chapter 5

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Jennie's p.o.v

I woke up in the morning and saw the time. It was 6:45 Am. I look at Lisa who's sleeping on my lap. She looks so cute. I smile seeing her this peaceful and cute.

"Lisa. Lisa wake up" I said as i tap her cheeks gently.

She sat up and rub her eyes like a baby. Aaww so cute!

"we have to go to school today. Get ready I'll be downstairs ok?"


"Lisa. Trust me ok. Go and take shower" I said softly but with commanding tone.

She sigh and go to bathroom. I got up from bed and go downstairs. I saw Lisa's parent's having their breakfast. They smile and greeted me when they noticed me.

"where's Lisa?" Lisa's Mom asked me.

"She's getting ready" I said and smile.


"Jennie come have breakfast with us" Uncle said

"Yeah, ok uncle" I said and sat on the chair to eat while Lisa is getting ready.

~~~Time Skip~~~

We are here at the school. Lisa is with me. I know she's not ready to face her. She's still hurt. But she shouldn't skip her classes like this or it will be hard for her to pass this year. I was walking in hall way. And we heard some gossips.

"Wah! Lisa is here! But she look so sad! Ruby shouldn't have done that to her! She's so precious to be hurt!"

"I know right. She's such a bitch!"

"She lost the precious gem!"

They were saying words like this. I know Lisa is hurt right now by hearing them. Aish! They saying as if they pity her! And Lisa hates it when someone does that. I look at Lisa and saw her looking down while clenching her hands. I stopped and lift her head to look at me.

"Just ignore it. And calm down okay" I said softly as I put my right hand on her left cheek and caress it. I know what she wants. She want comfort right now that's all. I know her very much.

She didn't said anything and nodded. Then we continued walking then I saw our friends coming to our direction. I saw my friends approach us.

"Lisa, Are you ok? We heard everything from Jennie" Rośe asked worriedly.

"Yeah... I'm.. Ok" She said weakly.

"I uhm... I'll go to my friends now.... See you later...." Lisa said in low tone.

"Hey wait for me after the class ok?" I said softly.

"Yeah... Ok I will" she said and hug me. I hugged her back. She then pulled out the hug then left.

"Guys... Just don't talk about it to her for a meantime ok? She's still hurt" I said seriously. They nodded at me and said yes. Then we get to our class together.

Author's P.O.V

Mr Manoban, Mrs Manoban, Mr Kim and Mrs kim were seated on the table, both the couples across eachother in one of the restaurant where Manobans requested them to meet for a talk.

"So, Mr. Manoban. What do you want to talk about? " Asked Mr. kim jennie as he sipped on his coffee.

"Actually.... It's about your daughter Jennie Kim" Mr. Manoban said.

"Huh? Jennie? What about her?" Mrs Kim asked curiously at the mention of her daughter.

"We.. Want your daughter Jennie Kim as our daughter in law. We want her for our daughter" Said Mrs Manoban seriously.

Mr Kim and Mrs Kim gets shocked on thier confession.

"W-what?! B-but why?!" Asked Mr Kim in shock.

"My daughter, Lisa and your daughter, Jennie they know eachother. I see that Jennie really cares about Lisa very much. Lisa seems to be very close to her and me and my wife really like your daughter and we only want her to be our daughter in law." Mr Manoban said in normal tone.

"I don't have any problem with that. We would be blessed if our daughter becomes part of the Manoban family. But I think we should also talk about this with our daughters" Mr Kim Said softly.

"That's right we will do that. But let's have food before it gets cold" He said and smiled. Mr Kim and Mrs Kim nodded then starts eating their food and talk about some stuffs.


Lisa's friends were sitting at the stairs and chilling with eachother. Then they felt the presence of someone. They turn side ways and saw Lisa standing their while looking down.

"Lisa?.. Hey bro! How are you? Where were you huh? You know how worried sick we were for you?" Said youngsoon as he approached her asked her worriedly.

Lisa didn't said anything and was just looking down on the floor. Jackson knew what's on her mind and approached her.

"Lisa. Come here" he said and take her other rest of the friends and make her sit beside Bobby.

"Lisa yah.... " Bobby called her softly yet in worried tone.

Lisa look at him in the eyes then look back down on the stair.

"I'm... I'm sorry for not believing that time and for punching that hard" she said guiltily and look at him again. Bobby smiled softly and hug her.

"Lisa yah... Don't worry it's fine. Atleast you know the truth now" he said softly and pulled the hug. Lisa smiled weakly and nodded at him and hug him again.

"wah! Let me join the hug too!" Jackson said then join the hug.

"Me too!" said Youngsoon, Sehun and B.I. And join the hug.

"wah! What a sweet moment! I wanna join too!" said Baekhyun and join the hug. And Lisa giggled lightly at them. Her friends smile widely when they heard her giggled.

"Come, let's go to class before we get late" Said Bobby as he breaks the hug. They nodded in agreement then go to the class together while laughing and joking with eachother.


A/N; Sorry for taking that long. I'm just busy with studies and also we're getting shift to another home town so I'm very busy. But hope fully next update will on another sunday. Sorry for this but please understand me. I'm really sorry. Mianhae!

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