't have to wait for me. I know the direction to the hall now. Go back to them I will be there in short time." Jennie said

"No, I will wait for you here. Now go." Lisa pushed her inside and closed the door. Jennie shook her head helplessly as she stepped inside.

As Lisa was waiting for her outside, she heard her phone ringing. She took out the phone from her pocket and answer the call.

"Hello? Yes... okay, stay right there. I'm coming." She hung up and quickly left from there.


Inside the washroom, Jennie went to wash her hands as she exits the cubicle. When she was almost done with that, she heard a click from the door. She looked behind her and gets shock to see the person who entered inside.


"What are you doing here?!"

Hello shinees! How was that? Guess who's that person.

Anyway, I would like to tell you guys that I have opened an insta account for you guys. I will give you guys updates on my stories or inform you of things there. Those who use insta or those who are interested can follow me there. I have kept it private account for now, and will be private for a while before I make it public. You guys can request me and because I'm in a happy mood I will follow you guys back for a week ツ

My Id name is : chocco.ninie

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