Chapter 5: Command Center

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The rangers all teleport to the Command Center. They arrive inside. Trevor then looks around as the other rangers take off their helmets. 

Trevor: Wow. Where are we? (Takes off his helmet) 

Tommy: Welcome to the Command Center. Our home base. 

Alpha: (Comes in view) Hello, new friend. I've seen what you did in the fight in that warehouse. 

Trevor: Whoa! A real robot!

Billy: His name is Alpha 5. He's a good friend of ours. 

Kimberly: (Points at the tube) And That's our mentor, Zordon. 

Trevor looks at the tube, and he's shocked to see a floating head in the tube. He looks at him as Trevor looks back at him. 

Zordon: Welcome, Green Ranger. I know you're in shock right now, but all answers can be answered for you. 

Trevor: Alright. Can someone tell me what's all this about?

Zordon: Well, be patience, and allow me to explain.

Trevor nods, and stands still as he looks at Zordon. Everyone then looks at Zordon too. 

Zordon: You see, Trevor, centuries ago, I have come to this world before it was called earth. For so long, I have come to a stand against the forces of evil. I fought against an evil empress name Rita Repulsa and her henchmen. Then, I trapped them in a space dumpster for 10,000 years. I knew that a time she might get released again, so with my trusted assistant, Alpha 5, we built this command center to monitor the earth for evil. Now, about almost a year ago, Rita and her henchmen were released from the dumpster by a couple of astronauts. Once she was freed, she begun attacking earth. And when I found out she was attacking, I sought out five teenagers with attitude, and gave them the power to become earth's first power rangers. And they're right here.

Trevor looks at the other rangers.

Jason: I'm Jason, the red ranger.

Billy: My name's Billy, the blue ranger. 

Zack: The Zack man, black ranger. 

Trini: I am Trini, the yellow ranger.

Kimberly: My name is Kimberly, pink ranger. 

Tommy: And I'm Tommy, the white ranger. 

Trevor: Nice to meet you all. But wait. Zordon, you said five teenagers. There are six.

Zordon: You see, Trevor, while Jason and his friends were fighting Rita, she decided to make her own evil ranger to battle them. She had the green ranger power coin. 

Trevor's eyes widen, and looks at his coin. 

Alpha: Yes, Trevor. It's the same one. Anyway, she chose Tommy to be the green ranger.

Tommy: It's true, Trevor. Her evil magic was too strong. I couldn't fight it. I became the original green ranger, and she ordered me to destroy the others, and I almost succeeded. But my friends didn't give up on me. She destroyed the dark sword, and I was freed. And that's when I joined the team. I was on the team for a few months. But then, Rita made a green candle that drained me from my powers. 

Jason: I tried to get the candle to stop it from the powers leaving Tommy, but I failed. So Tommy had to give up his power coin to me in order from Rita from getting the power. 

Kimberly: But a great day came for us. Rita kidnapped our parents, and we surrendered our power coins to her for our parents' lives. But her henchman, Goldar, he tricked me, and took them. But luckily, we still had the green ranger power coin. And Tommy was coming to Angel Grove to see us. And we asked him for his help, and he got his powers back.

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