Chapter 10: Green Ranger vs Bomb Voyage

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After running through the hole tunnel, Trevor makes it to a set of subway tunnels. He looks around for Bomb Voyage, but doesn't see him. 

Trevor: I have to give him credit. Bomb Voyage is a fast runner. 

He then hears something. He looks ahead, and sees a jet of fire coming towards him. 

Trevor: Holy! 

He jumps out of the way as the fire disappears when it goes by. He watches it disappear, and looks down the other tunnel, knowing that Bomb Voyage is the one who sent the fire. 

Trevor: Come on, Bomb, you know I can't let you running around down here without a bombing permit.

He can't see him, but he can hear him panting and breathing heavily down the tunnels. 

Bomb Voyage: That's it, Green Ranger. You've been riding me long enough. I'm gonna finish you once and for all!

Bomb Voyage throws another bomb, and it goes off, sending another jet of fire down the tunnel, towards Trevor. Trevor moves out of the way again. He tries to come up with a plan to get down through the tunnels without getting hit by the jets of fire. He looks at the hole, and sees that the Incredibles haven't showed up yet. 

Trevor: Looks like they're still dealing with the thugs. Looks like I have to deal with this by myself. Wait.

Trevor looks at his golden shield and wonders that it could protect him. He pulls out his Dragon Dagger, and holds it in his hand. He then plays the tune, and his shield shines brightly. He then runs down the tunnel. Bomb Voyage hears him running down the third tunnel, and he runs to the entrance. He smirks, and sets off another bomb. The bomb releases another jet of fire, and it shoots down the tunnel. Trevor sees it, but keeps running towards it. He exhales, as he prays for his shield to protect him from the flames. The fire hits him, and he disappears in the flames. Bomb Voyage smirks evilly at this, thinking he got rid of the Green Ranger. But then, his smirk vanishes and has a look of shock when he sees Trevor is unharmed. 

Trevor: I got you now! 

Trevor continues running towards him. Bomb Voyage runs back. He runs through another tunnel. He throws a bomb on the ceiling, and it goes off, causing rumble to fall down, blocking the tunnel. 

Trevor: Oh, blast it! 

He looks around for another way to get to the tunnel. He finds a lever, and pulls it. An empty train car goes down the tunnel, revealing a door with stairs. He runs up the steps, and he's in a water sewer line. He follows the path, and he finds another door that leads to the tunnel. He looks around, and he finds another door. He opens the door, and he sees he's in a train repair station. He looks around, and spots Bomb Voyage on top of a train car. 

Bomb Voyage: Come on, freak. You need to learn a lesson, and Bomb Voyage's school of hard knocks is now open. 

Trevor: (Scoffs) Give me a break, Bomb! I can't believe you have any class, let along a whole school worth.

Trevor jumps high in the air, and lands on the train. Bomb Voyage uses his bombs to fight. Trevor charges at him, uses his ranger moves on him. Bomb uses his bomb and throws it at Trevor. Trevor crosses his arm, and the bomb goes off, sending him back. He lands on the ground. 

Bomb Voyage: Aw, did I hurt you, Green Ranger?

Trevor then jump flips back up. He yells as he jumps in the air, and uses a jump kick on Bomb Voyage. Bomb tries to move out of the way, but not in time. Trevor kicks him in the chest, sending him off the train. He screams as he falls down to the floor. He lands on the floor. Trevor jumps down on the floor. Bomb gets back up, and he throws another bomb at him. He jumps up in the air to avoid it. He watches as the bomb hits the wall, and goes off, making a hole. He frowns, and looks at Bomb. 

Bomb Voyage: Time to rock and roll, Green Ranger!

He shoves a oil barrel at Trevor. He put a bomb on it, and it rolls towards him. Trevor sees this.

Trevor: Oh, crap. 

He jumps to the side, and just in time as the bomb goes off, destroying the barrel, causing a fire explosion. Trevor gets back up, and charges at Bomb again. 

Trevor: I think it's time to end this!

Trevor then jumps in the air, and spin kicks at Bomb. Bomb gets hit the chest, and he gets send flying in the air. He hits the wall hard. He lands on the floor. He struggles to get back up, but Trevor kicks him in the face, knocking him out. He pants at this. Just then, the Incredibles show up in the room. They see Bomb Voyage on the floor. 

Bob: Whoa. 

Helen: Wow. You got him. 

Trevor: Yep. He was a little challenging, but I handled it. 

Violet: You really are amazing, Green Ranger. 

Trevor: Thank you. But I don't think it's over yet. Before he and his boys attacked the subway station, I saw a flying creature of some sort flying out of a jewelry store. Meaning that he was also part of the robbing that this clown was in. 

Bob: Oh, really?

Bomb Voyage groans as he wakes back up. He weakly looks up at the heroes, and they look at him. 

Trevor: Looks like your flying friend's getting your share of the loot too. Where'd he get off to, anyway?

Bomb Voyage: (Groans) If I don't get mine, Sky Hawk isn't getting his. He has a work shop set up, up in the old clock tower, on the lower east side. 

Trevor: Sky Hawk, huh? Thanks, Bomb Voyage. Give my regards to my fans in the slammer. 

Bob uses his strength, and bends a metal pipe around Bomb Voyage, keeping him from escaping. Bob looks at Trevor. 

Bob: (Smiles) Good work, Green Ranger. Looks like you've proved yourself again to be a hero, like your other ranger friends. 

Trevor: Oh, I'm just doing my best. Well, looks like I gotta deal with this Sky Hawk guy. And don't worry, I got it handled. You all can deal with this clown when you give him and his boys to the police. 

Violet: (Giggles) Alright. Good luck. 

Trevor nods, and teleports out of the train repair station, and heads for the old clock tower. The Incredibles watch him teleport, and they leave the area too while Bob is carrying Bomb Voyage. Will Trevor find and get Sky Hawk?

Here's the tenth chapter of The Incredibles: the Green Power is back. Looks like Trevor fought Bomb Voyage, and defeated him. He was a little tough with his bombs, but Trevor deal with him with ease. And now, he's gonna go deal with the flying creature, known as Sky Hawk. Sky Hawk is my own villain character. Will Trevor deal with him too? Find out on the next chapter. Let me know what you all think of this chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.    

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