Chapter 4

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Jennie's p.o.v

I arrived at the club and quickly got out of my car and run inside. I look at every where to search her. Then I found her sitting on the stool near bar. She was holding a bottle of beer and her head was leaning on the table. She looks so miserable. She's drunk very badly. I have to do something to get over with Ruby. I'll not let her ruin herself.

I took steps towards her. I saw strained tears on her cheeks. Her eyes were closed. My eyes got teary when I saw her like this. Don't worry Lisa, You'll be happy again. I promise that to you.

"Lisa.. Lisa wake up" i called her softly as i tapped her cheek gently.

"J-jennie... Is that you?" She asked as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Yes Lisa... It's me, Jennie" I said softly as i helped her to sit properly cause she's very drunk.

"J-Jennie... C-can you h-help me to forget h-her? I w-want to forget her. I w-want this pain to go... Help me please.... " She said drunkly as hear tears rolled down her cheeks. Her eyes were red like a blood. I can't see her like this, I can't.

"Of course I'll help you to forget her. Don't worry ok? I'm here with you" I said while caressing her cheeks.

I helped her to stand and took her to my car. I placed Lisa at the back seat. I go to the driver seat and buckled up my seat belt. I called Lisa's driver to take her car home. Then I drove off to her home.


I've arrived at her home then called one of the guard to take her in her bedroom. I walk behind them. I saw Mr and Mrs Manoban looking at us in confused.

"what happened to my daughter?" Mrs Manoban asked me.

Mr Manoban's P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch with my wife sitting across me.

"Hon, don't you think our daughter should get married now?" My wife said.

"You're right hon. What if we find girl for her" I said and smiled brightly.

"But what if she already have a girlfriend?" My wife asked curiously.
"I don't think so... She would have told us by now if she already have a girlfriend" I said as sip on my coffee.

"Yeah you're right" She said while nodding.

After some time we saw one of our guard coming inside while holding her. And I saw a girl behind them. I Looked at my wife and she was confused same as me. Then we look at them with confusion. It seems that the girl notices us.

"What happened to my daughter" My wife asked worriedly.

"um... Actually Mrs Manoban... Lisa was drunk so I've bought her here" That girl said.

"Oh... What is your name by the way?"

"I'm Jennie. Jennie Kim" she said and smiled.

"What a beautiful name just like you" My wife said.

"Thank you Mrs Manoban" She said while blushing.

"you're welcome dear. But are you perhaps her girlfriend?"

"Oh no! I'm not her girlfriend.... But i wish I could be" she said with a red tint on her face. But we didn't heard the last sentence.

"Oh sorry!"

"No it's okay..... Umm if you don't mind... Can i stay with Lisa this night... I mean there should be someone to care of her... So i thought i could.... Stay and take care of her. Only if you allow me
to...." She said nervously.

"You don't have to ask us dear. You can and take care of her" I said as i smiled.

"Yeah, that would be good. You can stay here tonight" My wife said.

"Thank you... Um I'll go to her room now" She said we nodded then she smiled and left.

(A/N: Lisa's parents don't know about Lisa's love life because they are always on bussiness trip)

"Are you thinking what I'm think too?" My wife asked me.

"So.... We're thinking the same thing huh?" I said and chuckled.

Author's p.o.v

Jennie opened the door of Lisa's room and step inside. She saw Lisa crying while sitting and burying her face on her knees. It broke her heart to see her like that.

"Lisa!...Why are you crying and i thought you fell asleep" She said as she hug her and rub her back gently.

"C-can I... S-sleep on y-your lap?" Lisa said between her sobs.

Jennie's heart melted at that words. She smiled seeing how cute it was. She nodded at Lisa and smiled softly.
Lisa then put her head on jennies lap and closed her eyes. Jennie caressed her hair while watching Lisa sleeping. Then moments later, Jennie fell asleep.

Few minutes later the door got opened. And two people enter the room quietly. They were Mr and Mrs Manoban. They smiled widely when they saw Lisa sleeping on Jennie's Lap and Jennie's hand on Lisa's head while leaning against the headboard.
They awwed on how they look good and cute together.

They both looked at each other then nodded and leave the room quietly.
They closed the door after coming out of Lisa's room. Then looked at each other.

"Let's talk to Jennie's parents tomorrow" Mr Manoban said and smirk.

"yeah let's do it" Mrs Manoban said and giggles quietly. Then they go to their room.


A/N: Hey guys sorry for the short update and sorry for the late update.

Do you think Lisa's heart break can lead her to fall in love with Jennie? Do you think Ruby will realise that she loved Lisa? Do you think Lisa will accept to marry Jennie when their parents decided to arrange a marriage for the both? Will Jennie be able to finally have that love which she wanted from Lisa? Will Jennie be success to make Lisa fall for her? What will Ruby do when she realized that it's too late?

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