Chapter 1 / Part 2

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Author's p.o.v

As soon as Lisa enter in the car. She drove off to her lover's place. She can't describe her feelings in words which are mixed. She feels broken, hopless, sad, hurt, betrayed, Mad. The trust she had is all shattered in pieces.
The moment when she reached the place, She immediately went to her lover's room. And knock on the door. But there was no response so she knocked again.

"wtf! Can't you see I'm busy. Just go from here!" Ruby Jane response from inside. But Lisa didn't stop knocking, but still the door  didn't open. So she called out her name.

"Ruby Jane" Lisa called from outside but you cannot find any emotions in her voice. When Ruby Jane heard her name with a familiar voice. She was confused on why Lisa called her like that, which she never do. With her confused face she get up from her bed and opened the door revealing her Lover in front of her.

"Oh babe! You're here. Come inside" Said Ruby Jane as she pecked on her lover's lips with a smile plastered on her face. Lisa nodded and get inside the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed.

"How are you babe?" Asked Ruby Jane as she sat beside Lisa and leaned her head on Lisa's shoulder.

"I'm fine" Said Lisa flatly which was not unnoticed by her lover. It was her first time for her lover to behave like this. Ruby Jane sensed that there's something different in Lisa today. But instead of asking she shrugged it off maybe because of her personal matter.

"Ok, but why are you here" Asked Ruby Jane and hold one of Lisa's hand and sqeeze it softly.

Lisa was going to ask her about that audio but she thought of a simple plan to make Jennie spill out something about Kai. She will make her say it by herself to confirm it because she still don't want to believe it yet. She is just telling her heart that it's not true.

"Do you know Kai?" Asked Lisa in normal tone.

"Yeah I know, why?" Said Ruby Jane as she was confused on why Lisa is talking about him.

"I going to kill him" Said Lisa in calm voice. This made Ruby Jane widen her eyes in shock. She was not expecting this to hear.

"W-what---Why?" Asked Ruby Jane trying to not make it obvious.

"He's getting into my nerves, and I decided to kill him so he will not bother me anymore" Said Lisa and looked at Ruby Jane to see her reaction.

"NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!" Said Ruby Jane and got up from her bed. With her angry face. Lisa was shocked on her reaction, she felt hurt but she decided to play a little to expose.

"Why? Why do you care about him?! It's not not that he's someone to you, a friend or boyfriend" Said Lisa acting normal and cool. Ruby was shocked on her own reaction she doesn't want to make it obvious that she care about him. Why? Obviously because he is her boyfriend.

"N-no... I.. I mean, killing people is not a solution, you know" Said Ruby Jane trying her best to hide nervousness.

"I know, but this is too much for me. I want to get rid of him. I've already sent my guards to kill him"
Said Lisa while smiling evily to make her believe it. And yes it worked very well. This made Ruby Jane Boiled in anger.


"Why? Why would I do that? Who is he to you?! Is he your friend or what? Tell me Ruby Jane, I want to know" Asked Lisa making her angry and spill it out on her own.

"HE.IS.MY.FUCKING.BOYFRIEND!" And there she spilled it out easily not know what she said. And thos words hit Lisa very hard but she tried not to breakdown in front of her. Few seconds later she immediately realized what she said just now, the words came out from her mouth. She covered her mouth in shock.

"I-it's not w-what y-you think... I mean---" Ruby Jane was nervously trying to explain but stopped when she heard Lisa chuckled.

"I already know that" Said Lisa and took out the mobile from her pocket and played that audio. Ruby Jane was shocked on hearing the audio. She was nervous on what she will do after her lie is exposed.

"So... He's your boyfriend!...Hmm... Nice game you played there Ruby Jane....Oh, how stupid I'm to trust you blindly... I thought I'm lucky, but no! I'm not! What-- Just tell me one thing... Were those words are all lie?! Was everything a lie?! Don't you have feelings for me?! Just a little?!... TELL ME!! Asked Lisa swallowing lump in her throat. Trying not to be weak in front of her, to not show she's weak in love.

Ruby Jane was nervous but she thought that it doesn't matter to her. Why she should be scared of her? Why she should be afraid of losing her? It's not that she love her, she just played with her feelings. So decided to vanish all her nervousness and answer her confidently.

"Yes, those were all lies. Everything was lie. I didn't had any feelings for you, even a little. Do you think i loved you? No I don't, I wanted to take revenge to you for him. And see I'm successful now. Do you think i would really fall for you? In your wildest dreams, you bitch! Said Ruby Jane and laughs evily enjoying herself by saying those words to her. Those words hurts Lisa. She feel like she was being killed again and again on the same spot.

"Oh... Yeah... Ok, l-lets E-end this here... Lets end every thing. I'm sorry for my mistakes... I'm sorry for loving you, it was my biggest mistake... I hope you'll be happy with him, and of coure without me... You don't have act now or fake it... I'm ending this relationship... Good bye Ruby Jane" Said Lisa with her cracked voice. Ruby Jane was shocked to hear that. Seeing Lisa saying that very calmly. She expected that she would shout on her but no she didn't. Indeed she was happy to hear that she felt something different when she end up their relationship, A pain?! Nuh! How's that possible? She don't even love her then why?

After saying those thing, Lisa tried to smile but she failed. She leaved the place before breaking down in tears.

"Thank god I'm free now... But why do i feel sad knowing that i dont belong to her anymore? That I'm losing her? No Ruby Jane, you should not think like that... You don't love her remember? Right, I don't" She mumbled those words and lay on her bed then dozed off to sleep. But little did she know that she have already fallen for her.


After executing from the building. Lisa stood near her car. Standing thier lifelessy. Remembering on what just happened, she felt her knees getting weak. she fell on her knees, breaking down in tears. She cried there kneeling on the ground. Not knowing what to do. She started punching the floor until her hands starts bleeding non stop.

"Lisa! Lisa-yah! What are you doing there? Lisa looked up and saw.......


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