Chapter 16

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Lisa went to the security service room and talked to the person incharge.

"Is there a camera outside of the restroom?" Lisa  asked the guard.

"Yes, signore. We have installed the camera at every corner of the Mansion." The guard answered as he bowed his head I respect.

"Show me the footage of yesterday's." Lisa ordered.

"Right away signore." He went infront of the monitor and just few moments later, Lisa could see the footages of different places on all the monitors. When she found the one she needed, she ordered the guard to zoom it. The guard zoomed the footage of the pointed one as he was said to.

Lisa saw, both her and Jennie on the footage of when she took her there. She saw that she left the door when she got a call, and no one was there. She knitted her brows when she saw a woman entering inside. She couldn't see the face of the women because, that woman was facing her back towards the camera. After few minutes Lisa saw that she was back after the phone call and she went inside after hearing the scream. After she went out of the restroom with Jennie in her arms, Lisa saw that the same woman went out after they left. The woman put her hand on chest she breathed in and quickly left from there.

Lisa was in utter shock to see that the women  was none other her ex girlfriend, Ruby Jane.

Her breathe hitched, trying to control her emotions. She ordered one of the her men to bring a glass of water.

Even, after she drank water, her emotions were all scattered, she  couldn't bring herself to calm down. Unconsciously, she got furious  as she squeezed the glass in her hand to the point that it shattered in pieces and some of the the broken piece pierced in her skin but she was too furious to care about it. The subordinates who were present gasped in horror and tried to step towards her but stopped when Lisa raised her hand. Then looked into the monitor, to the paused video. She gave order to her assistant beside her. Her gaze terrifying, her voice so cold that the subordinates inside took a step back and shrank their neck in fear of having the wrath of their Master upon them even if they didn't do anything wrong.

"Find some capable bodyguards for your future mistress (Jennie). Have them guard her 24 hours but don't let her know about it. If anything happens to her, or if I see any single scratch on her then you better be ready for death."

The assistant gulped as he didn't dare to look at Lisa, bowing his head, he said..  "Be assured that the mistress will be unharm from now on. You have my word Lord Manoban."

Lisa didn't said anything and left the security room. The people inside released a breath they have been holding and one of them said..,

"This is the first time I've seen Lord Manoban so furious. I was so afraid to even breathe!! She was so terrifying as if she would kill us all!!!"

"Fuck, whoever offended our future mistress  sure is unlucky.  We should never as in never try to offend future mistress whether intentionally or not. We don't want to experience the wrath of our Lord's anger."

"Alright, you guys go back on your work and stop chattering. Also, don't ever disclose anyone about what happened here today, or else you'll face the consequences."

The assistant said sternly and left after Lisa to carry out the task that has given to him.


Please bear with some grammatical mistakes as I was in hurry. ;)

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