Chapter 19

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Author's POV

Lisa's mind was wandering off somewhere as she was going forward to her bedroom.

Her mind: "How did I make a mistake and made both of us suffer?..."

6 years ago:-

Lisa's parents were not at home. However, she has been in her room since morning. Thinking that Lisa was busy with studies or games, they let her be and went to the annual party.

Under the bedsheet, Lisa felt all hot and dizzy. Her throat was really dry and she needed to drink water. she revealed her upper body and stretched out her right hand to get the glass of water. But she found the glass to be empty.

She felt really weak, and the pain in her body was unbearable. She sigh heavily and got off the bed with difficulty. She went downstairs to fetch the water.

Meanwhile, the other side:-

Jennie, along with her family were recently shifted to this neighborhood. Her mother had made a few dishes to offer to their neighbor. She ordered her both daughters to give it to their neighbor.

"Come on, let's go," Jennie said to Ruby.

"I don't want to. You can go by yourself. I will wait here." Ruby said as if she really is not interested and laziness was traced in her voice.

Shaking her head at her twin's character, Jennie sighed and said, "All right, you can wait here." then she went inside.

She Knocked on the door and waited for a while. But there was no response so she rang the doorbell. Even after that, there was no response. Jennie glanced at the door handle thought to see if it was open. To her surprise, it really was open. She opened the door and called out, unfortunately, there wasn't any response.

Thinking that no one was inside, she turned back to leave and come back later. But suddenly there was a sound of glass breaking, Jennie was surprised and tried to find the source of the sound. Then she saw a light coming from the kitchen and hurried towards there. There she saw Lisa, crouching and holding her head as she was really in bad pain.

Jennie panicked to see this scene in front of her and quickly rushed to Lisa's side. "Hey, are you okay?! did you get hurt somewhere?" She checked if Lisa is she had any injury because of broken glass or not.

Lisa just groaned in pain and couldn't answer her. Jennie was scared as she placed her palm on Lisa's forehead and found out that she was burning with a fever.

"Come, let me help you to your bedroom." She grabbed her arms and helped her from the floor and made sure to avoid the broken glasses. Although her head was throbbing in pain, Lisa had hinted to her with the directions. Once they reached the bed, she helped Lisa onto the bed and covered her with the quilt.

"Water... " she heard a low murmur but it was clear so she went close to her and tried hearing it.


"You want water? Wait, I will bring it right away." Jennie rushed out to fetch the water. It didn't take long for her to come back"

"Here, drink this water." She helped Lisa in drinking the water, and once she was done with it, she helped Lisa properly to lie down and covered her under the bedsheet. She checked her forehead again and it was still burning like fire. Jennie found the bathroom and went forward to get a wet towel to reduce Lisa's fever. She bought a tub of water and soaked the towel with it. She placed the towel on Lisa's forehead, however, even with those efforts she saw that it was not working and her fever was still burning. Jennie panicked in fear and didn't know what to do.

"This is not working, what should I do?.. I will tell Mum and Dad about this. Her fever should come down or else it will get critical." she heard Lisa groaning in pain again. "Wait here, okay. I will get my parents' help". She said to Lisa and rushed out of her bedroom.


Am sorry.. I didn't mean to be this late for another update. But it's really hard to get time in between my job and academic studies ;(

I know this chapter is really short, but still, I hope that you guys don't mind. I will update long chapters later when I get more free time.

Anyways, hope you liked this chapter, be ready for the twist here ;)

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