Chapter 14: Coup D'Etat

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It has been another month since Trevor had encountered a super Villain. He is now in his room, doing his homework, and studying. He is doing good. As he does his homework, someone knocks on his door. He looks, and sees his mom. 

Mrs. Rydinger: Hey, sweetie. 

Trevor: Hey, mom. 

Mrs. Rydinger: How are you doing? 

Trevor: I'm good. Just doing my homework. Man, this is really challenging for me. I don't know how Tony does this. 

Mrs. Rydinger: He's more smart like you. You both are great boys. I know that for a fact. And we love you both so much. 

Trevor smiles at her. He gets up from his seat, and hugs her. She hugs him back. 

Mrs. Rydinger: Oh, and honey, you know today's Oxcorp's annual day festival. 

Trevor: Oh, crap! I forgot! I was suppose to take pictures of the festival too. I'd better get down there to get the pictures.

Mrs. Rydinger: Do you want me to ride you there?

Trevor: No. I'll be fine. Don't worry. I love you, mom.

Mrs. Rydinger: I love you too. Be home by 11:00. 

Trevor: I will. 

Trevor takes his camera, and walks out of his room. His mom watches him as he gets on his bike, and rides off to where the festival is happening at. But meanwhile, at Oxcorp, Mr. Ox is steaming with anger as he walks to his office. Recently, he found a blood sample at the zoo from Jedidiah and the Power Rangers' fight. He discovered it's from the Green Ranger, and now, he had the chance to make his serum. The military has gave his company the contract. But now, the Board is planning on firing him, to save tons of money. 

Danny: The board can't fire me! I built this company! How dare they? 

He walks over to the window. He can hear the festival going on from a distance. He has a frowned look on his face.

Danny: I'll teach them a lesson they won't forget. 

Later, in the lab, Dr. Lewis is working on the serum, seeing if he can make it stronger somehow, but can't seem to get it right. 

Dr. Lewis: (Sighs) We aren't getting anywhere.

Danny's voice: It's time, doctor. 

He turns around, and sees him. 

Dr. Lewis: (Gasps) Mr. Ox, I didn't hear. 

Danny: Never mind that. We proceeding with the human trial. 

Dr. Lewis: Human? But I can't possibly test--

Danny: Dr. Lewis, either prepare the chamber, or your resignation. Either way, I'm testing the serum now! 

He walks over to a desk, and takes canister of the serum, preparing to use it on himself. He gets inside, and straps himself to a table. Dr. Lewis turns on the chamber and injects the serum into the chamber. The serum enters the chamber in a gas form. As Mr. Ox breaths it in, he begins to scream in agony. He twists around, and shakes rapidly. His eyes roll back into his head, and he stops breathing. Dr. Lewis turns on the air vent in the chamber, and vents out the gas. After that, he runs into the chamber to check on Mr. Ox. 

Dr. Lewis: Mr. Ox, are you all right?!

He checks on him, and sees he doesn't have a pulse. He sighs sadly at this, and mourns for the death of his boss. Suddenly, Ox's eyes open, and he breaks free of the straps, and chokes Dr. Lewis. Then, he throws him through a glass window out of the chamber. He screams as he flies through the air, and hits the wall. Danny jumps out of the chamber fast, and lands in front of the doctor. He then looks at a flight suit made of steel, and smirks. Later on, at the festival, everyone is celebrating. On a balcony, Violet and her family are watching the scene from above as huge  animal balloons are in the air. Violet is having fun. Since then, her and Trevor have gotten close. 

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