Chapter 22

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Lisa was sitting on the couch reading a book it was already night time. Jennie had been sleeping for while now and she did not wake up. Seemed that she was very tired and she did not rest much these days so Lisa did not want to disturb her. 

Just then she heard a rustling sound so glanced on the bed and saw that jennie woke up and was trying to sit. Lisa stood up from the couch and helped her on the bed.

"Be careful." 

"I'm sorry I slept for long, I didn't realized it. What time is it now?" Jennie asked huskily.

"It's alright. It's already midnight now." 

"What?! midnight!?" She looked at the time on her watch and was shocked to know that she slept very late. She panicked and tried to get off the bed.

"I have already left. What happened to the party? Where's mom and dad?" She asked

Lisa stopped her from getting off the bed and said, "You don't need to worry about that. We have taken care of that. And your parents already left."

"Why did they leave without me?" Jennie asked

"I requested them to leave you here with me so that i can take care of you. They agreed, so you will stay here until you are all good to go." Lisa calmly as she sat on the bed with jennie.

"But how, I could have taken rest at my home. How can i stay here? We just got engaged and aren't married yet. Is this a good idea?" Jennie asked in worry, she was afraid of the rumors. She knew about the rumors in their college going around saying that as soon as Lisa and Ruby broke up, Jennie took her chance and got Lisa by her side. And they just got engaged, if they found out that she stayed with Lisa at her home. They will gossip about it. 

"Jennie, you should not worry about those trivial things. We are already engaged now, soon we will get married. There is nothing wrong with you staying here. Besides, I don't care about the rumors. Even you too, stop worrying about it. I will take care of it." as she grabbed her phone going to the corner and dialed the number to her personal secretory. 

On the other side, Baek hyeon was sleeping soundly with his girlfriend when he suddenly his sleep was interrupted. He heard his phone ringing, groaning in frustration he cursed the person on the other side who disturbed him. 

"Bitch! Who the fuck is calling me at this late night?!!" He grabbed his phone and was surprised to see the caller name. It was Lisa. He was confused as to why she called him at this time. He gulped and wiped the imaginary sweats from his forehead and answered the call.

"B-boss, everything's okay? you called me at this time?"

"Hmm, I need you to bring a take out from the nearby restaurant."

Baek hyeon was stupefied, he couldn't understand it.

"Take out? R-right now?" he asked holding his forehead in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me right now?" he thought in his mind.

"Why? Do you have any problem with it? Do you want me to cut out your salary?"  Lisa said coldly, and baek hyeon can imagine Lisa raising her brows?

"Boss, this is pure torture! you making me do out of office works and threatening to cut out my salary?! I wanna leave this job!!"  of course he didn't said it to her. Poor him.

"You there?"

"Y-yes boss! don't worry I will bring it right away!"

"Good, I will  give you bonus salary."

The secretory got very happy hearing that, "Thank you. Boss!"

"Hmm, come fast."

The secretory was happy to get bonus salary. He kissed his girlfriend who was sleeping peacefully and left after grabbing his car key.

After the call was closed, she went to Jennie, "Do you want to take a shower and change into comfortable clothes? You can't sleep in those gowns." She said as eyed her gown. Lisa found jennie to be very charming and beautiful in that gown. And she badly wanted to kiss those inviting red lips but Lisa wanted to take things slowly so she forced her desire to stay  low. 

"Ah yeah, I do need to change." She said and tried to get up from the bed but Lisa carried her in bridal style making her yelp in surprise.

"Lisa, I can manage it now. You don't have to carry me." She said, her heartbeat increasing making her gulp in nervousness, because this is the first time she was this close to Lisa. Lisa gazed at Jennie with gentle eyes making her melt under those eyes. 

"I don't want to take any risk, you are my responsibility so i will take care of you even if it is for a small thing." 

Jennie couldn't utter any words. She felt warm hearing those words from her. She is happy that she got a chance to be together with lisa this time. 

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