Chapter 15: Power Rangers Vs Silver Kong

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Trevor continues following Silver Kong as he teleports after him. Trevor then appears on him, and lands on his flying machine. Silver Kong turns around, and Trevor starts punching him in the face several times. 

Silver Kong: (Grunts in pain) Keep your distance!

Silver Kong breaks free, and throws Trevor off the machine. Trevor lands on his feet on a rooftop. He looks up, and sees that Silver Kong is flying around him, waiting to strike him. He frowns, but stands ready for him to come. Meanwhile, at the Command Center, the alarm goes off. 

Alpha: Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi! Zordon, we've picking up something terrible in Trevor's home. 

Zordon: Alert the rangers, Alpha! Bring them here.

Alpha: Right, Zordon!

Alpha contacts the rest of the rangers, and a couple of moments later, they all teleport into the Command Center.

Tommy: What's up, Zordon?

Trini: What's going on?

Zordon: Rangers, we've got a problem. Trevor is in trouble at his hometown. 

Billy: What is it?

Zordon: Behold the viewing globe. 

They all turn around to look at it. They see Trevor fighting Silver Kong. 

Kimberly: Who is that?

Alpha: We don't know. It seems to be another super villain, and Trevor is trying to stop him. 

Zordon: This fight is too much for Trevor to handle by himself. You must go down there, and help him. 

Jason: We're on it, Zordon.

Tommy: Let's do it, guys! It's morphing time!

Zack: Mastodon!

Kimberly: Pterodactyl!

Billy: Triceratops!

Trini: Saber-toothed tiger!

Jason: Tyrannosaurus! 

They all morph, and teleport to where Trevor is at. Back with Trevor, he continues trying to find a way to get Silver Kong down from his flying machine. He looks up, and sees him coming at him again. Trevor jumps out of the way as he shoots bolts at him. Trevor grunts as he stands up. 

Silver Kong: There's no need for us to fight, my young friend. We should be working together, you and I. 

Trevor: Save it, ugly. There's no way I'm working with a psychopath like you. 

Trevor takes out his dagger, and shoots a green beam at the machine. It hits it, damaging it. 

Silver Kong: Blast! I think my machine could be damaged! 

Trevor: It's never too late to learn new things, is it?

Silver Kong flies over a glass window on a rooftop. He jumps off his machine, and lands on the glass, shattering it. Trevor jumps over to the rooftop, and lands inside the building. He spots Silver Kong below him. He tries to jump on him, but Silver Kong grabs him, slams him down, and jump kicks him in the chest. Trevor groans in pain. Trevor gets back up, and he glares at Silver Kong. 

Silver Kong: (Laughs) Your Ranger powers are no match for my power, Green Ranger. 

Trevor: Nothing can beat the Power Rangers, Silver Kong! Not even you!

Silver Kong: We'll see about that. 

Just then, the rest of the rangers have arrived in the fight. Trevor sees them, and smiles. 

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