Chapter 1 / Part 1

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Author's P.o.v

"What the fuck are you saying?!" Said Lisa as she punched him on the face very hard that he fell down on floor while holding his face.

"Lisa, he's saying the truth!" Said Jackson as he helped Bobby to stand up.

"Why would i believe You?! You don't have any proof!!" Lisa shouted as she scatterd everything which was near her. She was not believing on what her best friends said. She couldn't believe that her lover would do this to her.

"We have proof Lisa" Said Jackson as he took out his phone. He played the audio record which was the proof that Ruby Jane was just playing with her. He gave his mobile to Lisa who was looking at them with her burning eyes.

Lisa took his mobile in her hand and place near her ear. She was listening it very care fully. Her heart broke into pieces. Her mind stoped working for a moment. Tears started forming on her eyes. She felt a pang on her chest, As she recognized the voice of her lover. And another voice which belongs to Irene, her lover's best friend.

"so you don't love her?!" Asked Irene.

"Of course I don't love her!" Said Ruby Jane as is it was nothing.

"Wtf! Ruby Jane! Then why are you with her!? You will hurt her" Asked Irene.

"I don't care! I don't even love her, I'm just playing with her" Said Ruby Jane.

"Why are you doing that?" Asked Irene.

"It's just the revenge, of what she did to Kai" Replied Ruby Jane.

"now don't tell me that..."

"Yes, you're guessing it right" Said Ruby Jane Smile Evily.

"I'm telling you, you're doing a biggest mistake. You'll regret it" Said Irene.

"Nah, I won't" Said Ruby Jane as she laughs evily.

"you're going to lose a precious diamond Ruby Jane. Believe me you'll regret it & I'll not be there for you remember that" Said Irene she walked towards the door.

As soon as the audio Ended, Lisa Fell on the ground. She felt her knees getting weak, her eyes getting blurry. Tears started flowing on her cheeks. she got up from the floor and walked towards exit. Her friends called out to her but she didn't listened to them and went inside  her car.

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