Chapter 9: Sewers

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In the sewers, Bomb Voyage talks to his men as they gather around him. 

Bomb Voyage: (Speaking French) Alright, listen up. The Incredibles, and the Green Ranger are gonna be right behind us. When they get down here, ambush them. There's no way we're giving up a big score to a Green costumed hero, and a family of Supers!

He runs through a door to another sewer line. Where the hole is at, the Supers and Green Ranger arrive down in the sewers. They look ahead, and see Bomb Voyage's men coming at them.

Trevor: Looks like the welcome wagon's already here. 

Dash: Let's get 'em!

The heroes charge in at the thugs. Helen stretches her arm, and punches one in the face hard. Dash runs around one of them, making him dizzy. And then, he stops, and punches him in the face, knocking him out. Trevor fights a whole bunch of them. He uses his ranger moves on them, tripping, kicking, and punching. He takes down six of them. One of them pulls out a machine gun. 

Violet: Look out!

The thug open fires on them. Violet uses a force field to shield herself and the heroes to protect them from the bullets. The thug keeps firing, trying to get them. But then, he runs out of ammo. He stops to reload, but that gives Dash the time to get him. Violet takes down her force field, and Dash runs at the thug. The thug sees him. 

Thug: (In French) Oh, crap.

Dash laughs, and punches him in the face. He falls down on the floor, out cold. Trevor nods at this. He turns around, and sees the door that Bomb Voyage ran in. He looks at the Incredibles, and they nod at him. They all run through the door to another sewer line. They run through a sewer hallway. More thugs ambush them to stop them, but they take them all down before they do anything. 

Violet: We'd better pick up the pace before we lose Bomb Voyage. 

Trevor: Yeah. 

Mr. Incredible leads them through the hallway. The hallway is long, so they ran down it. Until finally, they enter a large room, where some controls are in. They see Bomb Voyage in a sewer pipe line. He sees the heroes. 

Bomb Voyage: (In French) It's time to stop those heroes! (To thug) Ryan, make it happen!

Ryan: (To Bomb Voyage) I'm on it!

Bomb Voyage runs inside the pipe. They all hear an explosion inside, meaning that he blew a hole to get out. Ryan then turns a value. He grunts as he turns it. Something clicks inside the pipe, and then rushing water comes out of the pipe. As the water hits the bottom, a grate cage closes up down below, and exposed electric wires get caught in the water. Ryan nods at this, and he pulls the value out of the control panel. He runs off with it. 

Trevor: Oh, great. He took the value. We have to get that back if we want to turn off the water. 

Bob: He's right. If we try to get in there, we'll get pushed back by the current, and we'll get fried. 

Helen: (To Dash) Incrediboy, go after him. 

Dash nods, and runs after Ryan. He follows him into a room where sewer pipes are in grates. He looks around Ryan. 

Dash: Here, boy! Come on! (Whistles) 

He spots him and chases after him. More thugs come out to protect Ryan. Trevor and Violet come in to help Dash fight them. Trevor and Violet deal with the thugs while Dash deals with Ryan. Trevor trips a thug, and elbows him in the chest. One of the thugs tries to punch Trevor from behind, but he grabs his arm, and spins him around to the ground. He then elbows him in the chest too. Violet turns invisible, confusing the thugs. They look around for her. Then, they both groan as they're getting kicked from behind. Then, they get punched in the faces. Violet turns visible, and smirks at the downed thugs. Dash finds Ryan, and trips him when they tried to run away. Then, he runs at him to get the value, and punches Ryan in the face to knock him out. He picks up the value. They run back in the large room. Bob, Helen, and Jack-Jack are by the control panel. Dash hands his dad the value, and he puts it back in. He turns the value, and the water turns off. 

Helen: There we go. 

Bob: Let's go get Bomb Voyage. 

They climb up some controls, and climb into the pipe. They walk through the water, and climb through a hole that Bomb Voyage made to get out. They see they're in another large room. Just then, a whole bunch of thugs ambush them. 

Trevor: Dang it! We don't have time for this! He's gonna get away if we fight them!

Bob: Then, Green Ranger, you go get him! We'll stay and deal with them!

Trevor nods, and runs off while the Incredibles deal with the thugs. Trevor finds a door that leads somewhere. A leader thug tries to stop Trevor from getting to his boss. But Trevor takes him down easily. Trevor smiles, knowing that normal thugs are no match for the power of the power rangers. He looks behind, and sees the Incredibles are taking down the thugs too. He nods at them, and walks to the door. He opens it, and sees Bomb Voyage setting an explosive to a wall. He steps back, and the bomb goes off, making a hole. He runs through the hole. 

Trevor: Bomb Voyage! He's heading into the subway tunnels. I have to stop him fast. 

He runs through the hole, going after Bomb Voyage. Can Trevor stop him on his own? 

Here's the ninth chapter of The Incredibles: The Green Power is back. I'm sorry for the long wait of any who likes this story. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.      

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