Chapter 7

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ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ᴘᴏᴠ

Jennie was with her friends when she got a call. She grabbed her phone from her pocket to see the caller Id and found that it was her mom. She knitted her brows curiously because it's unusual for her parents to call unless it's something important. She swiped left, answering the call.

ᴏɴ ᴘʜᴏɴᴇ:

Hello mom, what happened? Why did you call? It's unusual for you to call me unless it's important. - Jennie

Oh you know us so well huh *chuckles*
Well yeah..., we want to talk about something important. -Mom

OK, what is it? -Jennie

We will you tell you once you come here in xxx restaurant. - Mom

Alright mom, what time? -Jennie

At 7 PM dear. -Mom

Alright then, I'll be there on time. - Jennie

Thanks sweetie, bye I love you. - Mom

Love you too, mom. -Jennie

ᴇɴᴅ ᴏғ ᴄᴀʟʟ

Then Jennie continued chatting with her friends.



Lisa was chilling in her secret place while listening to music, probably to fresh up her mind. Then she heard her phone ringing. She removed the headphone and look at the caller ID. Seeing her dad's name on the screen, she answered the call.

ᴏɴ ᴘʜᴏɴᴇ:

Hello dad, what's up?! - Lisa

Hello my handsome daughter. - Dad

Lisa chuckles hearing that nickname.

What is it dad? Why did you call? Do you want to say something? - Lisa

Yes, I'll say that but you have to meet us. - Dad

Us? - Lisa

With your mom and some guests. - Dad

Uh... OK?.... Where can we meet tho? - Lisa

Come meet us at xxx restaurant. - Dad

Alright then, what time should I be there? - Lisa

At 7 pm, you should be on time. - Dad

*Chuckles* I got it dad, I'll be there in no time. - Lisa

Good, I'll hung up now, Bye. - Dad

Bye Dad and take care. - Lisa

ᴇɴᴅ ᴏғ ᴄᴀʟʟ

After that she hung up and continued doing whatever she was doing.

ᴛɪᴍᴇ sᴋɪᴘ~~~

Lisa was getting ready for tonight's meeting. She look at herself in mirror to check her clothes. She was wearing white polo shirt, blue jeans, long boots. She wore her Rolex watch and applied perfume.

"alright Lisa... It's time to go. " she said then grabbed her wallet and mobile then proceed to drive to the said restaurant.

"Done" Jennie said as she finished doing her makeup. Then she look at herself in mirror to check it one last time.

I wonder why they want me to come in restaurant. They could have said at home directly about that important talk. Sigh never mind, I better go now or I would have to see my mother being grumpy. She thought in her mind.

Then she grab her purse and left the house making her way to her car.


Without knowing, Lisa and Jennie arrived at the same time. But they didn't saw each other. Jennie was the first one to enter inside while Lisa, she stopped on her way to entry gate when she heard her phone ringing. Lisa saw that Baekhyun was calling her so she answered the call.

"Hello bro! Where are you?" He asked as soon as she answered his call.

"I'm here at the restaurant because my parents wanted me to meet them here to talk about something important, why?" She said then look at the entry gate and someone familiar getting inside.

Is that Jennie? ...No... What she will be even going here. Aish I think seeing her everywhere because she has occupied my mind now a days. Never mind. She thought.

"Bro, are you listening?"

" Y-yeah.. What were you saying?"

" I asked if we could go somewhere tomorrow? Because it's weekend days so we should go somewhere. What do you say?"

" Yeah, right...I'll come there and discuss it with you all... OK?"

"OK bro, we will be waiting for you."

"Ok bye." she then hung up.

Then shoving her phone inside the pocket, she gets inside the restaurant.

Jennie's POV

As I get inside, a waitress approach me.

"Hello mam, are you perhaps Jennie Kim?" She ask politely.

"Yes I am." I answered her while smiling.

"Oh,  let me lead you to the VIP room."

"OK" I said then followed her behind.

"You can go inside, I'll leave now. Have great day mam."

I Just nodded at her then she left me. I opened the door and get inside. I immediately saw my parents and approach them, but I was shocked to see Lisa's parents here with my parents. They smiled at me when they saw me.

"It's nice to see you again, Jennie." Lisa's mom said while smiling brightly.

"I-i...uh... Uncle.. Aunt..what are you doing here?"

"You'll know it later Jennie, just come and sit here." My mom said as she points to the empty chair. I just nodded and proceed to sit on the chair with curious heart. There was one more chair beside me, it was empty as well.

"So... Can you tell me what's happening?" I asked, I don't know why but I was getting little nervous.

"Wait for Lis--" My dad got cut off by someone's voice.

"Hey! I'm sorry if I'm late!" I heard the voice, it was familiar so I look at that person. And I was shocked to see Lisa here.


She looked at me and her eyes widened in shock to See Me.

"J-Jennie?! W-what are you doing here?!"


A/N: Another update will be next week on Sunday. Sorry, I'm busy with school stuffs.

What do you think their reaction will be to know that their parents are making them get married with eachother?

And please support my new story. Check it out in my books.

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