chapter 2

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Jennie's P.o.v

I'm here in the mall with my friends. I don't wanted to come here, they insisted me so I'm here with them. Since i don't have anything to do at home. But you know, these girls are making me walk too much and you already know that I'm a lazy person. I'm hungry now. Huhu!

"Guys, can we please go to a restaurant now? I'm so hungry right now and i don't think I can bear it anymore" I said and pouted cause they can't refuse me when i pout. Hehe.

"Aww, you're hungry? Then let's go and eat" Said Irene as she pinched my cheeks then walked away and we followed her behind.


We all ordered our foods waited for the food to arrive. We were talking about some stuffs. But suddenly my eyes landed on a guy sitting a bit far from us. I was trying to see his face properly i don't know why. Then finally i saw his face and it was.... Kai? What is he doing here?! I think he's waiting for someone, maybe probably his friends or...Girlfriend?!

"Here's your orders mam" The waiter said and put the foods on our table. We thanked him then he smiled and leaved.

"Oh my foods!" Rośe exclaimed and clapped her hands like a baby. Tsk such an child. Always like this when it comes to food.

"Rośe, just eat your food already" Momrene, I mean Irene said and glared at her. She pouted and start eating her food. We all laughed at them and start eating our food.

"So, how every thing is going on between you and Seulgi" Nayeon asked Irene while eating.

"We're good. She's so sweet and Caring. What about you?! Irene asked Nayeon.

"We're actually fine" Said Nayeon simply.

"Why just fine?" I asked and raised my brow. She sigh before replying.

"I'm actually mad at her" She said.

"Why?" Asked Irene curiously.

"I saw a girl giving her phone number to Jeongyeon" She said and continue eating her food.

"But it's not her fault though. That girl was the one flirting with Jeongyeon and Jeongyeon kept refusing her politely" She said again.

"Then why are you mad at her?!" Asked Irene confusedly. And we were wating for her answer.

"Too much jealousy, you know" She said sadly. And 'Oh' was only word that escaped from our mouth.

"What about you, Jen? Aren't you dating anyone?!" Asked Irene while looking at me. They were all looking at me ofcoures except Rośe who was busy in her own world with her food.

"Nope" I replied shortly and continue eating my food.

"Of Course, you wanna grow old alone" Nayeon said and laughed hard. I sent her a dead glare and she stopped immediately and trying to change the topic.

"What abou---" She stopped in the mid to ask Rośe about her lovely life when she saw her on her own world eating her food.

"Never mind!" I laughed at her and continue eating my food.

After eating our food we exit the restaurant. But there was a car which caught my eyes. I forrowed my brows in confusion. This car looks familiar. Wait is this Ruby Jane's car?! No! That's impossible she is probably with Lisa right now! Oh damn! Just knowing that Lisa, already have a girlfriend, which is my sister. My heart ached remembering that. I remember the night when she wanted to confess me about something.

Flash Back

I remember the when Lisa took me to a silent place because she wanted to say something to me i don't know why but i was excited to hear it. We're now on the roof top. I'm waiting for her to say what she wanted to say.

"Jen, I want to cofess you something" she said nervously. And I don't know why but my heart beats rapidly when i heard that. I was kind of happy.

"ok, what is it?!" I said and smile at her. She was nervous on how to say that. After a minute she took a deep breathe before saying it.

"D-do you know y-your sister, Ruby Jane?!" She said and i arched my brow in confusion on why she wanted to talk about my sister. I don't know why but i was getting nervous.

"I actually like her, no scratch that I love her" She while smiling like a idiot. And this broke my heart into pieces. Hearing that I'm not the one she loves, but my sister. 'Oh' Was all that ecaped my mouth.

"Can you help me to propose her and tell me her favourite things. I'm sorry I'm asking you because you're close to her and you know everything about her" I tried to not cry in front of her but these damn tears betrayed me. Tears rolled down on my cheeks.

"Jen, are you ok? Why are you crying?" She said worriedly when she saw my tears. She came closer to me and put her hands on my cheeks and wiped my tears. Her touch that I'm longing for so long was never mine.

"'s just I'm happy for you. Tears of joy you know" I lied and smiled weakly. Oh, how wish to say that you're the reason of my tears. She smiled widely and removed her hands from my cheeks. It disappointed me when she did that. I wanted that touch more. Her touches her warmth. But it's not for me cause i don't belong to her.

"so, can you help me?" She asked waiting for my answer. Hoping for yes.

"Yeah, I'll help you" I said and smiled weakly.

"Really?!" She asked not believing on my words. I smiled and nodded.

"oh my god! Thank you so much" She said and hugged me then i hugged her back.

"Ok, let's go. I'm sure everyone is waiting for us" I said as i pulled out from hug. She nodded in response. And we left the place.

*End of Flash Back*

I didn't realized that I already arrived my at home. I bid my goodbyes to my friends and exit the car. I was going to enter my house when i saw a figure near a car kneeling on the ground doing something. I furrowed my brows in confusion and move towards that figure for the clear view. It familiar though. I got near to that I think it's Lisa. I called her to confirm it. whether I'm right or wrong.

"Lisa" I called softly. She looked up to see me. And i was right it's lisa. But i was confused on why she's doing here. I was shocked when i saw her hands bleeding non stop. And i noticed her eyes are red and puffy. I was worried and so rushed to her.

"Lisa!" I said.

"J-jennie-yah!" She said.

Author's note:

I'm sorry guys for making you wait. I know I updated late. You know I'm also a youtuber. I mean I'm also the author of three more stories which i upload on YouTube so it takes time for me to update since i should also finish it soon. Chapter 3 will be published on sunday. Please don't be mad at me. Saranghaeyo...❤❤❤ And Mianhae 😁😁😁

Goodbye see you on sunday.

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