Chapter 3 / Part 2

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Author's p.o.v

Jennie and her friends were at the cafeteria. They were talking about some random things. Jennie was Silent. And when they noticed her silencess, so they ask her what's the matter.

"Jennie, what happened? You're unusually quiet today!" Asked Nayeon worriedly.

"I'm fine. I'm just not in the mood today" said Jennie and smile fakely.

"Why, what happened? Why are you not in the mood today" asked Jisoo curiously.

"Nothing Unnie" said Jennie. Trying to get rid of that question.

"Jennie, don't you dare to hide something! I know you very well, there's something wrong with you"
said Nayeon seriously. Jennie sigh in defeat cause she know that they will not leave her until she says.

"I can't tell you guys. But you'll get it soon" said Jennie and look at them.

What is it? What's wrong with her? What is she talking about? They thought.

Then couple of minutes later, Ruby Jane approach their table. She greeted them and they greeted her back. But when she greeted Jennie, she greeted her back but with a cold tone. They were confused on why Jennie was cold all of a sudden to her sister.

"Jennie, what happened? Why are you being cold to me?" Ruby Jane asked Jennie curiously.

"Find it yourself" said Jennie with cold tone and look at everywhere but to Ruby Jane.

"How can i find it by myself? Did i do something wrong?" asked Ruby Jane completely confused on what's happening to her sister.

Jennie can't take this anymore, so she go straight to the point.

"Why did you do that to Lisa?!" asked Jennie sternly.

All their friends were completely confused on what is going on.

"what? What are you talking about?" said Ruby Jane, not getting what Jennie is talking about.

"Don't play dumb with me! Lisa told me everything! How can you do that to Lisa" Jennie shouted not caring about the people who are looking at their direction.

Ruby Jane got it that what Jennie is talking about. But she didn't care about that.

"Jennie, don't shout! People are looking at us!" said Ruby Jane and gritted her teeths.

"Then let them see! Let them know what you really are"

Is this what I'm thinking? Thought Irene.

"Unnie, what are you talking about? What happened to Lisa? What Ruby has done?" Asked Rośe curiously. And other friends were waiting for her to answer. For them, this is the first time witnessing this. First time in their life they are watching them fighting like this. Cause everytime those Twins are caring and sweet to each other.

"Ask her, what she did! She just played with Lisa! She wanted to break her heart! She wanted to take revenge on Lisa!!" said Jennie in mad tone.

"Revenge?! Why Would she do that?! She love Lisa so much and we know that" said Nayeon.

Jennie was trying to calm herself. Then answer them.

"It's true! She did that! She never loved Lisa! She wanted to take revenge for her boyfriend, Kai!" Said Jennie. And everyone gasped at what they heard. They were shocked on hearing it.

"And if you don't believe me! You can ask Irene Unnie! She knows everything because she's close to Ruby Jane!" said Jennie and look at Irene.

"Irene, is true? What Jennie is saying, is it true?" asked Jisoo seriously while looking at her direction.

"Don't lie to us Unnie! I even have the proof" said Jennie cause she knows that maybe Irene will deny it cause she's Ruby Jane's Best friend.

Irene look at Ruby Jane then look at everyone who were sitting and looking at her seriously, waiting for her answer.

"Y-yeah, it's true. What is Jennie said is all true" said Irene and look down.

Then all of them look at Ruby Jane suspiciously.

"Yess! I did that! So what? Why do you care about her?! It's not that you love her" Ruby Jane shouted.

"For your Information, yes I love her! From the beginning I love her! But she loved you so i let her go! I thought she would be happy with you! I thought you'll make her happy and take care of her! I trusted you for Lisa! But you broke it!! You proved me wrong!!!" Jennie shouted back at her. Completely in rage.

Their friends were shocked on Jennie's confession. They didn't know that Jennie loved Lisa from this long. Even Nayeon, her best friend, her closest friend, didn't know that.

Also Ruby Jane was shocked on hearing that. But showed no emotions to that.

"From now on, stay away from her! I would not tolerate, if i saw you hurting her again!" said Jennie and grab her bag then leave the cafeteria without saying goodbye to her friends. Leaving them shock and speechless.

Just when she exit the cafeteria, she took out her phone to call Lisa and ask her, where she is. Because she was sick worried for her. She dialed her number then place it to her ear. 5 rings done but no answer. She tried again then finally she answered.

"Hello, Lisa! Where are you? Do you know how sick worried I'm! Wha---" Jennie exclaimed but got cut off by a stranger's voice.

"Hello! Ma'am, the owner of this phone is drunk badly. I didn't know what to do but then you called so i answered, cause maybe you're close to her" The stranger said. And it was Man's voice.

"What?! Where?! Where are you right now?!" asked Jennie worriedly.

"Here, at the xxx Club" said the Man.

"Okay! Stay there and keep your eyes on her! I'm coming" said Jennie and quickly hung up. She run towards her car then get inside and drove off to the said Club.


Hey guys I'm sorry for the late update. I'm just busy in enrolling in college. And also I'll be busy this year.
Also I'm using Mobile less this time cause it's effecting my eyes. I'll update late. And I hope you'll understand.

Mianhae........ and Saranghaeyo ❤❤❤

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