Chapter 10

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Author's P.O.V

As they were talking with each other, Ruby Jane cough and raised her brow at her parents when they turn to look at her.

"Can i know what's going on here?" She ask her parents.

"Oh yeah sorry, honney, we forgot got to tell you that lisa--" Mrs was cut off by Jennie who intentionally did it just so they tell her that lisa and her are engaged now which won't be good as per her thought.

"Mom, dad, we are getting late. We will go now. Bye  love you." She said and kissed their cheeks.

"Ok honey, take care. Ruby, would you like to go with them to college?" Mrs Kim asked Ruby Jane who was looking at Lisa.

"No, I'm going with someone else." She answered, she was still staring at lisa who didn't even bothered to glance at her side which made her kind of sad and angry.

"That's alright. Lisa, you can take jennie, please take care of her ok?" Mr Kim said

"Yes dad, don't worry, i will take care of her." She said and smiled.

"alright mom, dad, gotta go." She said and bid her goodbyes to them.


Inside the car, during their ride to college. Lisa was driving and jennie was seated beside her. She was scrolling on her phone, when she suddenly gets surprised.

"Oh no!" She said as looked into her phone.

"What's wrong? Did something happened? Are you okay?" Lisa asked in worried.

"Look at this" Jennie showed her mobile screen to lisa. And lisa frowned when she read the headline on the screen.

Jennie looks at lisa nervously, their engagement has been announced in media and everyone is hyper about  it.

'Omg! The only heir of Manoban Corp is already engaged! That girl is so lucky to have her!'

'Really? She's already engaged? I thought i have chance with her. Huhu'

'Wow, i can't believe it! For real! They are already engaged!'

That was all about their engagement. Some girls were sad that they can't have a chance with and boys too with Jennie.

"I'm sorry. I know you wanted to keep this a secret for now.' Jennie said sadly and looked down. Lisa stops the car and turn to Jennie. She lift up her chin and made Jennie face her.

"Why are you sorry about that? It's not your fault. It's okay, I'm not mad about this. I guess my parents did this." She chuckled "they are happy more than us and they couldn't wait to tell the world that their only daughter is finally engaged."

"It's fine, after all everyone will know about us in the end. It doesn't matter. No big deal" she said as she cupped her cheeks. Which made Jennie to blush under her palms.

"Are you... are you happy?" She asked lisa nervously

"Hmm, i don't know. But i will say, I'm not sad nor mad at this." She said honestly

Jennie just stared at her without any word. She closed her eyes when lisa leaned in to peck on her forehead. She felt her heart beating rapidly and the wild butterflies in stomach.


They arrived at the university. Lisa gets out of her car and went to jennie's side to open the door for her. The students there were looking at them and gossiping. Some were squealing to see them together. Some were glaring at them because of being jealous.

They ignored their stare and talks and went inside, with jennie hooking their arma together.

Just when they were on their way to their classes, they stopped in the middles of the hallway when someone shouted jennie's name.


They both saw Nayeon, walking towards them angrily with heavy steps and her other friends trailing behind  her.

"What is this?! Is this true?!" She asked as soon she reached them as she showed them her phone screen. Knowing what it was all about, she cleared her throat and answered them.

"Yes, it's true." All her friends gasped.

"Just a day ago we heard you love lisa since high school which we never knew especially me and I'm disappointed at you. And now today, i heard you're engaged and you're saying it's true! Can you enlighten me Kim? I demand no! We demand explanations for this.!" Nayeon said in disappointment

Jennie breathed out un defeat and looked at Lisa who was silent looking at them. Catching her look, lisa nodded.

"It's alright, i will go to my friends you girls can have a talk." Lisa said and peck on her forehead before leaving her with her friends. The students gasped at that and her friends were gawking in surprise while Jennie was blushing furiously.

"Kim, explain" nayeon, who recovered from shock and said

"Alright, let's go to class. I will explain everything to you." She said and went to her class as they followed her too.


"So yeah, this is what happened." She said after explaining everything to them. They were all silent. They suddenly heard a sniff and looked to owner and saw rośe crying and Jisoo consoling her girlfriend.

"Rośe, why are you crying?" Jennie asked worried.

"I'm sorry, you were hurting all this time and we didn't knew. And now, You finally got your love. Your love story made me cry." She said while pouting.

Everyone laughed and Jennie chuckled while shaking her head.

"You're such a cry baby." She said.

"No, but seriously,  why didn't you said this to us before?" Nayeon said

"I'm sorry... i just didn't want to be awkward and didn't want you pity me." Jennie said apologetically

"It's fine, whatever happened we can't change it now. We should support her with lisa, that would be good for everyone. I'm just glad that you're happy, you deserve it." Jisoo said sincerely and everyone agreed

"Thank you guys, i'm glad to have you all with me." Jennie said and smiled brightly with pure happiness.


"Lisa, are you sure about this? I mean, you just went through heart break." Bobby asked her in worry.

"I'm fine don't worry. I just want to move on from her with the help of Jennie. I don't think it's bad to marry her because we have known each other since we were kids. She's an amazing girl with good heart. She will be a good partner for me, I'm sure of it." She said and smiled lightly

"But... what about Ruby?" Taehyung asks.

"I don't know and i don't care." She replied

"Do whatever makes you happy. We're here to support you remember that ok." Bambam said and lisa nods while smiling at her friends.

Jennie, i hope we get along and be happy in our married life *smile*


Phew! This time  long chapter. Hey guys! What's up? ;)

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