Chapter 9

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Jennie's POV

I informed our parents about Lisa's decision. And they were happy to hear it. Right now, i was with Lisa inside her car. She insisted to drop me home because my parents said that they are already home. I left my car there, i told my driver to pick up car so that i could go with Lisa.

I look at beside me, pleased to see the view in front of me. I smiled as i took in as how beautiful her side face looks. Shinning and shimmering from lights, sharp jawline, brown orbs, plump lips which i want to taste again.

"I might melt by your stares miss kim" i snapped out and looked in front, embarrassed that she caught me staring at her.

I heard her chuckle and murmured 'cute' which i heard and i blushed on that.

We were sat in comfortable silence while the calm music played in the car. After about 10 minutes, we arrived at my home.

"We are here." She said, as she parked the car at the side. I was about to open the door on my side, but Lisa beat me to it. I looked down with a smile on my face, she's a gentle women, one thing that i love about her.

She walked me to the door, my steps halt and i turn around to face her.

"So..." she muttered as she rub her nape while looking down.

"See you at college tomorrow, i guess." I said, smiling brightly.

"Yeah, oh yeah college right. I uh... can i pick you up tomorrow morning? Or no from tomorrow onwards? I mean i will drop you too, i mean you know-- " I chuckled at her, she was kind of nervous i could say.

"I understand what you're trying to say. You will pick me up and drop me home every day from Tomorrow onwards, after all its your duty as my fiance. Isn't it?" I said and raised my brow playfully at her. But god, i can't ignore the butterflies in my stomach when i claimed that she's my fiance.

"Oh yeah, fiance... we're engaged" she mumbled to herself while looking on the ground. Then she look up at me back and smiled genuinely which made my heart to beat madly.

"You're my fiance, we're engaged already. I promise, i will do everything as your fiance and make you happy as much as i can" i said nothing and stared at her lovingly. How lucky i am to be her fiance and to get married to her in no time. Oh god! Thank you so much!

"So uhm.. goodnight"

"Yeah, good night Honey" i said and peck on her cheeks and dashed in leaving her there flustered.

Author's P.O.V

"Damn Jenne kim, what are you doing to me." She muttered as watched her disappeared from her sight.
She sigh and left from there.

She arrives at her home, she gets out of it and dashed inside her home. As she enters in the living room, she spot her parents on the couch, probably waiting for her.

"Lisa!" Mrs Manoban said when she saw her daughter and went to her and Mr Manoban followed her behind.

"Baby, we're sorry for taking this decision without asking you. But we just want her to be our daughter in law and want you yo get married before we both get too old and die--"

"Mom! Don't say that! I'm disappointed with your sudden decision without asking me. But hey, it's ok. I understand you both. And about Jennie, your choice is amazing. She's really a good women with pure heart. Who even am i to reject such an angel? I would gladly do that, i just hope that we both will be happy together."

"Oh god honey, we are happy to hear that! Here take this, this your engagement ring. Make sure to wear and wear her one tomorrow, ok?" Mr Manoban says as he takes out ring boxs and hand it to her which she gladly took it.

"You guys are pretty fast huh" she laughed a little.

"Of course we have Arranged for everything. We are even going to take this to media to let the people know that our one and only heir is getting married with the kims daughter."

"Damn, you guys are so serious about this marriage eh" she chuckled.

"Alright, mom and dad. I will go to bed now, I'm tired."

"Oh honey, go ahead. Take a rest well ok?" Mrs Manoban said. Lisa nodded and left them after kissing on ther cheeks.

She strips herself when she gets inside her bedroom and went to take a quick shower. After getting a quick and fresh shower, she wore an comfortable night clothes and layed on her bed.

She takes the ring from the side table and stares at it.
"I hope i get move on from her and love jennie whole heartedly. I hope our marriage life and future will be good." She thought in her mind.

Times Skip~

Kims were already awake and were sat on the dinning table, having their breakfast. Except their twin daughters who were still not present there.

"Hey Mom, hey dad, good morning" Ruby Jane comes in and greets them as she kissed on their cheeks.

"Good morning Honey" they greeted her back.

Then they heard the door bell rang.

"Oh, who that must be at this morning?" Mr said

"Don't know, Yaya, could you please check who's at the door?" Mrs Kim said to their maid. The maid nods and went to the door. Ruby Jane was already sat on the chair and eating her breakfast.

"Mrs Kim, Ms Manoban is here." The maid said.

The Kims get surprised along with Ruby Jane who suddenly stopped eating when she heard that.

"Lisa! Oh dear, what brought you here at morning." Msr Kim said as she stoods up and hug her soon to be daughter in Law.

"I'm sorry for the sudden visit aunt, uncle. I'm actually here to pick up Jennie." She said and smiled warmly at them. Ruby Jane was confused on how they know her, she had never introduced them to Lisa. Then how? Oh maybe Jennie did that. She also felt a pang on her chest when she heard Lisa, that she's here for Jennie not her. But even though, she shrugged it off.

"Oh dear, already doing your duty huh? I'm glad to know that. And don't call us aunt and uncle, just call us mom and dad." Mr Kim said and smiled at her widely. Ruby Jane got confused why were they telling her to call them mom and dad instead. When did they become this close?

"Oh ok unc-- i mean dad"

"Now that's good." Mr kim said smiling.

"Oh look, she's here." Mrs kim said. Lisa quickly looked at the stairs and and saw Jennie walking down while wearing an simple outfit yet so elegant. She was looking so beautiful and Lisa couldn't stop staring at her. Jennie hid her face shyly when she noticed her stares.

"Oh dear, i know my daughter is beautiful. You can stop that stare." Mrs kim said and chuckled when lisa shyly smiled while rubbing her nape.

"Hey good morning" lisa said when Jennie comes closer to them.

"Good morning, lisa" she said, smiling brightly

Ruby jane gripped the fork tightly when she noticed them staring at each other with lovely eyes, which they never had before. She didn't know why she was getting so mad about that, she didn't know why she felt like that. She didn't know why she felt so... jealous? And... possessive...??

"For fucking sake ruby jane, you don't love her then what are you so jealous about." She thought


(⌒▽⌒)Hello guys~~~

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