Chapter 8

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Jennie's POV

Me and Lisa are sitting beside eachother. Our parents said that they have something to tell to both of us. I don't know what it is, but I could feel that it's something big.

I was struggling to cut this steak when Lisa stopped me.
"Here, take mine." She said giving me her steak


"Just take it." She smiled softly while looking at me which made my face heat up.

"T-thank you"

She just nodded and sip on her drink.

Mr Kim's POV

I look at Lisa being sweet to my daughter. They both really look good together. I guess Lisa is Perfect match for my Daughter Jennie. I look at Mr Manoban to my side, giving him a cue about that important talk. Manoban nodded and cleared his throat getting the attention of the both kids. They both look Mr Manoban.

"Do you want to say something dad?" Lisa asked him curiously.

"Yes, actually...." He look towards me and my wife then look at his wife for approval he then look at the kids as we nodded.

"Me and Jennie's parents have decided that you both will..."

Jennie's POV

I look at Lisa's Dad nervously, waiting for him to finish his words.

"....get married to eachother." I heard Lisa choked on her drink. I worriedly look at her and pat her back.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked her worriedly and hand her tissue.

"W-what do you mean get married? Are you seriously saying that?" She asked her parents as she take the tissue from me wipes her mouth.

"Lisa, baby look, you're already at the age of getting married. We, your parents are getting old already. And this marriage will benefit to the both families. And Jennie is a good girl, I can see that she really cares for you."

Her father nodded in agreement with Aunty. I'm honestly shocked about this arrange marriage but, i kind of feel happy. But i feel sad at the same time because i know that Lisa won't marry me. I look at Lisa and she was staring at her parents without any expression.

"Excuse me." She stood and left the restaurant.

Me and everyone watched her disappearing from our sight. It was silence for a moment until my father broke it.

"Jennie, I'm sorry for doing this without your permission. I honestly like Lisa for you, she's a good match with you. But, if you don't want then we won't force you. We will respect your decision."

I look at my parents and Lisa's parents sadly.

"You don't have to be sorry dad. I'm actually happy that you took this decision. I actually love Lisa ever since we met."

I look at them and they were smiling warmly at me. I smiled weakly and stood, as i grabbed my purse.

"We can't force her if she doesn't want to marry me. But still I will talk to her about this then I'll inform you about what she feels about this arrange marriage."

They nodded at me with a warm smile. I bowed at them and left the room to talk with Lisa. I know where she might be right now.


Author's POV

Jennie went to that place, it was park. As she gets out of her car, she saw Lisa standing near the railing while looking down. She took a deep breath and collect all her courage then went to her. She went beside her and look towards the view in front of her.

"I'm sorry about that..." Jennie said as she look at Lisa.

Lisa turn to her side and saw Jennie when she heard her.

"why are you being sorry?" she asked her but Jennie didn't respond, she went quiet.

"It's ok if you don't want to marry me..." Jennie said as she smiled sadly.

"Forget if i want to marry you or not, i will ask you, do you want to marry me? Do you agree with this arrange marriage?" Lisa asks her. Jennie smiled and again look towards the view of city, in front of them.

"I love you Lisa" Jennie said which made her surprise.

"W-what? What do you mean you love me?" Lisa asks in complete shock and confusion. Jennie then Looks at Lisa while smiling sadly.

"I love you Lisa. Ever since i met you, i fell in love with you. Do you know that day, when you took me to the roof top because you wanted to confess something. I thought you will tell me about your feelings for me and i was really happy about that. But it was not what i thought, you did confessed about your feelings not for me, but for my twin. I was really hurt about that, i was in pain. But i hid that pain with a fake smile. I let you go for your happiness and for my sister and that you both will be happy with eachother not until what my sister did to you." Tears builds up in her eyes, as she told those things to Lisa. She wiped her tear and smiled at Lisa.

"That would be the best gifted moment in my life to marry you, Lisa. But, it's ok if you don't want to marry me. I can't force you, because love doesn't come by forcing them. I will go now... i will tell my parents to cancel this marriage." She left and Lisa was speechless to her confession. Lisa was in her thoughts for a while then looks around to find Jennie. She saw her getting inside her car and quickly run to her.

As Jennie was about to enter her car, she yelped in surprise when she was turned around by grabbing her hand and that person hugged her tightly. By the scent, Jennie knew that it's lisa and was surprised with her actions. She got speechless when Lisa said something.

"How can you be so stupid to bear all the pain all by yourself. Why didn't you tell me about your feelings?"

"I didn't wanted to put you in the situation to choose between me and my sister." Jennie said as she was still in Lisa's arms, who didn't let her go.

"I'm so sorry, because of me you were in pain all this time."

"It's ok Lisa, it's not your fault."

Lisa pulled out from hug and look at her. Without wasting a second, she kissed Jennie passionately. She was in shocked state, her mind went blank. She processing in her mind about what was happening. Then she kissed Lisa back when she realize that her kiss got deeper. Jennie felt shock of electricity in her body. She was feeling butterflies in her stomach.

Lisa then pulled out of kiss when they were out of breath. Lisa connected both of their foreheads and looks into her eyes.

"What was that for..?" Jennie asked as she was breathing in and out because of the kiss.

"I honestly don't know why i did that. I just felt the urge to kiss you. Jennie kim how can you let me go so easily? Huh?"

Jennie just looked down and didn't said anything. Lisa then made her look at her and cupped her cheeks.

"I wouldn't lie if i say that I'm still getting over with your sister. But I can say that i can learn to love you." Lisa said while smiling softly.


"Jennie Kim, make me fall in love with you. Make me get over her. And I promise, i would try my best to love  you how you deserved to be loved."

Jennie cried in happiness and give her a bone crashing hug. Lisa almost stumbled on her feet but managed to stand while Jennie was in her arms.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

She then pulled out from hug and wiped her tears then look at Lisa.

"So are you ready to marry me? Should i tell our parents about this." Jennie asked happily

Lisa smiled softly and caressed her cheeks.

"I would do that too, just to learn to love you."

Jennie squealed in happiness.

"Then let's go and tell them this good news."


It's been a long time

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