chapter 13.1

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Author's POV

Lisa was standing in front of the mirror checking on herself, she wore a black tuxedo worth millions making look so good and mostly handsome in the attire.

"Buddy, you look so dashing! Girls will probably drool over you! I'm getting jealous." Yugyeom said in sulk making others to laugh at his childish tactics.

"You look good too Yugeom, and I'm already taken so all the girls yours."
Lisa said

"Yeah, how can we forget? She's already owned by Jennie Kim." Bobby said and laughed with others.

Starngely enough, Lisa's heart beat when he said 'owned' and without her knowing, a smile appeared on her face.

Just then her mother went inside the room.

"Boys, let's get downstairs. Guests are already here." She said. The boys nodded and went downstairs.

Mrs Manoban look at Lisa and went in to her, standing face to face as she look at up at her because of their height.

"Are you ready?" She asked Lisa to which, she nodded in return.

"Lisa... are you happy?" She asked her another question, surprising the latter. She knew that her daughter was ready for this, but still she cared about her feelings and didn't want to neglect her and hurt her in future.

"Mom, I'm happy. Don't worry ok? Jennie is an amazing girl she has been a good friend, good daughter and good sister. And I'm sure she can be a good wife too. And I will be good to her too."
Lisa said softly, her mother felt relief to hear that and smiled brightly.

"And maybe a good mother to your child too" she smiled sheepishly, and lisa choked on air when she heard that. They have engaged just now, I mean almost and they haven't even got married and her parents are expecting a grandchild soon.

"I'm just kidding, any ways. I got this for you." She gave a velvet box to Lisa.

"What's this?" Lisa asked

"It's a diamond necklace, our family's heirloom. In our family, it is passed to grand daughter in laws of next generation who's going to be the next matriarch of Manoban Family. I want you to give this to her." Lisa smiled softly.

"Of course mother. I will give this to her and make sure she wears it."

"Good, now, come let's go down. Guests are already waiting and your father will frowning because the main lead of the party is not here." Lisa laughed at that with her mother and left her room along with Mrs Manoban.

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