Chapter 6

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Jennie's P.O.V

"Bye guys I will go now" I said and waved my hand.

"Yeah ok bye" They said and waved back.

Then I left them and go to parking lot where I told Lisa to wait for me. When reach the place I saw Lisa was resting her back on the car, looking on to her phone. I smile widely and approached her.

“Lisa yah...” I called her as i was standing in front of her. She looked up and smile at me but still there's sadness in her eyes. I have to make her happy I've to do something to make her Forget about her problems.

“Hey, you here. Let's go I'll drop you home” She said.

“No, i don't want to go home” I said

“Huh? then where?” she asked confusedly

“I want to go to Amusement park!” I said and grin widely.

“What?! No! I won't go!”

“Lisa yah! Please please please! I want to go there!” I said and showed my puppy eyes.

She stare at me for a moment then sigh and said...

“Ok fine! let's go!” She said and opened the door for me.

“Yeeyyy! Thank you Lisa yah!” I said and quickly enter inside the car.


Lisa and Jennie arrived at the amusement park. They got their tickets and searched for the ride.

"Lisa yah! Let's go there! I wanna ride it!" she said as she points there.

Lisa look at where she's pointing and saw a roller coaster.

"Are you sure,  you want to ride it?" she asked concernly.

"Yes!" she said smiling widely.

"Alright then let's go" Lisa said chuckling.

"Yeyy! Let's go!" she dragged Lisa towards the ride.

She's the complete opposite of Ruby. Lisa thought smiling in her mind.


Ruby was getting ready for the date with Kai. She walked over to her closet and took her clothes. Just when she was about to close it, a photo fell onto the floor. Ruby for rowed her brows and picked up that photo to see it. She turned the photo and her breath hitched when she saw that it was Lisa and her in the photo. And there was something wrote on it. A tear rolled down her cheeks when she read it.

"The women I love with all my heart"

That's what she read. She traced her fingers on photo with hurt in her eyes. Then she suddenly realized what she's doing and quickly wipe her tears and throw the photo in the drawer hastily.

What's happening to me? Why am I crying? I got what I want then what is this? She thought in her mind while massaging her forehead.

Then she heard car honk getting that Kai has arrived.

Forget it Ruby. She thought then quickly changed her clothes and left.


Lisa just dropped Jennie at home. It was already night.

"Bye Lisa" Jennie waving her hand as she was standing at the door.

"Bye Jen" She said and smiled unconsciously. Jennie was glad that she made Lisa forget about her pain for a while. She was happy to see her smiling today. And Lisa was about leave when she stopped.

"Lisa wait!" Jennie said stopping her from leaving.

"What is it?" She asked her curiously as she look at her.

Jennie go towards Lisa and without wasting any second, she tip toed on her foot and kissed Lisa on her cheek then quickly run inside her home.

Lisa put her palm on her cheek where Jennie kissed her. She was shocked but she was happy. She felt butterflies in her stomach and smiled brightly.

Jennie Kim You really are something else. She thought chuckling and shake her head.

She hopped in her car and drove off.


Sorry for taking that long. I just didn't know what do in next chapter. My mind is in mess right now. Can you guys give me some ideas for the next chapter? Pleasseee!

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